congrats on the baby boys! 2 weeks left until I know what team I am!
17 weeks today and im having a slight heart attack that its almost half over and I don't have anything prepared yet. lol I told my hubby I need to look into if I want to take any classes. have any of the ladies who already have munchkins recommend any classes? my sister said the breastfeeding class was very helpful for her. so I was thinking of that one, but not sure of any others. also want to sched a tour of the hospital ill be delivering at. eeek so exciting!
still haven't bought anything yet, my friend is giving us her bassinet. and I just went with my mom, she was dying to buy us something and target was having sales on baby stuff, so she got us the munchkin diaper pail, short sleeve newborn onesies, long sleeve 6 month onesies and some nursing pads. (im not one for froo froo stuff and just want the necessities.) she hates that about me haha.
sorry for the long post, just finished a coffee...
also jrepp adorable outfit, I love that it goes along with hubbies job!
sorry medzi your still dealing with the ickies.