I've seen my Doctor. She was really reassuring. Said tests don't need to get darker and that every pregnancy is different. She's dated me at 22nd July instead of the 26th July that I think. I'm seeing the midwife on 2nd December. She made a valid point, no matter what I do what will be will be. I need to remember that. No amount of peeing on sticks or worrying will change anything. She did however day that due to having a cyst if I have pain etc I will be sent to the early pregnancy unit for a scan sooner. I feel loads better now. Plus the fact I needed a nap and have felt slightly nauseous this afternoon helped!
I think I'm about to be out of this group- After 5 days of faint but definitely positive hpts, today (15dpo) the lines were almost non-existent and I had a huge temp drop. No bleeding yet, but I imagine it's just a matter of time... Won't get blood results from friday (12 dpo) until tomorrow (talk about an eternity).![]()
Charlie- thats so funny you already feel like a house lol, youre barely 2 months!! have you been having lots of food cravings?
And I know what you mean about it being more expensive to eat healthy than to eat junk, that is definitely a valid social phenomena that is a huge problem here in the States where people dont have access to healthy foods but only fast foods and junkfood. My mind frame tho has always been "an extra couple dollars now for this organic healthy food saves me $100,000 later down the line in hospital bills."
And finally, whats car booting? lol, Ive never heard that term before, does it mean shopping?
Thinking of you scgirl. I hope it's just early for you and nothing else. X
I'm stressing because my boobs don't hurt at all this time round and they were very sore early on in my first pregnancy.