Ladies who read that article, DO NOT PANIC. Nowhere in it does it give any concrete evidence or list any case studies where children have been born with issues that have been found to have been caused by ultrasounds. What that article quotes is a RESEARCH paper discussing a THEORY, not proven science. Yes ultrasound can be used for a number of purposes where cells are changed or destroyed, that's what ultrasound is, it's high frequency sound. However, at the levels used in an ultrasound scan there are no proven risks or ill effects to mother or baby.
I understand you personally have made a decision about ultrasounds Julybaby and thats your prerogative, but I just don't want ladies to read that article and panic that they're harming their babies when there is really no hard evidence to suggest that xx
Julybaby - hand held dopplers pose no threat to the unborn child - yes doppler ultrasounds cause heating in the local area and so it's not a great idea to be having too many of these..
Oh Toffee that is terrible for your friend.
Welcome Jenny. Where in Texas are you from? I'm in west Texas. Congrats to you.
I'm also having my nhs on monday and will b 13 weeks I highly doubt she wud tell me the sex then I wudnt need to come for the actual gender scan .. But I will ask lol .. Cos my gynae is my gynae its already pvt? Or do u mean somethin else wen u say private ..
Welcome Jenny!
Lovely scan Gidge
Re: doppler, I have a Sonoline B but am conscious that baby doesn't like it so limit myself to twice a week and switch it off as soon as I find HB, I won't sit and listen to it.
I've had three ultrasounds though (one reassurance, two medically necessary) and need two anomaly scans due to my history. I won't rule out a gender scan but that'll be a in and out in five minutes Babybond cheapo job
I think the REAL danger with dopplers is using them for reassurance later on if baby's movements have reduced. NEVER, EVER take a heartbeat to mean baby is ok if movements have significantly changed (reduced or increased). Always always always get checked out. Babies do not suddenly move less as they 'run out of room' towards the end!