Had a check up this morning, and baby looks great! Baby was hiding from the doppler, so the doctor got out the little ultrasound machine. Got to see the heartbeat and baby even wiggled around a bit for me.
Found out I have another anterior placenta, so I guess any flutters I've been feeling are just gas. Boo. Will have to wait a while longer to
actually feel baby.
Also, I had GD in my last pregnancy, so I was sent for a fasting blood glucose test. I passed that, but I guess the standards for the actual (2-hour) GD screening are much more strict, so if it had been that test I would have failed. :/ I still have my glucose monitor from before, so I got a prescription for the test strips so I can start testing my blood sugar on occasion. I figured it's better to start checking now to see if I need to change my diet.
Other than that, everything is peachy! (Which is the perfect phrase since baby is about the size of a peach now!

Tasha, you had asked a while ago about cervix measurements? I asked my doc about it and she said they do measure the cervix at the 20 week anatomy scan. She said the length doesn't have anything to do with how long your labour might be, but a short cervix
could put you at risk for preterm labour. I have no clue what measurements qualify as a short cervix, though.
Oh, and my next doctor's appointment is on Feb. 3rd.