July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

Hello everyone! My due date is July 1st, 2015, so I thought I would stop in and say hello. :hi:
So is anyone gonna get a private scan to find out the gender early ? With my DD I called when I was 9 weeks and they couldn't get me I'm until 15weeks so this time I called the day after I got a BFP and I'm scheduled for January 1st I'll be 13w6d and they said if they can't find the gender I can come back a week later at no charge . I'm so excited !! It's $100 and $30 for them to record the heart beat and put it in a bear
As this is probably our last baby :( I thought it'd be nice to not know the gender and wait until birth as we have one of each already I thought it'd be a lovely surprise. But hubby dropped the bombshell he wants to find out.. Not really sure how I feel about it to be honest. Kinda wanted to make this pregnancy special as it is more than likely our last.

i would be okay not finding out, but i asked my husband if he wanted to find out and he said yes, without much hesitation. so, we'll see.:shrug:

i don't want people to buy super girly outfits or clearly boy outfits and would prefer most stuff to be pretty simple in basic colors. not necessarily "gender neutral" but nothing frilly. haha! so anyway, i would rather not know. makes it exciting. and i know if we know, we won't be able to NOT tell people, and then they want to know what we're naming it, etc. we have some names we like, but i want to decide after we meet the baby, but the more we know, the easier the beans are to spill!:blush:

maybe i can convince him to be team yellow with me!:haha:
So is anyone gonna get a private scan to find out the gender early ? With my DD I called when I was 9 weeks and they couldn't get me I'm until 15weeks so this time I called the day after I got a BFP and I'm scheduled for January 1st I'll be 13w6d and they said if they can't find the gender I can come back a week later at no charge . I'm so excited !! It's $100 and $30 for them to record the heart beat and put it in a bear

my first appointment isn't until 12 weeks, and i don't even know what they will do. just heartbeat? ultrasound? who knows. they don't tell me much at this hospital!:roll: and this is not the first time for me to feel in the dark about what to expect regarding medical care. i would go somewhere else, but it's free under my husband's insurance. so it seems silly to go somewhere else where i have to pay 100% out of pocket (and have it be in japanese!:wacko::haha:) but i *have* tried to look up how much a scan at 8 or 9 weeks would cost off base.:blush: might have to call and ask, i guess, as the internet was hard to wade through.
Beautifulrose- we will probably now be booking a private gender scan after hubby dropped the bombshell he wants to find out! I'm surprise they do it so early over there! Over here UK they don't do gender scans until 16weeks minimum.

Jumpingo- I get what you mean by the outfits! I was hoping we could buy neutral colours, save the money and after baby's born then go and buy girls or boys, doesn't seem like there's any luck getting my hubby to stay team yellow :(
I wish I had the patience to wait and see at birth that would be so exciting. I'm just so anxious I really want a little boy but I would love another princess too . I have NO IDEAS for a girl name but have a few picked out for a boy.

Has anyone thought of any names yet I know it's super early but with my DD I knew the moment I poas what the name would be either way lol
I wish I had the patience to wait and see at birth that would be so exciting. I'm just so anxious I really want a little boy but I would love another princess too . I have NO IDEAS for a girl name but have a few picked out for a boy.

Has anyone thought of any names yet I know it's super early but with my DD I knew the moment I poas what the name would be either way lol

some days i can spend an embarrassing amount of time over in the baby names section:blush::haha:
I have always wanted to be surprised with the gender when I had my first baby and I though hubby was on board with that too, but he also just told me that he wants to find out beforehand. He thinks it will make it easier to prepare but I don't think it makes much difference. Other than clothes you can pretty much theme everything gender neutral.

I think I can convince him to wait to find out but now he's got me thinking that it might be best to know in advance. Hmmm...I guess I'll just wait till we get further along to decide. My doctor doesn't do gender ultrasounds until 20 weeks.
sammynashley - i was kinda thinking I wanted it to be a surprise too. But then SO said he wants to know. I said I'd let him decide so I guess we're finding out :p

Srrme - Welcome!! I will add you to the list :)

Jumpingo - after two boys and 4 nephews with only one girl. I'm sure if it's a girl I'll go all frilly :p But I get what you're saying!

Beautifulrose - we will just be waiting for the 20 week ultrasound. February. It sounds far away, but not really cause Christmas is almost here, and winter break. My birthday is in January. So much stuff the kids have going on lol. I'm sure time will fly!

So I just got back from my fastest 3K in a long, long time! Shoulda quit smoking a long time ago :p I'm going to run my heart out til my belly gets big ha.
Rach sounds like we are monitored the same! I have kidney disease and high blood pressure thanks to that! I think last time I had about 7 ultrasounds total when 2 is standard here. It is a bit of a bonus :) I had a natural birth and all was good last time so hoping this time.

We are not finding out the gender again. Last time it was so cool finding out when he was born. Funny enough I didn't even think of it when he was born! It wasn't until the doctor said to dh "dad! What is it?" I looked at dh and he looked so happy and proud and said it was a boy. Best moment ever and I loved that dh got to tell me.

Puking has commenced for me. I was optimistic it wouldn't be as bad this time around but so far it is. 4 times around dinner today. Blah.
Aww Medzi that's so awesome . I really wish I had the strength to wait that would be the greatest gift ever you feel all these emotions of just having a baby and then you get to see the joy and love on dh face as he tells you what it is . So sweet <3

AFM my stomach got a little upset this morning Idk if it's my mind wanting me to get sick or what lol but hopefully I start getting some MS soon (I am such a weirdo I know) lol watch the first time I throw up I'm gonna be doing the happy dance .
Getting fed up of feeling dizzy now! Seems to be sort of 'shots' of dizzy when I move my head etc and it's getting annoying now &#128557;

I think this time around I'm going to wait until the birth to find the gender out, can't wait, already feeling huge!
So I rang for my blood results . I officially hate my doctor . She said basically I might be pregnant but not to shout it from the roof tops ???? My hcg was 400 and something don't know exact figure . Is that not good ? Since the appointment yesterday I feel my doctor doesn't give a shit . There making me feel like their is problems and I'm worrying over nothing..... posted this in another thread so just gonna copy it here too to update . X
Hi, everyone! I just got my BFP two days ago, and I'm thinking my EDD is around July 10th. I'd love to join you fellow July mamas!

This will be our third baby (well, it's my fourth pregnancy, so technically I think of it as my fourth baby, but I guess what I'm trying to say is we have two sons. :p The oldest will be three at the end of this month and our youngest is 15 months.

I had been thinking I would like to stay team yellow this time around since we haven't done that before, but I guess DH reallllly wants to find out. And I can't have him know and me not know. That would be the worst! So, I'm pretty sure we'll find out the gender at 20 weeks.

We just started talking names last night, which feels weird, because we had both our sons' names picked out before they were even conceived. We kind of have this comic book theme thing going with our names, so it makes it extra difficult to come up with ones we both like!
Harley Quinn - Welcome I added you! Looks like we have three people that will be waiting til the end to find out! Good on ya! I have 2 sons as well 8 and 5. But we're finding out the gender of this one lol

Keyval - your doctor is an arse! I've seen alot lower numbers than 400 posted on here and all was good. I think I said this in your other thread. But I've never had them "confirm" my pregnancies. I tell them i have positive pregnancy test and that's it. They've proceeded as if I'm pregnant!

Shirley - hope the dizziness passes soon! I am still getting light headed at times, but my body is slowly adjusting!

Skipped the morning run today and did a morning swim! 25 min. was fantastic. I'll using that pool alot as I get bigger!

Hope y'all have a fantabulous day!
Welcome Harley! Love your boys' names! So cute!

I took some more tests this morning. The frer test line is way darker than the control line, and twice as dark as the test I took last week. I took a digi and got Preg 2-3 weeks which would be right on target for me, as I'm 4w4d today. I think this might be enough encouragement for me to call the MD now....
Hey ladies! How's everyone feeling?

Keyval- 400 is a good number, that pretty rude for your docotor to be like that could you not switch doc?

Harley Quinn- welcome and congratulations! :)

AFM- not had too many symptoms today still sore boobs but feel like I've had a day off with the sickness :) and feel so hungry! I also have a private early scan booked in for the 22nd so I can't wait :) I'll be 7+ 2 weeks but I just need that reassurance.
Beautiful Rose - It is worth the wait! We had no issues waiting last time, but I think this time might be harder, but definitely not finding out. Also, I remember feeling how you did with my first, like I wanted to be sick so bad. Then I regretted it since I was sick the whole time. Now I'm sick again, been puking and having a hard time with food. Did you get sick with your daughter?

Keyval - your Dr sucks. Can you get a new one? Those numbers sound awesome if you are only around 4 weeks!

Ajarvis - what pool do you swim at? I take Nate a lot to some city pools; usually Winston Churchill or Thornhill, sometimes Shouldice or Renfrew, whoever has best times! I wish we lived closer to a leisure centre since they are more kid friendly.

I don't know how any of you feel hungry :haha: the thought makes me what to puke.
Had myself a good swim this morning then a big breakfast of eggs, sausage, hashbrown, fruit, and toast. With a large chocolate milk. And for once I'm not hungry at 11am. handy!
Had myself a good swim this morning then a big breakfast of eggs, sausage, hashbrown, fruit, and toast. With a large chocolate milk. And for once I'm not hungry at 11am. handy!


I want to eat….

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