July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

Keyval, I can't believe your dr. said that. So insensitive! 400 is a good # but what's most important is that your levels are doubling every 48-72 hrs. Do you have another blood test scheduled in the next few days?

Welcome to all the new July Mamas!

I feel fine today, just a little emotional. Still waiting for morning sickness to kick in but it hasn't happened yet. I know that's a good thing but it still makes me nervous. I just want to feel like I'm pregnant!

Yes i have one booked for Monday which I'm worrying about now ha

Oh I'm so sorry, Keyval...I didn't mean to worry you! I'm sure you will be fine! From what I've read, most people that have problems with their HCG levels will see it immediately with their numbers not rising out of the 100 - 200 range. If you're already in the 400s then I wouldn't be concerned. I'm sure you will see beautiful high numbers on your next test! :)
Oh no its not you that worried me ha . My dr is causing unnecessary stress I think . Monday Seems like Forever Away Now Ha
Heaveneats, I wouldn't worry about the test lines so early on and just 24 between tests. You never know, your pee could have been a bit diluted today or super concentrated yesterday. Don't stress! :)
Hi everyone! I've been so busy the last few days I haven't had a chance to pop in. I ended up with an ultrasound after some one sided pain yesterday (I have had an ectopic previously so they called me in instantly when I said I was having pain). My tubes are clear and I got to see little bean in my uterus! It was such a relief! I was measuring 5 weeks 6 days and baby had a heartbeat! The dr said the heart had likely just started beating so I go back in next week to confirm the heartrate is faster.

Outside of that still feeling horrible. Lots of nausea, food aversions, headaches, exhausted, cramps...
Ajarvis.....mmmmm. food! I'm trying to eat better. Trying! !! So hard!
Woke up this morning to some noticeable nausea :) :) yay !!! Lol my first day in 6 weeks started off great . Lol . Now I'm just so excited for Monday to have my ultrasound .

How's everyone feeling today
Mimomma, so glad everything went well with your scan. How exciting to see your little bean in there cooking away. It much have been such an amazing feeling to see the heartbeat! I can't wait for my first scan on the 17th. :)
Welcome Lozzy21!! I added you to the list!

heaveneats - try again in a few days if you want. but 4 in 24 hours seems to be alot!

Ms Elizabeth - what saves me is falling asleep at 8:30 or 9 at night :p not alot of eating happening haha.

mimomma - How nice you got to see baby :) Glad your worries can be put to rest of ectopic!

Keyval - plan a busy weekend maybe? So Monday will be here asap! I'm thinking of making a roast for my brother and his family tomorrow. We shall see. Nice slow cooked Elk roast. Makes me hungry thinking about it :p

As for me up this morning at 5:20 out the door for a 6K run. Decent pace for a steady run - under 10min miles :) managed to do it without eating first! Shocking lol. I am in my normal jeans still and not as bloated this morning yay! I want to hold off on the maternity wear as long as possible! So happy it's Friday though!
Hi everyone

I've started getting up really early so I am so tired lately but can not nap for the life of me!

Panicking a bit today as had some ibuprofen today as forgot it's not recommended so hoping this hasn't affected bub in anyway :dohh: &#128556;

Love to everyone xx
Hi ladies. So yesterday I had some bleeding. It was more than spotting but less than a period. Scared me though so I called the doc. They did an ultrasound and a blood test. I am exactly where I thought at 5wks+1. No heartbeat yet which is normal but everything looked good as well as blood test. 18dpo was 1921, 21 dpo was around 6500 so definitely on track. Bleeding stopped shortly after and it's nice to know everything is ok.

I haven't felt too bad other than being asleep by 8:30 every night. DH is headed out of state hunting for the weekend so not sure how I'll sleep but that's ok.
Cdex67- sorry to hear uve had some bleeding, I had some with DD around 6weeks she's now a bouncy 2year old :)

I'm feeling the tiredness too ladies, even after 11 hours sleep I wake up as though I've only had two hours :( my boobs aren't as sore anymore but sickness seems to be showing itself more often!
cdex - glad your dr. was able to check and reassure you everything was good! Enjoy the piece and quiet while your hubby is gone and hog the entire bed?

sammynashly - I hear ya on the tired. The only way I'm up past 830 is the nights I run after work. Gives me a bit of an energy boost lol.
lol. Mine's going out with a friend he hasn't seen in a long time tonight. I want to tell him just to not come home :p
My hubby's staying with his family tonight after a birthday get together I didn't fancy going after work I'd rather be a slob with my blanket on the sofa and do nothing in peace :)
Shortness of breath is back with a vengeance the last couple of days and is driving me absolutely batty!!
Aww Cdex.....:flower: Rest my dear

:hugs: thinking of you. Glad all is well in cdex's belly!
Cdex sorry to hear of your scare but seems you had good care!

I took an opk tonight and wondfo preg test, seems my wondfos are getting good lines and my opk test lines seems to now be a wee bit darker than control. I'm not peeing on anything else
Hi, ladies! It's so nice to have you fellow bump buddies to be excited about my pregnancy... I'm not sure what to expect when I start telling people with it being our third baby. I'm not sure we'll get the same level of excitement we did with the first two. I told my boss yesterday (she is actually leaving the company, so she will not even be my boss when the baby is born) and she seemed a little less enthused than I had hoped. *sigh*

Anyway, Shirley, I wouldn't worry about the ibuprofen. I think our little beans are much more resilient than we let our selves believe.

I'm glad you ladies who had slight scares were able to get ultrasounds to confirm everything is okay!

I went out on my lunch break and bought myself a pair of maternity leggings. I'm still trying to make myself believe that I'm actually pregnant! lol The retail therapy helped. ;)
Retail therapy is always nice haha. My goal is to stay up and watch a movie with the kids tonight! Not sure if it will happen or I'll just fall asleep on the couch lol

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