July Jelly Beans of 2014! *16 pink bumps, 18 blue bumps, 8 yellow bumps** (24 here)

Ohhhh, ouch. I don't think I could handle that. I'm hoping for another 6lber. They stay so tiny for much longer.
Is it difficult having a big baby? Personally, I would love a big baby (not as big as 14lb) about 8 lbs or . I loVe chubby babies.

Sassygee - you know that doesn't mean anything. You can efface and dilate from 0 to a 10 in no time. Sending lots of labor vibes your way.

And labor vibes to all the ladies that are close to their due dates
After finally losing a bit of plug last night along with cramps and diarreah i was sure id have my baby today but nope.
Had mw appointment and all going well, next one is 40+6 where they will give me a sweep of i want it.
My 6lbers gave me stitches, Timewaster. My 6lbs 6.5oz baby gave me 86 stitches (reacted to the epidural) and my 6lbs 12oz baby gave me 7. My 8lber gave me none.

Hard to really compare though, cuz between my second and third, I had relatively easy labours (no epidurals). I only pushed for 12 minutes with my 6.12 baby, but pushed for 40 minutes with my 8lber. They were both fairly easy, but they do say bigger babies are easier as there is more pressure on the cervix and pelvis to encourage delivery.

My 8lber was my fastest labour.
I had only a few stitches with my 9 lb 12 oz-er and 6 weeks or so i was doing yard work and i retore but they just let it heal on its own. Hoping that gives me an advantage this time!?! The midwives helped with perineal (sp?) massage as i was pushing which helped. Even an almost 10 lb baby is really tiny
Thanks for the reassurance Timewaster....it's just so disappointing to hear when my public bone is KILLING me and then get told he isn't even engaged and my cervix isn't soft or anything. Grrr I just need to find something to occupy my time so I'll quit dwelling on it.

Personally I'd prefer he be between 7-8lbs. My oldest was 10days late and was 6.15# my youngest was 10days early and 8.3#. I could care less that the sono tech said he 7.7# the other week and be a 9# if I made it to my due date. I'm so short waisted I know he is squished in there cuz he is always in my ribs.
My Labour and delivery was wonderful. I had a water birth and it took me 22 minutes to push her out. I had issues after though - third degree tear (but that was more to do with her coming out with her hand by her face) and a 1.5 litre pph because my uterus didn't contract quickly enough due to her size. I wouldn't say the actual Labour and birth part was difficult though xx
Sunflower I don't expect Violet will be huge, you look very compact.
Unlike me :rofl:
DS1 also came out with hand up leading to a third degree, he was 7lb8 at 40+6.
I'm expecting this one to be about 8 lb at term. Don't expect he'll be here any sooner tbh...
I think I'm set for around 7 - 8lbs, my last growth scan was something like 6lb 8oz at 38 weeks.
I'm hoping she isn't too big so her newborn clothes last her a bit longer lol.
Well ladies I go in tomorrow night to have a balloon inserted and start pitocin Thursday morning. I am really nervous now!!
Good luck, Krissie!!

I had an eventful day. Apparently 5 hours straight of walking can really push things along. So it's Canada Day (or so ended 17 minutes ago) and I took my kids to the park for all the festivities.

I have been having a massive bowel cleanout for the last two days, combined with him dropping last week. Had mounds of plug come out today and around 5:15pm, felt my first contraction. 13 minutes later, another. 13 minutes after that, another. They weren't super painful, just like braxton hicks with cramping. By 7:00pm, they were every 5 minutes so I called the midwife. Asher had reduced his movements over the last two days, so they wanted me to go to the hospital and do an NST and said if everything was good with him, then I could transfer home and continue to labour and birth there.

Asher was great. Heartrate 130ish, and confirmed strong contractions every 5 minutes. They checked my cervix to see if anything was happening, and it turns out, I'm not yet in active labour, but there is something happening.

Since my last check, I have gone from 1cm dilated to 2cm dilated. My cervix length has gone from 2.5cm to 2cm, and my cervix has moved from posterior to anterior. Midwife said she could feel Asher's head, and he is currently at -2 station.

She said it is very possible I'm in the early stages of labour and could end up going in the middle of the night, or my body is just getting ready and I could go next week. She confirmed the same thing the other midwife said to me at my appointment last week, and that is that they believe I will not make it to my due date and believe Asher will be here within two weeks.

So, gonna go to bed and get some rest in case this turns in to the real deal. After midnight, and still having contractions.
Excitng brandi!

I had contractions for about 5 hours last night then i panicked about birth and it stopped :(
Giovanni arrived yesterday at 36+5 weighing 6lb 1oz!
My waters broke at midnight, had irregular contractions through the night. Went to hospital in the morning and at 4pm was only 2cm so she gave a sweep i think. 2 hours after that i asked to be checked cos contractions were bad and i wanted the epidural, but when they checked the head was right there so was rushed to delivery and 2 contractions later he came out!!!!!
Gidge Congratulations, that's fantastic. A reallygood weight too considering he was so early!

Brandi How exciting! Do update us when you can!

I had my first really bad night's sleep last night. I was woken up at around 2am by really painful cramps. My tummy was rock hard. Was stuck in the bathroom for ages with a really upset tummy. Felt slightly better when i got back into bed 20 mins later. I'm wondering whether it is the raspberry leaf tea. Have been on two cups a day for the last three days.
Congratulations Charlie! That happened very suddenly! Looking forward to hearing what happened and seeing a picture at some point.
Contractions tapered off somewhere in the night. 7am now and still pregnant for at least another day.

Congrats to Gidge and Charlie!! Will go update the front page now
Charlie, for whatever reason, Lilypie wants to say that Ruby is already a year old, so I'll get her ticker up as soon as that is fixed.

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