Congrats to all the new moms, cant believe that it is all happening so fast now.
Good Luck to the rest of you ladies...
My birth Story...
I was due for my last check up as you all know, went in and gynae did the scan, started measuring Baby, and had a worried look on his face, which freaked me out.
He showed me my placenta and told me that it had already calcified, and that my amniotic fluid was very low, and that baby wasnt growing any longer, and she would be safer outside than inside.
He told me to get myself immediately to the hospital.
I had so much things still to do....
Went home, got our bags, went to the shops, and then made my way to the hospital.
Arrived at hospital at 12pm.
The booked me in, and gave me a private room.
They collected me at 3pm and wheeled me into surgery.
They tried 4 times, giving me the epidural, but the anesthetist kept hitting my spine. My hubby was getting agitated, and asked him to maybe try a little higher which he did and it worked.
They took her out and then I started getting the feeling back, so they had to put me under, as I was in too much pain.
Hubby was with baby all the time.
She was born at 3.21pm, weight of 3.31kgs, and hc of 36 and length of 50cm.
She is perfect in every sense.
This is my Teagan Kenzley Martin