July Jelly Beans!! 2014!

Symptoms definitely fluctuate, and vary in intensity too. I didn't have HALF the symptoms with my daughter that I'm having with this pregnancy, I feel sick all the time :( but I have had day where the sickness has gone too!
I have a feeling this pregnancy is gonna kick my butt! Never had nausea, cramps etc.. In fact i was one of those with the perfect pregnancy.. Not even 4 weeks this time and i am tired, feel sick and so moody :lol: ... Going to cherish it all though as this will be our last baby :flower: x
Thanks for the reassuring words ladies. I feel a lot more relaxed about it all now :hugs:
Welcome ladies joining for the first time. Congrats!

Brunette bimbo I so happy for you :)
I'm having trouble sleeping.... waking up every day around 4am. Sleeping is one of the things I love the most in live.... I guess I'm just getting ready for what is coming.
Hi girls.

Is anyone else off food? I feel constantly nauseous and the thought of eating makes me feel even worse. I've only managed a few oat biscuits today.

My due date I currently set off my ovulation date rather than LMP. Will my midwife change it to LMP even though I know exactly when I ovd?
I'm 32- DH is 29 and we have identical twin boys who will be 7 New Year's Eve, it's been a while since I have been down the pregnancy road so I'm rather nervous scared and excited all mixed together. I am 4 weeks today and only have two symptoms 1) my nipples hurt so much. Like never before 2) I am very emotional and have had a few crying fits I really hope that goes away. Lol. Anyone else an emotional rollarcoaster?
I was v emotional in the first week, and at the beginning of 6 weeks became v moody. But generally feeling v calm.

What's everybody craving?

I was mad about toast at the beginning of this week. Now I'm craving chocolate cornflake cakes lol. I've had an aversion to chocolate since finding out I was preggo, but today I realllllllllllllllly want some.
I am very emotional. I spented a good part of Monday crying about some of the most irrational fears with this bubs. I was really grateful hubby's classes were cancelled and he was there to help.

I am not really craving anything. I am struggling just to find something to eat. Everything smells so bad! I am more likely to eat salty food but I have to be careful with carbs because I am diabetic and having hard time. I am hoping for a endo referal next week.
I think you are allowed to do anything you did before pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. I would think lifting would be ok for the time being. Although this is my personal decision, I have gone along with the "you can do anything you did pre pregnancy" guidelines and have continued my exercise program which includes lifting heavy weights. I think exercising actually makes me feel a little better, less cramping, less nausea, and more energy. But, I know everyone is different. I plan to back down with weights in the 2nd and 3rd trimester though. If you really don't want to tell your boss, I hope this helps!

I've been goinf off of this thought process as well. I must say, I did tell my trainers at 5 weeks simply because they've got experience with pregnant women lifting throughout their entire pregnancy and I want to make sure I adjust any activities at the appropriate time. Besides, I notice that I'm also taking more breaks to keep my heart rate pretty steady, and I don't want them to think I'm slacking :winkwink:

I called the doctor and he's written me the note :thumbup: He's AWESOME!!!!

They won't be pleased at work, but I'm sure they also don't want anything bad happening, when they fully knew I was pregnant, and they still made me do the heavy lifting. He's written me off heavy lifting for the duration of the pregnancy :happydance:

So glad your doctor was able to provide you with a note. Definitely best to err on the side of caution, given your history and recent surgery.

Im feeling good myself, just made it past lunch with my aunt, and yes she did ask again if I was pregnant.. I didnt outright lie, but I deferred alot such as 'what makes you say that?' and 'if theres anything to tell, youll know' lol so I think I pulled it off. Just hit 6 weeks today, so far so good... FX til Dec 2, thats my 8 week scan

So glad for all you mamas getting good scans, thats awesome!!

So very glad to hear that lunch with your Aunt went well!

Up to this point (6w +1), I haven't had much in the way of symptoms. Random twinges here and there, some mild boob tenderness, and fatigue (though I do sleep through the night perfectly fine, outside of some tossing and turning). Also had a few random waves of nausea over the last week, mostly when driving, but crackers or peppermint seem to help there.

Poor DH. He really wanted to DTD last night, as we've only DTD 2x since we found out I was pregnant. I was so tired yesterday afternoon that I took a nap just so that I wouldn't fall asleep before we could get things underway. Unfortunatly for him, I ended up stopping things before they got started. I'm so paranoid about something going wrong - abnormal cramping, bleeding, or something I haven't yet imagined. I have no reason to feel this way, I haven't had things go awry up to this point, but I can't seem to shake the feeling (and thus can't get out of my own head!). I feel completely unrational and I feel even worse for DH b/c there is absolutely nothing he can do to fix it! Any words of wisdom or advice?
I've only just 'missed' and not fully as today isn't over yet haha. Nervous of having a chemical, just from seeing how so many experience them, but a lot don't! It's the downside of knowing before your period is late I guess.

I've attached 2 pics. The frer ones show yesterday afternoons and today afternoon frer. So happy they are darker :)

The cheapie ones show this mornings (lighter one) and this afternoons which is darker. I think I'm one of the women who have darker evening tests than FMU x


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Just got my blood results back, and my hcg level is at 2500 today.
So at 14dpo - 29, 16 dpo - 69, 20dpo - 212 and at 27dpo its 2500.
Scan is confirmed for the 27th, I CANT WAIT and so nervous......
As for DTD, hubby is so scared to do anything, in case he will harm baby, so I think he wants to make sure all is well before we dtd. But he has made no secret of the fact that there is other means and ways of giving him pleasure, bless his heart.
I have been having sharp pains coming and going in my lady parts today.
VTfroggie: Im kinda in the same boat concerning DTD with my husband. I'm thinking maybe a side position like youre 8 months pregnant bc that way its very shallow entry. Im going to try it tonight, I'm starting to feel bad for my poor neglected husband lol

Charlie: I'd stick with LMP bc even though you know exact date of Ovulation, you dont know exact date of implantation and you know that can take anywhere from 4-11 days from fertilization to happen and no one can predict that timing. Just saying, if you go in for a scan and the baby doesnt measure along your timelines, youll be worrying un necessarily bc youll be basing it off O rather than actual Implant.

As for my symptoms, they have been fluctuating also. I just had a very easy last few days concerning ms and bbs, to the point i was worrying a bit but this morning I woke up on the verge of vomiting and my breast soreness is back.. so definitely had a surge of hormones last night lol

I also had some moderate period like cramping last night, and i was worried too but then 10 minutes later I had a big fart and figured those were just gas cramps LOL TMI I know haha, the constip. is starting to kick in, sometimes i wont poo all day so gas cramps make sense :blush:

And no food cravings yet, its all food aversion for me.. nothing sounds good or even really tastes that good, I have to force myself to eat in the morning so I dont toss up my prenatals, and even though Im hungry at dinner time, nothing is appealing.. I had a quesadilla last night and regretted it because I could literally smell my own breathe afterward and it smelled like rotten cheese. really gross lol
Oh my god, heightened pregnancy sense of smell SUCKS doesn't it? Totally with you on the smelling your own breath thing. I went to a cafe for lunch yesterday and for once really enjoyed eating, but afterwards I could SMELL cooking/ food on my clothes for the rest of the day and it kept making me heave :( Pepsi max and Ritz crackers are the only things to take the nausea away (and yes I know Pepsi Max is bad but its only every few days and I don't drink tea or coffee anyway)
I am having pink spotting and mild cramps. I called the nurse and I am now waiting for a call back. I am 7+2 and so scared. :'(
I guess I'll just have to tell the midwife the truth and explain that I've had IVF. I know I can't have implanted before day 5 because they were still in the lab lol. I suppose they'll adjust my dates at my dating scan anyway :(
Hope all is okay Krissie!!!

I tried to go get groceries today and made it 5 minutes away from my house before coming home to take a nap first. My son is so good (he's home sick today) and he stayed quiet and watched TV on the little couch while I took an hour nap on the big couch beside me. He didn't interrupt my nap once.

I just told him Freckle was telling me to sleep and he was good to let Freckle sleep.
Well the nurse called back and wasn't to worried. She wants me to watch for 24 hours before bringing me in for further testing. I have my intake on Friday so I will bring it up there if things change.

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