So I Do have a subchorionic hematoma

It is only 2 cm though so as I said previously the doc wasn't too concerned
there are 3 ladies in here with them- myself included. It's good to keep an eye on it and I would probably not be running any marathons or lifting heavy as a precaution- but I do believe that's pretty small. I had one with my son 3 years ago- it never did go away- but thankfully everything went fine w/ his pregnancy. I had about 5-6 episodes where I had blood- nothing major. Try not to worry

it's the most common issue found through u/s in pregnancy I believe.
Thank you

Yea my sister had a large one with her twins and they were fine. I haven't bled or anything. She didn't even say anything about having another ultrasound? Is that normal?
I wasn't given any extra u/s in my previous pregnancy. Both of my sisters had issues with it too.. I actually wonder if it's something genetic?!
I also THANKFULLY have not had any bleeding. I try to just be aware of what I do and how much strain it puts on my body- just in case.
I will proactively ask about it.. tomorrow I have my NT scan- and then again when I go for my anatomy scan around 18ish weeks.. I will have them look at it. Do you have a doppler? I found it VERY reassuring to have one in my previous pregnancies and with this one too.