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July Babies!

Ha! My DH is being pretty great! He accused me of waiting for the other shoe to drop.... which I kind of am.
Today I teared up b/c they told me my numbers are raising well, and he started picking on me until I laughed,he said "it was make you laugh, or make you cry, and that's like shooting fish in a barrel lately"

Sounds just like me! At this stage (due 7/12) it is hard to believe there is a little one in there. So much seems surreal. I am still not sure if the symptoms are in my head...Then when I have a cramp I freeze!
Hey ladies. I'm back from the dr. They confirmed and put my due date as 7/16. I would argue and complain except that is DHs and my seventh wedding anniversary!!! I am so teary and excited and nervous. You would think I was a first timer!! My son is set against having a baby unless the baby comes out "walking and talking" (his words...from my 2 yr old). We are all just over the moon right now. Now roll on 9 weeks for my ultrasound and OB workup!!
Well I havent been having many cramps today, and I'm wishing they would come back, even though I know its to be expected!
got my doctors app on friday, he will refer me to mw.
im going to ask if they will let me have an early scan this time as we had a mmc last time :(
I'm here, just catching up :D

I'm still quite symptomless, apart from being thirsty all the time. Paranoid much!
Well my cramps have def eased off. Still got sore boobies and increased milky CM (sorry TMI!)

Going to try to get a midwife appointment tomorrow if they have a cancellation (only in my GP surgery on a Thurs PM) as by my LMP I am 10 and a half weeks, but by ovulation date I am 6 weeks. So will see what they say about dating scan.
It will be interesting to see if they take your cycle length into account. They're usually terrors for working everything out on a 28 day cycle. I think the dating scans can be anywhere between 10 and 14 weeks, I had one at 13 weeks with Holly.
I am hoping to have an earlier scan, but for a genuine reason!
Have an appt tomorrow to get insurance so I can actually make a dr appt. Can't wait to be able to do that!
I still have no M/S. Just sore boobs and really thirsty. Had my first real appointment yesterday. They did an ultrasound but my little bean was too small to see. Next appointment is in 4 weeks, just a waiting game now.
No symptoms here either. Maybe just constipation :( I'm trying to drink lots of water and not panic. No OB appt until December 7. Seems like forever.
Had to cancel my Friday appt! Moved to Wednesday the 17th for my confirmation.

I am having achey boobs still. Could be because they are so small! haha LOTS of growing to do!

Still having mild aches in my ovary areas. This doesn't seem to be a common thing on any threads? How about you all?

Oh and should I get a flu shot now or wait until the six week mark? 4w6d today.
I never got added to the list :( I'm due July 10th
I do get sharpish pains in my ovary area, rather than an ache. Not sure about the flu jab. I don't even know whether to get one or not, I didn't have one last time.

Ann89, did you PM biliboi? That's what you have to do to get added to the list :flower:
oh god i hope im not the only one here who is absolutely PARANOID! I dunno why. Ive SEEN the sac (no heartbeat yet cos its too small) on ultrasound, i KNOW its in there! But i just cannot picture an actual baby at the end of all this. I keep thinking the worst is gonna happen. does anyone else feel this? Is it just cos its my 1st?
I feel like that too Bunnikins, so I don't think it's a first baby thing. If anything I'm even more paranoid this time round :wacko: I suppose it's natural to be worried.
I'm right there with you bunnikins. I'm pretty much losing my mind with worry.
Yup, you can add me to the irrational worrier list too but I am finding that it is lessening slightly, so hopefully there will come a point where we can chill out and enjoy our pregnancies :flower:

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