My Mommy is a total life saver. So my cheque still didn't come in today. I'm still below the empty line with two kids and myself having appointments over the next two days (pay day is Thursday so the lack of gasoline and money doesn't help before then). I called to find out about the cheque and they said they can't do anything about it being AWOL until Thursday. If I haven't seen it by then, they can cancel it and track it. If it's not cashed, they'll reissue it and have me pick it up. If has was stolen/lost and cashed, they have to open an investigation to find where it went, claim it back, then reissue it which can take up to a month.
Anyway, my mom just bailed me out completely. She couldn't help me last week but with two kids having appointments (the third kid I reschedule for next week cuz the appointment is out of town), she sent me $50 on the basis that I pay her back Thursday when Baby Bonus comes in. $10 would have been enough for gas to make appointments and such, but at least this way, I can also grab a few food items. I love my Mommy so much.