July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

Sorry the tech told you Joy that wasn't professional at all

I had my anatomy scan and it went well , they measured my cervix and it looked good . He is definitely a boy so they were right at the 13w6d scan. Baby is 11 oz but get this, I've only gained 1 pound this pregnancy. My stomach is very large so I must have lost weight somewhere else I'm guessing. Idk the dr didn't seem concerned. My next appointment is the glucose test. How fun. :(
Glad you scan went well beautifulrose, I'm not looking forward to my glucose test either..Ergh
Babygirl, I threw a gender reveal party its really easy and fun. I used pinterest for ideas. But I did all the decor alternating pink & blue. I made cookies pink lips & blue mustaches. We had a cake that was half blue and half pink everyone had a candle on which side they thought baby was. Then we just had snacks and the middle to end we pulled out a box I had decorated with blue and pink hearts and inside was our balloons that came out saying its a boy! I did the party for about $30. Walmart had most of my stuff including the cookie cutters and Party City had the balloons :)

We're having a gender reveal March 28th. It's a combo baby shower and gender reveal. Our entire theme is pink Vs blue competition. So far we have a relay race, corn hole, family feud, price is right and jeopardy. Stay tuned to my blog for sneak peaks at shower decorations (link in sig). As far as the actual reveal we had tons of ideas and are now to giving each person a black balloon filled with confetti and pop them at the same time.

Hey ladies, I just got back from my ultrasound. It was a technician that did the procedure so I won't know the results until I meet with my doctor in 2 weeks. The tech was not allowed to tell me much, so I'm praying everything is ok.

Unfortunately, the tech let it slip about the baby's gender. I am completely heartbroken because I wanted more than anything to be suprised on my delivery day. I told him in the beginning that I didn't want to know and he did a good job of keeping it a secret until he accidently slipped and said "he's" changed positions 2 or 3 times since I started. He quickly tried to back peddle and said "or she". Then he tried saying "I always say he, you know like how they name hurricanes he...I never say it." Then he kept talking and called the baby "it" and then caught himself saying "it" and got all flustered. It was a disaster!

I did my best to keep it together through the rest of the procedure but I burst into tears as soon as I left. I'm not disappointed about the gender because I would be happy either way, I'm just so upset that I know now. I called my husband and cried to him about it, but I didn't tell him the gender. Im not going to tell anyone. We had a plan to be surprised and I don't want to ruin it for everyone. I'm just so upset cause I'm the one who really didn't want to know. :(

I'm so sorry that happened! I know how much you wanted to stay on team yellow. I hope everything turns out alright and early congratulations on team blue.

Tasha- this ones a boy which is making me worry I guess, I had extra scans with DD. But the midwife hasn't mentioned anything to me. Guess that's another thing I'll ask on Tuesday. I don't feel very looked after this time around, the midwife talks to me as though I don't know what I'm talking about when I experienced these things.

With DS it all started with my waters leaking at 28weeks that's how they picked up his growth issues potentially thinking he had dwarfism. So maybe if I don't get xtra scans I'll pay for private growth scans.

Do you get extra scans for growth? I worry because DD was an ok weight they won't bother with extra scans this time.

Joy- sorry he slipped up it's very unprofessional of him, hoping he does just call baby he and there's nothing in it. :hugs:

I'm sorry you don't feel like you are being taken care of really well. I don't feel I am either. They have yet to do any urine testing, and I have only had 1 blood draw at 7 weeks. My appointments consist of weight check, quick check on baby via doppler and a 5 minute discussion about how much I've been puking. Perhaps we both need too talk to our docs about expectations.

Sorry the tech told you Joy that wasn't professional at all

I had my anatomy scan and it went well , they measured my cervix and it looked good . He is definitely a boy so they were right at the 13w6d scan. Baby is 11 oz but get this, I've only gained 1 pound this pregnancy. My stomach is very large so I must have lost weight somewhere else I'm guessing. Idk the dr didn't seem concerned. My next appointment is the glucose test. How fun. :(

Glad your scan went well.

AFM: I cleaned out the closet and am now in so much pain. My back and pelvic bone (really my entire pelvis) is absolutely killing me. I'm so uncomfortable and just hurt everywhere.
Jrepp- your midwife visits sound like mine apart from they don't weigh me, my last bloods were done at weeks, my midwife is aware of previous IUGR & GD and other complications but if she was anymore laid back I think she'd laying down on the floor, I won't see her until I'm 22weeks so maybe I'll chat with her then, my care will be shared with a consultant so maybe they'll call the shots more than the midwife.

I spent the day cleaning too, kinda had a early nesting moment..went through the childrens room, threw 2 black sack of toys away plus another for a charity shop. Also blitzed the living room so now walking like I've had an accident :haha: have a nice warm bath!
BeautifulRose, glad the ultrasound went well! Ugh I am not looking forward to the glucose test either! Blech.
Joy I am so so so sorry that happened. Being team yellow myself I can only imagine the disappointment :hugs: I do think though that it is really neat that only you know. It is a little secret between just you and your baby.
Babyvaugn - That sounds great! Did you make the cake? If so, how did you make it half pink/ half blue?

The cake my MIL went to the grocery store bakery and asked them do the frosting half pink/blue. She did it last minute but I know if you give them a days notice they are usually more than willing to do custom stuff :) I also forgot I did pink lemonade as beverage, and for blue you can do blue Hawaiian punch.
I think the baby is on my bladder I've had to pee 5 times in 30 minutes!! Lol
Thank you everyone for understanding my disappointment. I feel bad for getting upset about the surprise being ruined because I know what really matters is that the baby's healthy, which we will hopefully get confirmation of soon. The poor tech was so flustered trying to cover up the slip. I kind of felt bad for him. I know I would be mortified if I made that mistake.

DH really wants to know the gender so I'm going to figure out a fun way to surprise him with the news. But we are definitely keeping it a secret from everyone else!

Beautifulrose, I'm glad you had a great scan! You are so lucky to have only gained one pound. :)
Joy don't feel bad about how you felt. I'm glad you are feeling a bit better about it and it will be fun to reveal to your husband. :flower:
Thank you everyone for understanding my disappointment. I feel bad for getting upset about the surprise being ruined because I know what really matters is that the baby's healthy, which we will hopefully get confirmation of soon. The poor tech was so flustered trying to cover up the slip. I kind of felt bad for him. I know I would be mortified if I made that mistake.

DH really wants to know the gender so I'm going to figure out a fun way to surprise him with the news. But we are definitely keeping it a secret from everyone else!

Beautifulrose, I'm glad you had a great scan! You are so lucky to have only gained one pound. :)

I am sorry for the disappointment of you scan. Of course the health of the baby is the most important but it doesn't mean you cannot get upset about it. This things makes pregnancy nice and a memorable period.
I am glad you feel a bit better already. I hope you find a nice idea to reveal the gender to your husband.
I officially start to freak out. I don't feel any movement and my belly is not growing. I have belly but it all soft and looks like just fast instead of a nice bump. With my son by 16 weeks I had an unmistakable bump.
DH said, I shouldn't worry because like week check up was fine. They felt my uterus and we heard the HB.
I just cannot not worry. I have to wait two and half more weeks for my next appointment.
Just popping in to say hello to everyone! I'm really busy atm as we've decided to do lots of decorating this month! Unfortunately it's taking ages!

I'm not sure if I've felt baby move yet, I have an Anterior Placenta so not worrying too much atm. I've also not got much a bump, I was pretty small last time with DD so I'm not surprised, looking forward to having a proper one though!
Sammy it's more likely that you just carry different with your boys than your girl. I would expect your consultant to want to give you scans at 28, 34 and 36 weeks with your history. So even if they don't say, push for it as you should not have to pay when it's a medical need.

I do have growth scans, mine will be every fortnight from 20 weeks. I've had the last three babies that have made to second tri have been IUGR babies and two of them grew their wings and RR was very early onset of severe IUGR, so four weekly isn't enough with my risks.

Rose, I'm glad it went and your cervix is good. It's so funny to hear the weight as my 24 weeker was severely growth restricted and they said she was the size of a 19 weeker, she was 340grams which is 12 ounces. So nearly exactly the same weight as your weight. There is a point to me telling you this, she was from the tips of my fingers to my wrist, so that will help you to visualise your baby's size more :haha:

Joy, you know people saying that baby's healthy is important winds me up sooooo much. It just aims to belittle your upset and concerns, it's true your baby's health is the most important thing but it's not the ONLY important thing! I've lost many babies so people expect me to only care about my baby's healthy and obviously that's my main concern but as I say to them a happy pregnancy is important as well, sometimes all you're left with is memories so you want the best pregnancy you can. What are trying to say is your upset is valid. You will get use to the idea of knowing but for now it's okay that you are upset.

Khatif :hugs: every pregnancy is different, the way your baby lies, the position of the placenta, if you're a few pounds heavier will all change how you carry. Bump of lack of it means very little. I've no bump (despite this being the sixth pregnancy that made it this so really should be huuuuge) and that's different to my other pregnancies but it means nothing. My little girl who was severely growth restricted I had a bigger bump than this but I had a scan last week and baby seemed fine :)

Sorry if I've forgotten anyone, this is a novel already and my memory is rubbish atm xx
Oh my, it feels like I've been gone forever. I've read all the pages, and will hopefully address most things in my reply. If not, know that I'm loving this journey with you ladies and am so excited for all of our little ones!

Lucy, congrats on the little girl and what a beautiful name. It is on our list too!

Elizabeth, when I got pregnant with my first, I was the only woman working in our office. It was awesome to have the bathroom to myself (especially since I was super sick all the time), but a little awkward. The men, however, stepped it up and were so caring. I couldn't believe it. Now, I am one of the leaders with my son's cub scout group and the men there are just as amazing. They're all softies, really. I feel so taken care of :)

Tasha, I'm so glad things are going well for you! I kind of feel like you might be having a boy too. I guess I have a 50% chance of being right...

Harley, how are you feeling? Did you get to talk with someone? I've been struggling, especially these last two weeks, with my depression. It certainly helps to have a confidant. :hugs:

Mrs. B, yay for team :blue:!

babyvaughan, how is your dad? I've been thinking about you and your family. Also, love the name you've picked! Such a strong and handsome one.

Medzi, my son had a heart issue that was discovered around this time. It required us to see a specialist and have extra testing. The good news was lots of extra scans and even the 3d/4d kind. I loved seeing him that much. The even better news, his problem corrected itself before birth. They say that is usually the case. It is common for things to grow at different rates and that is what happened with him. His heart grew faster than the rest of him and caused the defect. Once everything caught up, it disappeared. Now, he has SVT, but that isn't dangerous or related to the in utero problem. My thoughts and prayers are with you. It sounds like they are taking extra good care of you. Lots of hugs :hugs:

Dan-o, yay for snip and snails and puppy dog tails! I was just looking at that blanket yesterday if we have a boy. I am such a sucker for stars! I hope the bleeding is on its way out for good!

Mrs. Elizabeth, we are looking to trade our car in on Monday. I am so nervous about the process and hope it goes well. I bet you're loving your new one!

jrepp, I bet your hubby loved that! I can't wait to share our little one with mine. It'll still be awhile though.

Now, about that second trimester energy boost.....I was feeling it at first and now I'm back to tired easily and often. My little pregnancy app did mention as yesterday's daily tip that we will need cat naps often and should be allowed to sleep when we can, whether in the afternoon, early bedtime, or sleeping in in the morning. I quickly shared that one with my DH ;)

My last appointment went terribly. They were behind and rushed me through it. I still had so much I wanted to talk with the doctor about. I'm hoping it was just one bad day and my next will be more thorough. I have my anatomy scan Monday and am so excited. I tried my darndest to get them to move it to this Friday so we could tell our kids on Valentine's day, but they won't budge. Rats. My only other option would be to pay $50 and drive an hour for a private scan, but that doesn't seem to make sense when we find out Monday anyway.

I've been having a lot of emotions lately and am dealing with some jealousy that just leaves me feeling like a crappy person. It is for petty reasons and I'll share after Monday probably unless you all tell me to can the whining :haha:

Sorry for the long post, thanks for reading!
Thanks you Tasha for your kind words! I really need to hear that.

I am happy that everything is good with your little baby! I follow your pregnancy journal as well. :)
Hey MamaBee! :wave: Glad to see you on here again! How exciting about your anatomy scan being so soon. Sorry they couldn't move it up. :/ What gender are you hoping for? We actually went in for a cervix measurement ultrasound last Thursday and they offered to tell us gender. We are team pink! I hope it is confirmed to still be a pink at our anatomy scan on the 26th!
Khatif, people keep telling me my belly is too small to be as pregnant as I am. I feel like that hurts even more than telling me I'm too big and it must be twins, etc. I've had a lot of insecurities this time with belly shrinking and still feeling so soft and flabby. Thank God for my doppler or I'd be a mess! I read somewhere that the bloating is reduced now and so there is some shrinkage. I'm glad Tasha said what she did about shifting positions, etc. I'm sure before long we'll be complaining about being too big to fit into anything, but for now it is concerning and people don't seem to think telling me I'm small is hurtful. sigh.
Mamabee.....wish I had a private bathroom! !!

Car shopping is never fun!! But, when you know what you want...they can't argue too much. I spent time going...I don't care it has a back up camera, I'm not paying $2k for that...he thinks I'll walk and before you know it...price comes down. Cars have gotten so silly. I now have AC seats and a heated steering wheel. Really? Cold air is blowing up my tush and my hand will heat up? Haha. But...since its free...why not. Lol. Take your time and make sure YOU are comfortable with your purchase! Let us know!!

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