Hi ladies! Didn't manage to get online yesterday really, had one of those awful pregnancy migraines start on saturday night, was dreadful yesterday
Thankfully short lived as I'm fine today!
K4th the cake looks brilliant!! Hope you got a good night sleep and feel more energised today
jrepp, hope you can sort out your work situation, how stressful for you
Timeforababy, hope your pregnancy 'bloom' kicks in asap. I totally relate to the exhaustion, last week was a killer for me!
Ahhhh babytots!! Was wondering when you'd come in!!
Vs011 a big welcome to you too hun!
Mse, will do! Congrats on team blue
Livvy, deffo have a drink, maybe empty your bladder again and try a bit later, amazing how they can still hide, but they do!!
Khatif glad you aren't feeling so awful now. Good luck for your scan today, look forward to updates!!
Sammy, happy 16w! Hope your DD is feeling a bit better, poor love
Sprotysgirl, thinking of you today