July Jelly Beans!! 2014!

Happy late New Years ladies. Just popping in and catching up with you all. Seems like for the most part everyone is doing well and plugging along. I'm glad the holidays are over and all the madness that comes with them.

I had a scan Tuesday to check on Baby A. All is well with our lil G. The tech measured everything she possibly could and baby is on track with my due date, hb was 154. She took a look at B and it was nothing like what it was 2 wks ago. It was sad seeing it and hopefully on the 15th it will have absorbed completely. I can relax now after seeing our baby and get excited for her/his arrival. We hope baby cooperates on the 15th and we learn what we are having.

Anyone have scans/appts next week? Still no actual bump to take a pic of but my boobs are bigger and my nipples are soooo sore. I don't recall them feeling like this yrs ago with my daughters. Other than that I feel completely fine. Wish the weather was warmer cuz I would like to take evening walks.


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Tymeg- I am sorry you are having a tough time with your dad. I hope he gets better soon.

Sassy- Lovely scan picture, it is great to hear baby A is doing well.

Afm- I have noticed I had a bit of my symptoms fade but new ones have replaced them. I am not peeing as much and can almost sleep through the night now. I also have a huge appetite but still having food aversions. I have had a lot of cramping lately which had me a bit worried since it started after a long car trip to my mom's. But when I checked baby with the doppler today I realized it must have been stretching because baby was a lot higher. Hubby says he is starting to noticed a bit of a bump. I am not so sure but I am overweight so I bet that is why I don't notice it.

Also- how is everyone's weight going? I cannot gain weight, in fact I have lost another 3 lbs. When I brought it up with the doctor she was not concerned due to my pre-pregnancy weight. But I am now 12 lbs lighter than when I found out and it just worries me.

I hope everyone's day is going fantastic!
I weighed myself this morning and I've also lost 12lbs. I'm not overly worried as I'm only now where my bmi should be x
I've gained 6lbs then lost 5lbs so I'm not doing bad but I'd always heard it doesn't matter so much until later down the line.
I've given in and booked an early gender scan after I found an offer for £40 so I get to find out in 2 weeks. I can take 3 people but I only want hubby there. I can't wait!
I wish I lost weight in first tri! I've gained around 10 I would say because i was eating like MAD to try to not feel so sick and thankfully my appetite is now back to normal. I've gone gluten free starting today because I'm pretty sure I have a gluten sensitivity (but I can't get the real tests done while pregnant) so hopefully that will help out with bloating and cravings and stuff like it says. Plus i'm not as 'regular' as i used to be so it could be the back-up that is causing me to be heavier. oh pregnancy, how i love you. the stress and food of the holidays didn't help, either. glad it's all over with along with our positive 12 week scan so the stress level is down. hope everyone had a nice holiday!
I also weighed myself this morning and I've put on 8lbs since getting my BFP :cry:. It can't be from the baby, so I must just have eaten too much whilst on holiday and over the Christmas period. I have a very definite bump. The only way to hide it is with the OH's sweaters.

Christmas and New Year has been a bit of a difficult period. I ended up at A&E on 23rd December as I was bleeding after getting off a long haul flight. All very worrying, but I had a scan and baby was fine. I've had brownish EWCM on and off since then, but am trying not to worry too much about it. We had our NT scan on 30th Dec with accompanying blood test. The NT measurement was 0.66mm, so it looks like the result will be low risk, but we are still waiting on the results of the blood test. Am contemplating having the harmony test done too, but will discuss that with the consultant at my appointment next week on 8th. Baby was also measuring 4 days ahead, although they have kept my DD the 10 July as we know when fertilisation occurred.

We told our parents about the baby on Christmas Day. They were all delighted and both of our mothers have been instructed to start knitting! My OH's three children came to stay on 30 Dec (aged 17, 14 and 11). We were both dreading telling them and it was truly awful. We had their grandparents and great uncle staying with us too. We had decided that we would tell them on their own though. However, just as we'd sat down for dinner OH announced that we had some "exciting news" and told them. They will all really angry and upset. The atmosphere was awful. Both the girls were crying and left the table and all three were really angry. They said that we should have told them that we were trying. That is despite us telling them before that we wanted to start a family in the future and the children telling us in no uncertain terms that they didn't ever want us to have children. Anyway, the youngest wouldn't look at or speak to either of us. OH's mum was also crying as she was upset that her grandchildren were upset and OH was really angry and hurt too as it just seems that we can't do anything right as far as his children are concerned. He ended up taking the dog for a walk in our field in the pitch black for about an hour and I was left with children who now hated me even more than before. So, all in all, not great. They have gone home today after a few very difficult days.

I haven't told any friends yet or any of my family other than my mum as I want to tell my ex-husband first. We are still on very good terms and I know that he will be really upset by the news so I want him to hear it from me rather than my family. I also don't want to break the news before my uncle's funeral on 9th as everyone is still very upset by his death.

On a different note, I think OH sort of proposed on NYE! It was the worst proposal I'd ever heard. We'd got gone to bed and were chatting about the evening and the year ahead when he said "so are we going to get married then". I've told him that I'll answer the question when he asks me properly! Not really the sort of proposal that you'd want to tell your children when they are older and ask how Daddy proposed! He said yesterday that he'd proposed and I'd said "no". Not sure how he got that from my response. Men can be a bit dense sometimes!

Anyway, aside from the above all is good. I have been buying a few bits and pieces in the sale and want to start thinking about themes for the nursery. I don't think there is as much choice in the UK as you have in the US. I've seen a cot bed that I really like (white painted sleigh style), but that's about it so far and I have no clue about themes or colours.

Am so sorry to hear about your Dad, Tymeg. I really hope that he makes a full recovery :hugs:

Sorry for the long post. It's almost two weeks since I last posted anything!
One hour and I get my NT scan.
I'm on pin and needles here. Excited to get to see Monkey though.
14 weeks tomorrow!!.

Hope everyone had a great New Years.

Tymeg- So sorry to hear about your dad. Hoping for a speedy recovery.
I also weighed myself this morning and I've put on 8lbs since getting my BFP :cry:. It can't be from the baby, so I must just have eaten too much whilst on holiday and over the Christmas period. I have a very definite bump. The only way to hide it is with the OH's sweaters.

Christmas and New Year has been a bit of a difficult period. I ended up at A&E on 23rd December as I was bleeding after getting off a long haul flight. All very worrying, but I had a scan and baby was fine. I've had brownish EWCM on and off since then, but am trying not to worry too much about it. We had our NT scan on 30th Dec with accompanying blood test. The NT measurement was 0.66mm, so it looks like the result will be low risk, but we are still waiting on the results of the blood test. Am contemplating having the harmony test done too, but will discuss that with the consultant at my appointment next week on 8th. Baby was also measuring 4 days ahead, although they have kept my DD the 10 July as we know when fertilisation occurred.

We told our parents about the baby on Christmas Day. They were all delighted and both of our mothers have been instructed to start knitting! My OH's three children came to stay on 30 Dec (aged 17, 14 and 11). We were both dreading telling them and it was truly awful. We had their grandparents and great uncle staying with us too. We had decided that we would tell them on their own though. However, just as we'd sat down for dinner OH announced that we had some "exciting news" and told them. They will all really angry and upset. The atmosphere was awful. Both the girls were crying and left the table and all three were really angry. They said that we should have told them that we were trying. That is despite us telling them before that we wanted to start a family in the future and the children telling us in no uncertain terms that they didn't ever want us to have children. Anyway, the youngest wouldn't look at or speak to either of us. OH's mum was also crying as she was upset that her grandchildren were upset and OH was really angry and hurt too as it just seems that we can't do anything right as far as his children are concerned. He ended up taking the dog for a walk in our field in the pitch black for about an hour and I was left with children who now hated me even more than before. So, all in all, not great. They have gone home today after a few very difficult days.

I haven't told any friends yet or any of my family other than my mum as I want to tell my ex-husband first. We are still on very good terms and I know that he will be really upset by the news so I want him to hear it from me rather than my family. I also don't want to break the news before my uncle's funeral on 9th as everyone is still very upset by his death.

Oh Frustrated, I am sorry the news did not go over well. When we told my children they did not take it well either. My children live with their dad, and my oldest(now 15) has stopped coming on my visits since 10/11 but I get my youngest(11) when I'm suppose to. So when we told my daughters they cried! They wouldn't say why, so I can only guess it's for reasons such as, I wont love them as much, baby will replace them, I wont be the same mom I've always been and blah blah plus whatever my ex and his new wife have told them. When I dropped my girls off to their dad I told him and he was shocked those he has heard for some time now we were going to have a child. Shocked cuz I had tubal 9yrs ago and he prolly didn't think we would ever go thru with it. The children will get over it and come around. I don't talk a whole lot about the baby and the future around my girls cuz I don't want them to get any crazy ideas. But we do talk about it from time to time. My youngest has been with us to 2 dr appts and she seems much better about it now. Her and my wifey argue about the gender, daughter wants a girl and wifey wants a boy. With such a huge age gap like ya'll have with his kids and like I do with mine, I don't understand why the kids would flip out ya know. No competition really since mine don't even live with me and sounds like your hubby's kids don't live with ya'll either.
Thanks, Sassy. No, the children don't live with us. They are at boarding school in mainland UK, so we only get to see them during half of their holidays and leave weekends. The youngest commented that she would never be able to forget about the baby because the baby would always be here when she came. I think she is just struggling with the fact that she will no longer be the baby in the family. Strangely enough, she is the one that I'm closest to and I've had a number of chats with her about me having children over the last year or so and tried to reassure her that we will love her just as much and that she will always be Daddy's baby. Hopefully she will come round. The other two are difficult with me at the best of times so this has just made it worse. Their mother is also not helpful. Ever since their father and I moved in together she has been winding them up about us having a family of our own. Still, I'm not letting it get me down or burst my little bubble of happiness. I've waited too long to finally get pregnant (both with my former husband and current partner) and am not going to let anything spoil it. We haven't mentioned the baby at all since we told them and probably won't do unless they ask questions. I hope that things settle down with your eldest soon.
Sorry that you having such a hard time, sassy and frustrated, I wouldnt know what to say to you, except for giving you big hugs, and Im sure they will come around....

I have my NT scan booked for the 14th, then we will be 14 works, Im really scared.

My 2 little fur babies, are so protective over me now that I am pregnant, Bonnie, lays on my tummy, like she can hear the baby or something, and Clyde does not let me move without being right next to me.

I have been having real bad cramps today.... And the headaches are coming more frequently, I definately have a bump already, and my boobs have not stopped being sore, since way before we found out. I actually went up 2 cup sizes.
Sorry to hear the news hasn't gone swimmingly with the kids. I'm dreading telling our step son, we already have problems with contact and firstly I think this will set it back further, and secondly he's an only child. Oh thinks he'll be fine but I remember reading the description of a new sibling as being your parents saying 'we love you so much we want another one just like you' hah! Perhaps not for all children but certainly I don't think it'll be easy news to begin with.
Well Frustrated, I think you are right about the youngest, and I think that is my youngest fears as well. All we can do is reassure them and show them. I'm not worried about my eldest daughter, she'll deal with me having a baby just fine. I only see her mostly at her athletic things during school year, holidays and the occasions she accepts my invites to dinner or what not. Their dad and his wife put nonsense in their head like how wrong it is for us to have a child, bring one into our relationship etc, that kind of bs. He and I have only recently started getting along but I imagine his attitude may change once the baby is here. We'll see. Not raining on our parade!

I don't think I'm having nt scan done. I know I did decline amnio and he said there was another I could take, but I cant recall the name. Maybe it'll be done on the 15th.
Sorry to hear people are having trouble with their other kids and step-kids, it sucks that they're not taking it well :(

I'm just glad my step-daughter took it well, not sure how she'll feel if it was a boy, she's desperate for a sister. I feel awful but I'm dreading it being a girl because she's pink obsessed and has already said she hopes its a girl so she can get them a tutu, urgh!
Sorry ladies, for the troubles with your other kids not being happy about the baby. I hope they'll come around for you soon and love their brother or sister all the same. :hugs:

My kids are super excited (but they're pretty young), so I can't imagine how much it hurts that your other children don't share in your excitement.

Oh, what a day.

My son got a low fever around suppertime last night, and I dosed him with Tylenol every 4 hours through the night. He had a dose around 6am when his fever was 102 and I went to bed again. My girls got up at 7am, and I went to check on my little guy, and as soon as I walked into his room, I could feel the heat coming off him, and saw his chest was sinking when he tried to breathe. I asked him how he was, and he said he was too hot but he couldn't kick the blanket off. I checked his temp again and in an hour since his last dose, he skyrocketed to 103.9!!! WTF?!

He couldn't sit up without becoming dizzy and he said his head, chest and tummy hurt. I spent the next 10 minutes in a mad scramble to find someone to take my girls, because their dad wouldn't text or answer the phone. Thankfully, I found someone and took the girls right there and got Isaiah straight to the hospital.
It's -25C (-13F) today so the 5 minute walk from the van to the hospital was torture.

He was triaged and still had a 103.7 degree fever, and then I got yelled at for not alternating Tylenol and Advil all night and was told that was why I couldn't get his fever below 102 (my oldest has issues with fevers...I knew that was NOT why and just told her to treat my kid instead of worrying about what medication I gave him).

His o2 levels were low and he was tachycardic. They gave him advil, which only brought him down to 100 two hours after he was given in (Advil says it's 8 hours). The doctor came in to see him about an hour after the fever had gotten down, and checked his ears and throat. Clear. He listened to his chest and lungs and said his left lung was FILLED with phlegm and his right lung was starting to sound questionable, suggesting he had a bad case of bronchitis bordering on pneumonia. He was put on zithromax and I picked up Tylenol and Advil from the drug store...a total cost of $60. 4 hours after the Advil dose at the hospital, he was already back up to 102, so I picked my girls up and took everyone home. All 4 of us had a nap, and he's now been sleeping for 2 hours. I hate letting my kids sleep beyond 3pm, and he never takes naps, but the fact he's out cold tells me he needs it. I checked his temp an hour ago, which was an hour and a half after his last dose of Tylenol, and he's sitting at 102 right now. Advil and freezies are in. He doesn't want anything else, and that's okay with me. Freezies are better than nothing.

My poor little guy is so so sick. Gonna be a long night.
Everyone Meet Andrew Loren...

We're having a Boy!!!


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Here's the shot.

Knew before she told me


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Congrats jack jack! Nice pic!
Bradi so sorry to hear that your son is so unwell! What a worry for you! Hope the meds kick in quick and he gets better soon x
Wow JackJack definitely a boy! How many weeks are you?? You must have had a really good sonographer!
I wanted to do the MaterniT21 blood test but just found out it's not available in Canada! I'll have to travel to do it, and pay $1933...I just don't have that kind of money!

Even if a genetic test came back positive, it still wouldn't change anything for me.

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