Great bump, Tonya! Love it! (And I have no idea about the sideways pic)
Medzi, yes! I definitely used gas and air. Went through a tank and a half my first labour. It made a HUGE difference. Made me feel a little far away, iykwim. Less able to think about the pain. Used it the second time too but it didn't help as much as the pain was much more intense (because the labour was MUCH shorter). After that labour, one of the nurses actually said something like, "Wow, you really like this stuff." I said, "Yah, I do. I like it so much I think we'll have another baby just for that!" And now it's come true!
I'm sorry you're freaking out about your blood pressure, though.

Hopefully the doctor will be understanding and reassuring next week.
LuvallmyH, that sounds awful! I hope no one else in your family gets sick. I'm sure baby is fine in there. Your belly probably would have shrunk even if you weren't pregnant, I mean, that's a lot of puking!
Sorry so many of you ladies are suffering through morning sickness.

Hope it eases up soon.
And thank you, dan-o, for updating everything!