July Jelly Beans of 2014! *16 pink bumps, 18 blue bumps, 8 yellow bumps** (24 here)

Christian was born at 7:05 pm on July 3rd after an uncomplicated induction. I had him 8.5 hours after starting pitocin and 1 hour of pushing, which probably would have been closer to 30 minutes but there was no doctor available.

He is 8 lbs 9 oz and 21 inches. I have a second degree tear all internally, no external damage.

We are so proud and in love with him.
Amazing story MumLtd, just what I'm visualising for this time :cloud9:

Congratulations Krissie and welcome Christian!

They're arriving thick and fast now :happydance:

I had my 38w appt yesterday, the mw took one look at me walking up the corridor and declared that I'm ready to have this baby!
He's finally on the brim, but that means nothing second time round as it's quite usual for them not to engage until labour. I lost some more plug and hubby should be back in the country in a couple of hours. Let's go!
Congratulations Krissie!

Great birth story Mum! I hope our water birth goes as smoothly. It must have been amazing to pull her out of the water yourself.
5 girls, 4 boys so far, ladies, and we're only 4 days into July. They seem to want to be here and meet us already!
Happy 4th to the Americans! How many people will deliver today on the holiday?
For a few days as you know I'd had period pains and I'd had a clearout and some mucus loss the day before (Tuesday) but I didn't think much of it as I'd had a few days of clearing out previous. I'd been for an hour walk around town that day to try and keep moving and then later we went to visit friends and I was taken for a 2 hour walk lol. Got to bed at midnight with an achey belly. Woke up at 2:31 am with an almighty contraction, went for a wee and a few minutes later another on appeared and broke my waters with it. By the third contraction I woke my husband up to tell him I thought we needed to go to the hospital.
At this point while I was trying to get dressed the contractions were coming thick and fast at times with only seconds between. Sid rang the labour ward who insisted on talking to me and asked us to come in.
By the time I got to the hospital I was struggling to move and with the pain, they checked my pad and found meconium in my waters so I was attached to the monitor. I was brought a bottle of gas and air and was informing my husband I couldn't do this.
There was no labour rooms available and my midwife didn't seem in enough of a hurry. After what can't have been long I was asking for diamorphine because I was really struggling and I told her I could already feel pressure in my bum. She didn't seem to believe me but checked me internally anyway, informing me with surprise that I was 4cm.
I asked again about diamorphine and they said I couldn't until a room became available, at this point there was not much time to muck about so they converted an observation room to a labour room wheeling in all sorts of machines.
I was put on a bed and hooked back up to the trace. The midwife came in with scales mid contraction but there was no way I could get off that bed thankfully she accepted me telling her my weight and in went the diamorphine. At last the pain became more manageable! although I didn't give up my gas and air.
They started getting concerned as baby's heartbeat was dropping after each contraction so they were a little worried about her so in came a consultant.
A short while later I was informing my midwife my body was pushing and I had no control over it, I was freaking out that she was coming too quickly. They checked me and I was 8cm and my body was getting ready to get her out. Not much after that I was really beginning to push and feeling like I needed to poop, they checked again and I was fully dilated, they'd still been talking about what to do about baby's heartbeat as the monitor hadn't been tracing correctly.
Too late, I had to push, the consultant said try a push and I'll see what I can feel which confirmed she was on her way so they said I could push.
One push and she was nearly out and they asked me to pant while another midwife got gloves on. My body didn't agree and another push shot her out head and body in one go.
At this point they clamped and cut the cord while I was trying to tell them I'd wanted delayed cord clamping, I didn't realise at the time but they were panicking. Resus was called and she went on the table for breaths while they checked her heartrate.
I've wanted nothing in my life more than to hear the sound of her crying! She was wriggling and purple but not breathing overly well, after what was probably seconds but felt like a lifetime she started grizzling and they brought her for skin to skin. She was born at 6am
I was shaking like a leaf and they gave me the injection to deliver the placenta but the midwife seemed to be struggling with the placenta, after some time I had another couple of contractions which I used gas and air and delivered a massive placenta with a litre of extra blood.
Half an hour passed and I was getting really faint and getting flashing in my eyes. I was given a bag of saline and they put in interior stitches at the same time.
I was moved onto postnatal after about 4 hours after she was born. One night in hospital because of the blood loss and now I'm on iron for anemia.
Overall I've decided it was the hardest and easiest thing I've ever done. I'm actually kind of glad the diamorphine made me dozy because it meant I didn't panic quite as much when things were going wrong.


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Wow so many babies! Hope its catching to you all,
Afm, baby Isabelle was born 3kg on her due date of July 3rd after a long painfull labour, we are well and in love xxxx


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Congrats Krissie, Charlie and Celine. Y'alls birth stories are lovely and your babies just precious!!@
Congrats Celine!

Ladies, at this rate, I'm not going to be able to keep up with that front page, lol!
Today has been the hardest day of my life... :'(

We were being discharged and the drs wanted to do a final check over Holly. They found her pulse in her legs wasnt very strong and were having difficulty finding them. Well we got transferred and rushed to a bigger hospital. After being told there is possibly a narrowing or blockage in her aorta and she will need surgery. I just burst into tears... well at the bigger hospital they did some more tests. Turns out its not her aorta but she has a heart murmur and 2 maybe 3 holes in the wall between the two main chambers.

Its not the best news but better than we expected. They said they are only small holes and they should fix themselves. Before we had answers I was just thinking the worse like we were going to lose her. Its been a horrible day :-(
Congratulations to all the girls who had babies.

Mumltd - im so sorry you had to go through that scare. I can't even start to imagine how you would have felt. Good to know it's something that will fix on its own and you guys can go home soon.
I'm sorry to hear the news about Holly, Mum. But also relieved to hear that they were concerned enough to do that final check and to catch it early enough that they can follow her closely and treat her properly!!
I am sorry to hear about your scare with Holly mum. I hope she gets on the mend quickly.
Congrats to all the new moms, cant believe that it is all happening so fast now.

Good Luck to the rest of you ladies...

My birth Story...

I was due for my last check up as you all know, went in and gynae did the scan, started measuring Baby, and had a worried look on his face, which freaked me out.

He showed me my placenta and told me that it had already calcified, and that my amniotic fluid was very low, and that baby wasnt growing any longer, and she would be safer outside than inside.

He told me to get myself immediately to the hospital.

I had so much things still to do....

Went home, got our bags, went to the shops, and then made my way to the hospital.

Arrived at hospital at 12pm.

The booked me in, and gave me a private room.

They collected me at 3pm and wheeled me into surgery.

They tried 4 times, giving me the epidural, but the anesthetist kept hitting my spine. My hubby was getting agitated, and asked him to maybe try a little higher which he did and it worked.

They took her out and then I started getting the feeling back, so they had to put me under, as I was in too much pain.

Hubby was with baby all the time.

She was born at 3.21pm, weight of 3.31kgs, and hc of 36 and length of 50cm.

She is perfect in every sense.

This is my Teagan Kenzley Martin


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