You should of seen the fit I had the other day, it was five degrees one day and the next it was -5. My husband had three t-shirts, two jumpers and a coat onI love the idea of Canada and lots of snow but I imagine we would not cope with the reality. Saying that though we went to Finland and it was muuuuch colder than here but didn't feel nearly as bad as the air was dry and no wind.
K4th will add that. Lots of us on the thread are high risk aren't we?
Nice Feb! I'm in Calgary!
The air here is really cold and dry and I find it much easier to stay warm then if it is a wet cold! My husband is from Pittsburgh and the wet cold there feels way colder even if the temp is higher. Still - too cold! We spent last winter living in Holland where it was around 5- 7C and it was so nice not having snow and just being able to lightly bundle up. We were outside every day and I realize I really hate winter here even though I grew up with it too. Ah well. It wouldn't be so bad if winter didn't last half the year...
Why are you considered high risk with this pregnancy?
K4th I'm pretty much the same I will question and argue anything I don't totally agree with. They probably can't wait to get me out their room
I'm classed as high risk due to issues with my first csection I ended up fighting for my life for 2weeks after my son and took two hospitals and lots of blood & frozen plasma to get me right.
I also had gestational diabetes with DS & he had IUGR and was born early for this reason.