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July Babies!

I don't really have any symptoms .. :( But some cravings...
I'm getting a lot of cramps and sometimes they are really intense. Twins maybe? he he.
I think all of my old symptoms subsided and now I've got a new set! I crave something or I'm hungry, eat a little bit then I'm stuffed almost immediately and repulsed by the thought of eating more. I'm peeing every five seconds! Tired a lot and now sleeping a lot better than before! I'm bloated like crazy! And had a very embarrassing emotional spell in public the other day.
Im getting lots of cramps aswell. Also have really tender boobs, nausea in the mornings (not actually been sick yet thank god!) And the last few days i have a massive craving for Bernard Matthews Turkey Ham! :haha:

Also, im sure i remember one year a group called July Jelly Babies :) which i thought was quite sweet :)
Congrats and welcome to all the new ladies :D

The cramps are worrying but totally normal. I think it's just your uterus stretching and preparing to make a comfy home for beanie. They do blimming hurt sometimes though - ouch!
My symptoms (such as they were) have pretty much gone now, just left with the bloating. I sort of miss them if I'm honest :roll:
I have a little cramping and its really worrying me, I was up pretty much all night worrying over a few cramps, doesn't help that I have a cold! :dohh:

welcome to all the new members :flower:
Well i had a sickness and diorhea bug in my 2ww and it has been gone for a week but came back last night with a vegence. i feel terrible :(
Ok, I finally felt brave enough to put a ticker on my siggy :blush: Does anyone want a bump buddy? I think my EDD is 8th July...
Hi Sapphire,

I would love a bump buddy :) My edd is 4th july. Im so excited this will be my first. I see you already have one little one.... how exciting a little brother or sister!!

Hi Sapphire,

I would love a bump buddy :) My edd is 4th july. Im so excited this will be my first. I see you already have one little one.... how exciting a little brother or sister!!


Cool! Hello bump buddy :D I've not had one before, when I was pregnant with Holly I was a BnB lurker. I was too scared to join in :haha:

Hope you feel better soon hopeforamirac :flower:

Damn that cold vaniilla, hope it disappears soon for you :hugs:
I love the beach bumps banner! That is my vote!

Sapphire, I FINALLY stopped bleeding as of last evening. FX Are you still having any?

Symptoms for me: achey boobs, sleepy, cannot eat more than 5 or 6 bites of any given food. Not feeling nauseous so much as full! Light cramping. Hoping this is just me making room for baby! Very bloated!

Anyone using the women's one a day prenatal? Packet came with a second bottle of fish oil?
I'm due July 10th!

Hi Ann,
this was my second round of Clomid too! and I found out on the 3rd... My ticker guesses the 14th though.

Also ~ I love the banners! I really like the ruby one :)
Got my labs done today! and WOW do they take lots of blood! I nearly passed out. But she left the thing tide around my arm for too long.

I rushed into lab begging to pee in a cup! :haha: I have been having to potty every 10 minutes! And it's as if I drank a 2 liter of water. :doh:
Had my scan today - baby in the right place and saw a hb. But dated further along (which is a good thing) which means i am due 29th June. Can i stay in this club though as no way will i go early or on time!! x
I had a go at making a banner but I think its a bit big lol https://img809.imageshack.us/img809/3362/beachbump1.jpg

mlyn26 glad to hear your scan went well :flower: I think you should stay in the group! I'm due around the 8th but theres a 70% chance I'll giving birth a week or two before that because I had OC with my last pregnancy.

Why is time going by so slowly?!? my gp will be calling me today so I can find out if I still need to go to my appointment tomorrow or I can just tell her I'm pregnant over the phone, really hope I don't have to go!

hope everyone has been having a good day :flower:
Just testing my picture to see if it comes up...

Oh and I have an appt on Fri for labs!
Cool! Hello bump buddy :D I've not had one before, when I was pregnant with Holly I was a BnB lurker. I was too scared to join in :haha:

YAY A bump buddy :happydance:

How you feeling today? Im still finding the whole pregnancy quite surreal almost cant quite believe it at times, Im having a early scan on fri, and im just hoping to see a heartbeat and maybe then it will fully sink in and I will chill out a bit.

Hi everyone, I was wondering if I may join? I haven't been to my dr yet, I go tomorrow morning. I got my :BFP: saturday morning after five months of ttc (glad it didn't take as long as it did my son 3.5 years). I am due (dr might change it) July 13th. Thanks :)
Peacelike: I take those, but not the extra fish oil it comes with because it makes me SO sick!

Lol lildreamy- I feel like that at night- I am rushing to the bathroom every 15 minutes

Mlynn: YES- stay :) glad the scan went so well:):)

I am traveling for work this week and it is really challenging because I am so exhausted- hope this week goes FAST!!!

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