Tasha, glad baby looks well.

Lovely pic!
Congrats on your little girl, lucy!
Great bump, Bubbles! Is the cervix measurement ultrasound routine? Are they worried about preterm labour for some reason? Just wondering because I've not heard of a separate ultrasound just for that. I asked, and they will measure my cervix at the 20 week gender/anatomy scan.
AFM, I had a routine doctor's appointment this morning. I got to hear the heartbeat finally! Baby had been hiding from the doppler every other visit. Heart rate was 150, so just perfect.
I mentioned to my doctor that I've been feeling mildly depressed these last 2-3 weeks, and we chatted about that for a bit. She recommended I pursue counselling. I've checked, and it's covered (up to a certain amount) through my work benefits, so I'm going to look around for a faith-based counselor to go see. My husband has been very supportive and I've been keeping him pretty up-to-date with how I'm feeling, but I do think it will be good to talk to a professional about it. Especially since having any degree of prenatal depressions puts me at a higher risk of having PPD. So, I'm looking forward to that and finding some ways to help me cope with all these terrible feelings I've been having. Not really meaning to be a downer, because I am optimistic I can work through this in a healthy way with some help!