I haven't been on in so long! I love seeing all of the precious babies!
Dhime, you and Tristan are in my prayers, you are a strong woman with a full heart!
My little man Kade was born on August 16. My waters started leaking on the 14th, but it was so light and sporadic that I convinced myself it was just discharge. On the 15th it started gushing so I went in to the hospital. I was hoping I would go into labor naturally but due to the risk of infection at that point they had to induce. I was on Pitocin and start to finish 15 hours of labor. I was worried with a long labor I wouldn't be able to do it without drugs, but I was. Having a natural birth was an AMAZING experience, I am so glad I decided to do it! Kade was 6 lb 10 oz and 19 3/4 inches long. He looks JUST LIKE his daddy! I will get some pictures on here soon!
Congratulations to all of the new mommies!