July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

I had an appointment with a Midwife today and chose her to be my Midwife throughout my pregnancy and birth. :happydance: It's such a relief, and such a nice change from an OB/GYN! I FINALLY got to hear my baby's heartbeat, and that was relieving too since I haven't felt the little one kick yet (I could hear the kicks though!)

I have another appointment next Friday for blood work and an ultrasound! We'll find out the gender then. My Midwife says she's leaning towards girl. :haha:
cdex, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope for the best for you! :hugs: You too, sportysgirl. I can't imagine what you guys are having to deal with.

My DH took this this morning. Just ignore my face and wet hair lol. 14+6 bump. :)


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Y'all are so sweet. I think I heard it for about three seconds. It was super low though, it's usually not that low! I guess it's a good sign that baby is so active but I wish he wouldn't scare me like that!

I'm glad you found the heartbeat. I have noticed when I get the Doppler out or the doc does baby likes to dive behind my belly button so you have a harder time finding the hb.

Thanks so much for your kind words.

Because we are in high risk we have been given three options. CVS, Amniocentesis or a new blood test which is called Harmony.
All three give the same results but can be done at different times.
In our area we would have to pay for the bloods tests as not offered on our health care system.
We will also be given an extra scan at 16 weeks.

We have a choice to make but we have time so no rush right now, just letting things sink in.

I have heard great things about the harmony test. It's the least invasive and I believe your doctor can send it off to the insurance company to cover. Sometimes docs can get authorization when patients can't.

My scan went well. The baby is fine and healthy. My results with the bloodtest and the scan together are very good so we can relay about that one.
The baby is now 68,9 mm and has a hb of 170 ( I could hear it the first time. It was so extremely lovely).

Sportygirl, go with the blood test if you feel like it but I know amniocentesis is also good and very reliable. Take your time to make the decision.

How far along are you? I don't want to worry you or talk out of turn but it seems as if your baby is measuring on the small side with a high heart rate. At my nt scan at 12w3d, baby was measuring 7cm (70mm) with a heart rate of 152. I believe the hb should start slowing down in the 12th week.

dan-o: ouch. migraines are the worst!

sportysgirl : you will be well looked after whatever you choose and decide. I know the Harmony is expensive so the cost may be a prohibitive factor. But the medics will want to support you in your decision and give you the best care possible. Take your time and don't feel rushed!

Khatif- hope you're better and what a lovely scan.

as for me, I am so proud, I almost managed a full day of work (first time in weeks!!) . I'm really hoping this bloom thing happens soon as I have a lot to do and hand over in the next few months!!

Hope everyone else is well.

Congratulations!! What is blooming?

Sportsy - i'm so sorry you are going through this, like others have said it may all turn out to be fine, sometimes those tests arent always as accurate as they can be.

Jrepp - i'm sorry you are going through this, i know in Canada they laws are a bit more strict, my job would have to accommodate for me to go to appointments and such, as well if i was working in a dangerous environment or one that require physical strains i would have to be put in another department. fortunately i sit at a desk all day so unless there is bed rest needed then i will be stuck here until baby is born. Can your doctor not write a detailed note explaining how he/she feels you should not be doing certain things in your job? i can't see how they can make you lose you job over this - i think here the labor boards would go after the company

Our laws here are very similar....my job just doesn't seem to be following along. The doctor has written a note, two of them actually, which have been forwarded off to hr. This whole situation seems really wrong.

So...I guess even though I'm not really religious I could use some prayers to whoever your higher power is and sportysgirl, I understand what you're going through.

I had my second blood draw for the neural tube defect screening. The midwife called this afternoon and said that the baby is at a high risk for spina bifida. The risk is 1:71, which I know means there's also a 70:71 chance that nothing is wrong...but I'm scared. I have spina bifida...but it's minor and it wasn't even diagnosed until I was 21 years old. If that's what my baby has then I will be thrilled...but there's also the possibility of paralysis which scares the hell out of me.

I am waiting for a call from the high risk doctors at a hospital about an hour from here. They will do my anomaly scan and consultation instead of my midwives office. It will be as soon as possible. The plus side is we get to find out the sex early.

Do you know which kind of spina bifida it is? I was born with spina bifida occulta which hadn't really impacted my life. We didn't find out about it until I was in my late 20s

cdex, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope for the best for you! :hugs: You too, sportysgirl. I can't imagine what you guys are having to deal with.

My DH took this this morning. Just ignore my face and wet hair lol. 14+6 bump. :)

Cute pic!
Jrepp I have spina bifida occulta as well. It wasn't diagnosed until I was 22. But...they don't know yet. Thats why they're sending me for a consult and level 2 ultrasound with the high risk people at a different hospital. That way they can determine the severity and we can prepare however we need to.
Jrepp I have spina bifida occulta as well. It wasn't diagnosed until I was 22. But...they don't know yet. Thats why they're sending me for a consult and level 2 ultrasound with the high risk people at a different hospital. That way they can determine the severity and we can prepare however we need to.

How did they find out?
My scan went good I was bummed because he didn't take his time it was like a minute long but baby was good, heartbeat strong! Wouldn't tell us the gender because he said more early guesses the more he is wrong! I have my gender scan at a private place in 12 days looking forward to someone letting me look at my baby for more than a few seconds!
Cdex, I am sorry that you have to go through this. I am paying for you too. I hope your results are affected by your own body and the baby is healthy. Keep us updated!

Timeforababy, what good for you! I still wasn't able to make any normal day and I am not even working. Well done girl!

Jrepp, I am sorry that they make it so difficult for you! Is there any way that you can "win" this?
I was 13+1 yesterday but my size the baby was one or two day behind. I don't worry about it since at the last echo it was 4 days ahead. According to the midwife the hb is fine too.

Ah ladies what cute bumps you have! I am jealous :)
Cdex, thinking of you! I too hope its nothing and that baby is healthy as can be! I'm glad we a have each other to get through these tough spots!
Anyone not feeling definate movement on baby number 2 . I cant 100% say I felt baby because it was probably just gas and I'm getting anxious now. Heres my baby bump from yesterday

So...I guess even though I'm not really religious I could use some prayers to whoever your higher power is and sportysgirl, I understand what you're going through.

I had my second blood draw for the neural tube defect screening. The midwife called this afternoon and said that the baby is at a high risk for spina bifida. The risk is 1:71, which I know means there's also a 70:71 chance that nothing is wrong...but I'm scared. I have spina bifida...but it's minor and it wasn't even diagnosed until I was 21 years old. If that's what my baby has then I will be thrilled...but there's also the possibility of paralysis which scares the hell out of me.

I am waiting for a call from the high risk doctors at a hospital about an hour from here. They will do my anomaly scan and consultation instead of my midwives office. It will be as soon as possible. The plus side is we get to find out the sex early.

I hope you are ok. Its hard to go through this especially when it clouds what should be a happy and exciting time. Hope you get your next appointment soon and they can give you some answers.
Am here if you want/need to talk.
Am thinking of you and will be praying.
Jrepp I have spina bifida occulta as well. It wasn't diagnosed until I was 22. But...they don't know yet. Thats why they're sending me for a consult and level 2 ultrasound with the high risk people at a different hospital. That way they can determine the severity and we can prepare however we need to.

How did they find out?

With me? I had a back injury and they did x rays on my spine and found that. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia at the same time.

Thank you all so much for your prayers. I will keep you updated.
Oh cdex hun, I'm so sorry you have this worry about your blood test results :hugs:

Keep us updated sweetie, do you know when your detailed scan is?

Wow, I've missed so much!

15 weeks today & I've booked a private gender scan for 3rd February, I'll find out if I'm on team pink or blue.

Who els will be finding out?

Wow you ladies can talk this thread moves fast!

Sportysgirl so sorry about your nt results such a hard descision to make as to which way to go forward. I would probably opt for the blood test if you can afford it. I hope you are able to come to a decision.

Khatif lovely scan pic hun.

Cdex so sorry that your results have come back high risk for spina bifida hopefully baby will be ok and if not then I hope the spina bifida is mild and causes him/her no problems.

Dan-o :hi: I feel you on the migraines I had one Saturday my worst in a long time pain was so bad it made me sick :(

Livvy love the bump progression pics need to start mine keep meaning to do it but forget. (You'd think as a photographer it would be the first thing I would do lol).

srrme fab that you have found a midwife that you are going to see throughout your pregnancy and labour. Wish we could do that here. Our antenatal care is covered by a group of midwifes and our care during labour by a group of others so usually I see someone different each time.

Bubbles cute bump pic :)

Babyvaughn my scan was like that too she measured baby, did the nt measurement and then let me have a quick glimpse and that was that. I presumed she would check baby over given my history but she didn't. They were quite busy in the scanning department so probably why. How exciting that you will find out the gender soon though. I have a gender scan booked for the 10th feb. Seems so far away.

Keyval I'm on my 5th baby (although my 6th pregnancy to reach this far) and no movements yet. I have an anterior placenta though so like my youngest I won't feel movement for a while. With my girls and eldest boy I was feeling definate flutters/small tapping at this stage. Anxious to feel him/her move as I know it will reassure me once I do. Lovely bump hun.

MrsB11 not long to go. I shall be finding out with this one would love a surprise but practically it will be better to find out so a) we can swap and redecorate bedrooms depending on gender and b) give our youngest daughter time to process if it is a boy (she cried when we found out our youngest was a boy as she hoped for a sister). Plus I'm too impatient and want to buy gender specific items rather then boring neutrals.

Anyone else still suffering with morning sickness? At 10 weeks mine eased and then came back a week ago. It's nowhere near as bad as it was where I was puking often but it would be nice to wake up one day and not be retching and be able to eat without trying to force my food to stay down. X
Hello, everyone. I feel like I've been gone for ages. I just spent some time catching up. It is lovely to see all of the scan pictures and hear about baby movements!
cdex & sportysgirl, prayers over your little ones. sportysgirl, my doctor told me that if the NT scan and bloodwork showed a higher risk, the Harmony test would be covered by insurance. Have you contacted your provider to see if that is the case for you?
We are trucking along here. Our results came back from Harmony, and everything looks great! They told us the gender, but we are holding out on announcing until after the anatomy scan.
My sister-in-law had her baby boy yesterday morning. I went and snuggled with him a little last night and now really can't wait for our baby to get here! There is still so much to do before then, so I'm thankful for the time we do have left. He came so quick. She progressed from 3cm to complete in like 30 minutes. Everyone is doing well and we are so happy to have a nephew now!
I had some awful pain yesterday morning and woke up to a shrunken bump (what I think might be a peptic ulcer - it has been recurrent but never as bad as yesterday) and so I checked heartbeat with my doppler. It was steady and strong and then for fun, I quickly moved the wand to the other side and found another strong heartbeat just slightly faster. Is it possible baby moved that quickly (hence the raise in number) or could it be an echo or could there be another they haven't found yet? I'm sure I'm thinking way too much about it!
Wow, I've missed so much!

15 weeks today & I've booked a private gender scan for 3rd February, I'll find out if I'm on team pink or blue.

Who els will be finding out?


I am going this weekend to see if we can see anything :happydance: they said if not I could come back in a week or two at no extra charge.
Wow, I've missed so much!

15 weeks today & I've booked a private gender scan for 3rd February, I'll find out if I'm on team pink or blue.

Who els will be finding out?


We are finding out, just not sure on the date yet. Hopefully sooner rather than later! We are so anxious to know!

Mamabee, so glad everything came back good for your test! Oh man I wouldn't be able to keep the gender a secret. Props to you for that!

Thank you, babytots! The bump is cute, but my DH caught me with the silliest face! :dohh:
Just heard from the genetic counselor. All our testing came back perfect. It also confirms he is a boy. I am so relieved!
Keyval I am not really feeling any movement, but I do know I have an anterior placenta again.
15w bump

My thoughts are with everyone waiting on test results.... it's so stressful :hugs:

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