Hi guys,
How is everyone going? 10 weeks today! So exciting! By the way, can someone add me to the front page, seems the switching of forums left me off the new list - due July 10.
Is anyone else announcing on christmas? How are you planning on doing it? Been thinking up ideas x
Ooh, you're due the same day as me! We are going to tell our parents on Christmas Day by giving them a scan photo each. Not sure yet whether to put in their Christmas card or whether to get a little photo frame and frame it.
Frustrated yay for being July 10 buddies. Your plan to announce is so how I wish I could announce

R u using your dating scan or are you able to get an NT scan before xmas? Here in Australia I had a dating scan at 7 weeks but next one not till 12.5 weeks (The NT one) and the 7 week scan was not really baby like in appearance lol
I haven't had a dating scan yet. I think in the UK that is done at 12 weeks. That is usually when the first scan is done in the UK unless they suspect something might be wrong. However, as ours was an IVF baby we had a scan at 6+1 weeks to look for a heartbeat and check it wasn't ectopic and a further one at 9+1 weeks to check it was developing normally. I've now been signed off by my clinic for the usual antenatal care so my next scan will be the NT scan/ dating scan. I really wanted it before Christmas so that I could have a revised photo to do the big reveal. However, due to being away recently I've not been able to arrange to see the midwife until tomorrow. She has called me today to say I can have my NT scan on 30 Dec when I'll be 12+4 as that's the first slot they have available. I'm going to ask them to call me if they get any cancellations for 23rd or 24th though. You never know your luck! My photo from 9 weeks isn't too bad as you can see the head, arms and legs. The one from 6 weeks is terrible. It just looks like a smudge!
Are you able to get a private scan in order to get a better picture?