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July Babies!

Hi everyone, I was wondering if I may join? I haven't been to my dr yet, I go tomorrow morning. I got my :BFP: saturday morning after five months of ttc (glad it didn't take as long as it did my son 3.5 years). I am due (dr might change it) July 13th. Thanks :)

Welcome Hun, and congratulations on your BFP :) XX
Cool! Hello bump buddy :D I've not had one before, when I was pregnant with Holly I was a BnB lurker. I was too scared to join in :haha:

YAY A bump buddy :happydance:

How you feeling today? Im still finding the whole pregnancy quite surreal almost cant quite believe it at times, Im having a early scan on fri, and im just hoping to see a heartbeat and maybe then it will fully sink in and I will chill out a bit.


:D Ooh, an early scan - how exciting! I don't really believe it yet either, but my tests tell me otherwise. I'll see if I can make a bump buddy thread so we don't spam this one :haha: Any other bump buds welcome too :D

Sapphire, I FINALLY stopped bleeding as of last evening. FX Are you still having any?

That's great news peacelikeariv :D I stopped yesterday too. It doesn't stop me checking obsessively though :dohh:

Had my scan today - baby in the right place and saw a hb. But dated further along (which is a good thing) which means i am due 29th June. Can i stay in this club though as no way will i go early or on time!! x

Yay, I'm so pleased for you mlyn! I think you should stay here too!
I'm getting af cramps and I'm so scared :(

:hugs: I had some yesterday hun. As far as I'm aware it's completely normal. They can be quite intense too. Go and have a lie down, see if they ease off. Also I'm sure I read somewhere that having plenty to drink can help x x :hugs:
I'm getting af cramps and I'm so scared :(

:hugs: I had some yesterday hun. As far as I'm aware it's completely normal. They can be quite intense too. Go and have a lie down, see if they ease off. Also I'm sure I read somewhere that having plenty to drink can help x x :hugs:

I'm spotting too :cry:

Hun, don't panic. Spotting isn't necessarily a bad thing. I spotted for 9 whole days with Holly, and I've had some light bleeding and spotting with this one too. It's so common, but definitely worrying. Honestly, lay down and relax, and think positively. I was told not to worry unless the bleeding was very heavy, and the cramps made me double over. If you're really worried give your local EPU a ring. I've got everything crossed for you. x x x
I'm getting af cramps and I'm so scared :(

:hugs: I had some yesterday hun. As far as I'm aware it's completely normal. They can be quite intense too. Go and have a lie down, see if they ease off. Also I'm sure I read somewhere that having plenty to drink can help x x :hugs:

I'm spotting too :cry:

Hun, don't panic. Spotting isn't necessarily a bad thing. I spotted for 9 whole days with Holly, and I've had some light bleeding and spotting with this one too. It's so common, but definitely worrying. Honestly, lay down and relax, and think positively. I was told not to worry unless the bleeding was very heavy, and the cramps made me double over. If you're really worried give your local EPU a ring. I've got everything crossed for you. x x x

thanks hun :hugs: I doubt they'd do anything or even see me as I'm so early :(
I'm getting af cramps and I'm so scared :(

:hugs: I had some yesterday hun. As far as I'm aware it's completely normal. They can be quite intense too. Go and have a lie down, see if they ease off. Also I'm sure I read somewhere that having plenty to drink can help x x :hugs:

I'm spotting too :cry:

Hun, don't panic. Spotting isn't necessarily a bad thing. I spotted for 9 whole days with Holly, and I've had some light bleeding and spotting with this one too. It's so common, but definitely worrying. Honestly, lay down and relax, and think positively. I was told not to worry unless the bleeding was very heavy, and the cramps made me double over. If you're really worried give your local EPU a ring. I've got everything crossed for you. x x x

thanks hun :hugs: I doubt they'd do anything or even see me as I'm so early :(

They may be able to reassure you though. I hope the spotting and cramps stop soon my lovely. It's probably just beanie getting nice and comfy :hugs:

Welcome and congrats veryproudmum!

I have made a bump buddy thread if anyone wants a buddy :flower:
is anyone else having A LOT of cramping... seems to be mostly in the evening/nighttime... on Friday night I couldn't sleep the cramps were so bad. But no spotting at all. Settles down during the day but comes back in the evening.

Im also still occasionally peeing on tests... I have a ton of ICs so I keep checking "just to be sure".

Just out of interest how dark r ur Internet Cheapies getting? I was doing freedom ones till sat and then did cheap ones cos I ran out and they weren't as dark as the freedom ones even though they r both supposed to b the same sensitivity. The ics also don't seem to b getting darker and darker like the others did - they seem to b staying the same. Dunno if it's just cos they have less dye in them, but it's worrying me I liked seeing them getting darker! Xx
My ic didn't seem to be getting darker either so I broke down today and did the digi I was saving till next week and it came up 3+ straight away! So pleased as I did one on wednesday and it said 1-2 so my levels must be going up!
Ooh, I meant to say I did a digi. It came up 1-2 weeks :wacko: I was expecting at least a 2-3 weeks. I hope it was because I was too impatient to wait til the morning and did it with diluted pee :blush: I've got to wait 5 days now to do another, before I start freaking out.
Aww. Sorry you guys are stressing.

I so want to POAS again... just don't want to allow myself to freak out... which now I want to POAS... I may have to buy another just to make sure.


GL ladies!
thats me out, I'm getting bright red bleeding and cramps are getting worse, it was lovely sharing my short journey with you all and I wish you all a happy and healthy remaining 8 months, I'm not sure what I going to do, I'm going to call my gp tomorrow to re-schedule my appointment and get some testing done.

I'm sorry. :(

Maybe you aren't out yet. Hold hope.

Praying for you. I'm hoping for the best for you!
thats me out, I'm getting bright red bleeding and cramps are getting worse, it was lovely sharing my short journey with you all and I wish you all a happy and healthy remaining 8 months, I'm not sure what I going to do, I'm going to call my gp tomorrow to re-schedule my appointment and get some testing done.


:hugs: I'm so sorry Vaniilla. I hope you're ok, I'll be thinking of you. x x :hugs:
Ok, I finally felt brave enough to put a ticker on my siggy :blush: Does anyone want a bump buddy? I think my EDD is 8th July...

Hi Sapphire :wave: i'll be your bump buddy my due date it the 10th July and I too have a little girl who's 9 months! Are we mad to be doing this again so soon?
thats me out, I'm getting bright red bleeding and cramps are getting worse, it was lovely sharing my short journey with you all and I wish you all a happy and healthy remaining 8 months, I'm not sure what I going to do, I'm going to call my gp tomorrow to re-schedule my appointment and get some testing done.


I am so sorry vanilla. :hugs:
thats me out, I'm getting bright red bleeding and cramps are getting worse, it was lovely sharing my short journey with you all and I wish you all a happy and healthy remaining 8 months, I'm not sure what I going to do, I'm going to call my gp tomorrow to re-schedule my appointment and get some testing done.


Oh no Vaniila - praying its not over for you :hugs:
Can i join please i found out on november the 5th i was expectin my 5th bubba but 4th pregnancy :) xx

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