~ * ~ July Beach Bumps ~ * ~

But wait, there IS something to report - I am 3 days overdue and officially now have my first stretch mark. NOT impressed!

Topaz, at least something is happening! Fingers crossed!
Squeeker - I'm sure it will happen soon. Sorry about the strechies - mine are terrible so I'm sure yours are not as bad. Plus mine are going down quite quickly after the birth so hopefully yours will too.

Topaz - hope things are happening for you!

AFM - day gone ok today. Registered Ajay's birth then came home and had a short nap. Neel had to go out for a few hours and suprise suprise, Ajay is being a pickle for me! He just won't settle and is often like this in the mid-afternoon.

Oh well, at least he might sleep tonight if he is awake today?! Wishful thinking.... x
Hi ladies

Have eventually got round to this will post in Graduates thread too.

So i guess it all started Thurs afternoon, i went in for a BP check, a sweep and i got booked in for induction for 1pm on friday due to my high BP.

Went home, had a nice relaxing evening, bit of a gripey tummy, but didnt think a lot of it, was just focused on the induction the following day. I had a nice bath and we went to bed around 1130pm, i was nice and tired by this point.
As soon as i got in bed i started feeling contractions, i laid there for about an hour until i was pretty sure that this was it, it was like nothing id ever felt before, so i woke Alan up saying "i think this is it. As this point they were about 7-8 mins apart but the pain was bearable.
We phoned L@D at around 1am and were told to come in, got there about half hour later, i was monitored al the usual checks etc but was then told to go home for a bit, this was about 4pm
Oh whilst this was going on my mum and dad were on there way to ours. They got there shortly after we got home.
They didnt stay but took the dog with them. By this point it was very clear i was in labour, it was all in my lower back at this point though and OH was rubbing it everytime a contraction came, which did help.
I was pacing about, sitting down, getting straight back up, just not knowing what to do with myself and all the time contractions were getting stronger.
I tried laying down for a bit till that got unbearable then i had a bath. At 8am i was going crazy with the pain so we rang the hospital again and they told me to come back, which we did.
We got there and i was checked out and was gutted to find i was only 3cm dilated but they kept me in and i got started on the gas and air which took the edge off the pain and spaced me right out!
After a while this wasnt cutting it so i was given a shot of pethadine, i was definately leaning towards an epidural at this point which i eventually got when i was 8cm dliated. I went from 3cm to 8cm in the space of 4 hours so pretty quick.
The epidural was like magic i couldnt have coped without it thats for sure!
I got to 10cm at approx midday. I was checked over by a consultant but there was a problem. Harrison was back to back and his head was too high in my pelvis..This was beginning to have an effect on him and was slowing his heart rate down.
At first they decided to give me meds to increase my contractions and try to bring him further down which they tried for 2 hours but it had no effect whatsoever. His HR was getting more and more affected so it then turned into a rather urgent/emergency section!
A very strange experiance but it got the job done and my beautiful boy was born at 420pm on 22nd July weighing 8lb.
He had a slightly bruised right eye as even in the section they struggled to get him out as his head was arched right back.
BF has been a non started unfortunatly. I tried and tried but was unable to feed him so we are bottle feeding and he is thriving.
I suffered really bad side effects from all the meds and i was on a come down for the 1st 24 hours on top of the C section recovery, but it really was amazing how much better i felt the following day.
i though there was no way i would be home on Sunday but there i was,it been great.

im stiill sore but improving daily and we are so in love with Harrison. He is turning out to be a really chilled out little man and Alan too has been amazing with him. Our first 24 hours has been happy and relaxed and im sooo happy. MW came today she was pleased with everything which was great.

Was expecting last night to be exausting but get this... Harrison slept in his baskek from 1am till 730am this moring, im sure it will be a different story tonight but it was the best sleep ive had since wed so pretty good!

Hope everyone is doing well with there new arrivals

Caz, yay for registering Ajays birth, we are going next week when i have recovered a bit more

Simmy, good luck! am waiting for your news!1

Topaz and Squeeker, hope things are happening for you both!

Fifi, congratulations on the birth of baby Cameron, lovely name!
Loved reading your birth story Mel - Ajay turned back to back as well, hence our c-section so quite similar. It sounds like you are recovering well which is wonderful and fingers crossed he continues to sleep so well at home!

So pleased for you all. xx
But wait, there IS something to report - I am 3 days overdue and officially now have my first stretch mark. NOT impressed!

Topaz, at least something is happening! Fingers crossed!

they are really annoying though cos they arent amounting to anything just really random and uncomfortable more than painful.
mel - just read your birth story. Sounds a bit like mine with Josh hence my elective this time round. Glad you are all doing well and have had a nice chilled out time. Looking forward to pictures.

topazi and squeeker - hope things move for you soon.

Mummyss- hope your induction is going well.
think i might be in labour.

been getting pains every 6-15 mins for the past 2 hours that fairly hurt. gonna put my tens on soon
gud luck topaz hope this is it,

midwife is on her way to my house for my 41 week app, ive refused a sweep so she going to check me over and book me for induction, still having niggles at night which is getting frustrating but hey getting used to my boy now, imagine wat hes gunna be like a 16 not gunna get out of bed lol,

hope everyone else is well, cum on squeeker and topaz one of us must be next

emee x x x
Squeeker, topaz, Em - good luck girls, I never thought I'd be fighting it out with you guys as your due dates were well behind mine! Pleeeeease let me go first, lol!

Now 15 days overdue (I updated the grads thread in more detail). Been in hosp for 3 nights and induction still underway. Hope you guys get there before you have to be induced!

Em why did ya refuse the sweep? Just curious.

Squeeker and Topaz - good luck girls! Can't wait for your news! xx
gud luck topaz hope this is it,

midwife is on her way to my house for my 41 week app, ive refused a sweep so she going to check me over and book me for induction, still having niggles at night which is getting frustrating but hey getting used to my boy now, imagine wat hes gunna be like a 16 not gunna get out of bed lol,

hope everyone else is well, cum on squeeker and topaz one of us must be next

emee x x x

Hope your appointment goes well today - fingers crossed for an induction soon I guess it will be this week? xx
midwife has been my induction is booked for next week, ive to go in on the monday nite for a bed and the induction will start as soon as i have been checked over.

so hes got 6 days lol before he technically gets dragged out lol

i refused the sweep because i have a condition called vaginismus, it coinsides with all my mental health problems, basically anything that goes in me vaginally i tighten up for no reason or something, to be honest im only dealing with it and understanding it now, u can wiki it for more info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaginismus, but it doesnt effect things cuming out if u no what i mean so my labour will be fine, it just effects any ve's i have and i tend to have them under gas and air,
All makes sense now Em, I had a friend who had really bad vaginisimus and it truly sounds very difficult. Hope you will be ok with the induction process. Feel free to pm me if u have any questions about it. Sometimes it helps to know what to expect. X

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