July Jelly Beans!! 2014!

Brandi that's an excellent letter. I hope your kids have got back from school ok, or is the school day not over yet?

Just thought I'd share one of the U/S pics I had taken today at 14+2. It made me giggle. Looks like he/she's chilling out!


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Cally, oh wow. I'm even more anxious for my scan next Wednesday, I'll be 14w6d. Our baby was chilling with his/her hands behind the head last week, it's just too cute! Curious if they told you the gender or were able to see well enough to know? Our dr said we'll be finding out next week, so I'm just curious.

Anyone else ever find out the gender at almost 15wks? It's been so long since my last child I don't recall when we found out with her. Granted I get a scan at every appt since I am considered AMA, ugh to that title.
I'm finding out the gender on the 16th which I think is the earliest they'll do over here.

We're painting our nursery walls cream and glossing the skirting then I'll put in a cream blind, rug and lampshade. Then we're going to stencil or use wall stickers to add a woodland or jungle theme to add some colour. Then probably red and green accessories around the room to brighten it up.

We keep being offered second hand travel systems on its leaving me torn, which one to take and then whether I can have some of the fabrics changed. Eep
Amazing scan pic Cally, the look so human like now don't they! Your baby looks so chilled out haha every scan I've had we had to wake our baby up haha it's lovely to see them stretch out though.

Anyone else still got nausea?? I'm so bored of feeling like I'm fighting a gag reflex constantly! Urgh.
Hey ladies. Hope everyone is doing well. Been on vacation this week visiting dad and family on the east coast. Kind of worked out perfectly. Midwest having some serious cold issues. Feeling like -23. Yeah no thanks.

Been a great visit. Showing family sono pics having them guess the gender was fun. Everyone knew a boy. No hiding that winky lol. Their all very excited. My 3 year old son loves bragging about getting a baby brother. :-) hopefully that stays.

Done a little shopping finally. Sleepers mostly since he will be in those alot at first. Blue's and greens. Natural too of course.

Everyone have a great week. Can wait for more gender reveals.
Brandi that's an excellent letter. I hope your kids have got back from school ok, or is the school day not over yet?

Just thought I'd share one of the U/S pics I had taken today at 14+2. It made me giggle. Looks like he/she's chilling out!

OMG, love the scan pic! So darn cute.
Wrote them a nice letter this morning, lol

To Whom It May Concern,

I am the parent of two children who attend a Grand Erie District school. One of my children has severe disabilities and medical concerns that put her life at risk in this kind of weather. I'm writing this email to let you know how disgusting I think it is for you to force small children to attend school in weather such as this.

When you issue a notice acknowledging the severity of the cold temperatures and what it can mean for the health of adults and children, included in that notice should be one that states "For the safety of our students who matter, we are closing schools. Please stay warm and safe", not "Thank you for helping us make sure this is another successful and safe school day".

How safe do you think it was for my daughter, who suffers from a condition called Immersion Hypothermia, to stand for even one minute waiting for her bus this morning? Her condition puts her at risk for seizures, cyanosis, hypothermia, shock, and death. It didn't matter that she was dressed in snow pants, a warm coat, warm gloves, a scarf, boots, and a hat. It didn't matter that I kept her inside my warm vehicle until the bus arrived. The ONE MINUTE it took her to get from my vehicle to the bus doors was enough to turn her cheeks bright red and for her to begin shivering. This is just the first step in the negative effects of her condition.

I am absolutely appalled and disgusted with this school board for this decision. How can you, in your right minds, think that when London and Kitchener cancel their COLLEGE classes because it is too cold for adults to attend school, that it is okay for the "littles", yes CHILDREN, to attend school?

London and Kitchener, and other school boards around Brantford got it right by following the lead of the colleges and closing the schools down for the day due to the temperatures, so how Grand Erie District School Board got it so so wrong, is beyond me.

I hope you'll understand why your schools are so empty today, because at least most parents have the common sense and responsibility to keep their children home and not risk their health and lives. Unfortunately, other parents, like myself, had no choice but to send them off to school in these extreme temperatures, when all we wanted to do was keep them home.

The decision to keep schools open today, while acknowledging that it is too cold to be outside is just absolutely appalling and irresponsible on your part. You would think a school board who claims to care about the wellbeing of its students would follow the lead of other boards and express caution with the safety and health of its students and cancel schools.

If even ONE child is injured in any way health wise today, it is solely your responsibility, and I can only hope that you will use this experience as a lesson learned and protect the safety and wellbeing of your students by cancelling school in the future when it is this cold outside. People DIE in this weather. Is that what you want to risk with your students? Is a "successful and safe school day" really worth the risk of a child losing their life because it's too damn cold to be outside? Forget your agenda's. Take away a day of their summer vacation.

At least the kids won't be at risk of serious health complications in June.

Brandi Meszaros

Extremely concerned parent in regards to the lack of responsibility in these extreme temperatures and weather circumstances

Great letter Brandi, let us know what their response is.
Ouch Ty, hope you are ok.

that's cute Cally. You are way more strong willed than I, cuz I HAVE to know what we are having. We've browsed furniture and all the babygear but haven't seriously looked at anything, if you know what I mean. We'll be moving my daughter to the bigger room and making her room the nursery. The walls in her current room are purple and bottom half grey. We would like to keep the grey and if it's a boy paint over the purple, not sure what color tho. I am thinking we wont start on the nursery til March tho.

That's crazy about the schools Brandi. I understand you need to go to your appts and how difficult it is taking kids and or rounding up a babysitter. Good luck at both of them.

Feeling a bit better after seeing the munchkin and that everything was fine, dr said it is just sprained muscles causing the pains, and put me on 24hr watch to check for any blood spots, then must go to hospital.

All they gave me was pain killers, and told me to take it 3 times a day.
Cally, what a clear scan! He looks so comfortable in there!

Well, the school board never got back to me today...maybe tomorrow, lol.

Midwife appointment went well today. It was mostly about my obstetrical history and to give me the new pregnancy package and get the IPS Screening scheduled. I'll have the first set of bloodwork and the ultrasound done next week. It almost didn't happen when the midwife misread the pregnancy wheel and assumed I had only a 4 day span to get it done, lol, but I corrected her. We tried to hear Freckle's heartbeat with the doppler, but the stinker wouldn't cooperate, but I'm not worried, because I didn't hear Anberlin with the doppler until 16 weeks. Of course, as soon as I came off the table, doesn't he start flipping somersaults. He really doesn't like his space being invaded, lol.

And based on a 26-day cycle, and the day I inseminated, the midwife moved me up one day, so I'm now due July 20 instead of July 21...but after two who came before their due dates (full term), and one that decided to be 7 days late, I know it doesn't matter. It's his party and he'll come when he wants to.
Hey everyone, a belated Happy New Year!

I've been busy visiting family since the 27th so have just done my best to catch up on most of the posts. I have an essay to write so couldn't go through them all! Brandi, I'm sorry to read about your ill children, I hope they're all feeling better soon. And that you make your midwife appointment ok!

I had a scan today and my due date has been changed to July 6th! Baby looked so different at 14+2 from 11+4 - his/her proportions are much more baby like than bean like! My next scan is on Feb 17th so counting the days down til then.

We are staying team yellow as I think it will give me an extra incentive to push on the day :haha: and if we are given any baby gifts I'd prefer neutral in the hope they can be used more than once if we have a boy and a girl. We have gone with a neutral nursery as I was inspired by this pic online.. Our furniture will be no way near as sophisticated (*cough* expensive), we've been looking at cots from IKEA. But I like the colour scheme so we've painted the walls beige with white skirting, and plan on getting white furniture for the room.. with a cute teddy bear mobile and cute beige and white rug from IKEA.

Would love to hear about your nursery plans!

I went and test ran a Bugaboo Bee while in the UK and have to say I'm rather smitten. It's so lightweight and folds up nice and small for my tiny Peugeot's boot. The price tag however is not so desirable and was wondering if any of you could recommend any alternatives with similar specifications. I live in a cobbly city but have no need for off-terrain as I plan to just improvise in those situations!

Cally- that nursery theme is super cute! I too am going with a neutral unisex theme. This is my favorite nursery theme at the moment :)
We are also team yellow for the moment, I am trying to convince the wife to stay that way, we shall see... :thumbup:
Great scan too! Baby looks so cozy!!


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Brandi- girl, life never gives you a break! You are the busiest woman I know ;) Glad to hear all is well with Freckle and hope the rest of the kiddos made it home in one piece! Let us know how the school board responds. Also, can you tell me exactly what genetic testings that you are doing?

TyMeg- glad everything is ok! Whew!! :hugs:

Anyone else AMA having genetic testings? Or anyone for that matter? I have an appt with a midwife on Friday and will hopefully get a quickie scan. Desperate to see how my peanut is doing :baby: I've just been trusting that since I still feel yuck and am full of symptoms that everything is ok... But need proof!
SassyGee - I saw them scan over that area, but it was hard to pick anything up. (Which has of course left me wondering if it's a girl as there was no sign of a winkle) but I know they will only go out of their way to look at 20 weeks. I've decided to stay team yellow, but I know it will be *so* hard to resist wanting to know at my next scan.

Astraloree - I love the colour theme for your nursery - it's gorgeous! You'll have to post pics when it's done.

I can't wait to see some pics of bumps and nurseries on this thread, and of course cannot wait to hear about people's gender reveals!

My bump is only small, and I'm not sure how much of it is mince pie and how much is baby!
Amazing scan pic Cally, the look so human like now don't they! Your baby looks so chilled out haha every scan I've had we had to wake our baby up haha it's lovely to see them stretch out though.

Anyone else still got nausea?? I'm so bored of feeling like I'm fighting a gag reflex constantly! Urgh.

Sorry if TMI but if I eat too much I find myself vomming up a bit in my mouth, and I still feel a bit of nausea in the morning before I eat anything/if I get dehydrated. I also burp whenever I get hungry & in the morning - A LOT! :haha:

Poor DH is getting used to it now.
The things our partners have to put up with :haha:

DH bought me some sour jawbreaker sweets and omg the helped take my nausea away! I need a constant supply of them!
So my appointment for the 14th for the NT Scan, is cancelled, as I will be 14 weeks on that day, they have moved it forward to 10th which is this Friday, baby measured ahead, so they going with that measurements, so my ticker is off. I am actually 13 weeks 1 day today.
Boom. :thumbup:


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So nervous for my 13 week scan on monday .. Its a biiig one they lookin for problems is it normal to be nervous I, seriously nervous my bump keeps appearin then disappearin I am nervous !!
That's pretty much what I look like lmbj! Super cute. I'll have to go into the work bathroom and see if I can get a pic.

I'm nervous at every scan apt, well more like anxious I guess. I'm not sure if I'll be doing any special tests since I'm AMA. I'll find out next week at my appt.

Cally, I get acid reflux sometimes and it can last awhile...I think its from eating too much as well. No nausea for me anymore and really no symptoms or yucky stuff to say about this pregnancy so far...been smooth sailing just like my daughters.
Hi ladies.. Can i officially join you? Just had my scan and due 30.07.14. xx

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