VTfroggie: Im kinda in the same boat concerning DTD with my husband. I'm thinking maybe a side position like youre 8 months pregnant bc that way its very shallow entry. Im going to try it tonight, I'm starting to feel bad for my poor neglected husband lol
Charlie: I'd stick with LMP bc even though you know exact date of Ovulation, you dont know exact date of implantation and you know that can take anywhere from 4-11 days from fertilization to happen and no one can predict that timing. Just saying, if you go in for a scan and the baby doesnt measure along your timelines, youll be worrying un necessarily bc youll be basing it off O rather than actual Implant.
As for my symptoms, they have been fluctuating also. I just had a very easy last few days concerning ms and bbs, to the point i was worrying a bit but this morning I woke up on the verge of vomiting and my breast soreness is back.. so definitely had a surge of hormones last night lol
I also had some moderate period like cramping last night, and i was worried too but then 10 minutes later I had a big fart and figured those were just gas cramps LOL TMI I know haha, the constip. is starting to kick in, sometimes i wont poo all day so gas cramps make sense
And no food cravings yet, its all food aversion for me.. nothing sounds good or even really tastes that good, I have to force myself to eat in the morning so I dont toss up my prenatals, and even though Im hungry at dinner time, nothing is appealing.. I had a quesadilla last night and regretted it because I could literally smell my own breathe afterward and it smelled like rotten cheese. really gross lol