July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

Dano I can't believe that they are putting you through all this... your so amazing to be able to just get on with your day.. I would be a stress case not to mention how annoyed I would get by the daily bleed..hang in there.. you are being so strong...

Afm - I felt bubs from the outside today! I'm sorry for those who haven't felt movement yet, but I'm just too excited to contain it
The ultrasound went well! Except baby wasn't moving barely at all! That was a bummer. Anyone else have a baby that barely moved? Baby moved his/her hand up above it's head once and then back to it's chest, but that's literally it! I was hoping to see somersaults.

I'll attach the profile shot and the one of it's cute little foot :)


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Here's the other.


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As for me. Still bleeding bright red. Every-single-day.. without fail. Usually just overnight at the moment, although Tuesday I had a flood which soaked one pad through after dinner :wacko: Why wont it just stop!!! :dohh: :hissy:

I've given up seeking medical help, no one gives a monkeys. I keep getting told 'there's nothing we can do to prevent a miscarriage'. Do people seriously think, that after 9 miscarriages, I don't know that?? :shock:
All I want to know is
(a) If I'm anemic from bleeding for 10 weeks straight?
(b) if there's anything I can do to lessen it?
(c) why this is happening!

I'm just bottling it all up for full scale meltdown at my consultant appt on the 4th :haha: (I'm consultant led from 20w due to recurrent miscarriage/chromosomal loss/previous pre-ecl/molar pregnancy/chemo.. plus probably my age as well lol)

It is so unbelievable. I mean they may be not able to prevent miscarriage but come on! That amount of blood is coming somewhere.
I don't understand how and why doctor don't try to locate the reason.
Oh and here is my 16 week bump!!


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BabyV-I just now really started to feel baby last week (to where I knew without a doubt it was baby and not gas), and even then, it's not that much, only some light tapping and a few pokes here and there. But I have an anterior placenta, plus, this is my first. My Dr. told me FTMs don't usually feel their first move until 18-20-something weeks (can't remember the exact number). I'm sure baby is just fine, though I do understand your worry. :hugs:

Dan-o-I want to punch your doctors in the face. Make me so mad that they won't investigate your bleeding just because you haven't reached V-day! You may be losing too much blood and be anemic, like you said. Gahhhh. I don't understand.

Countryblonde-Congrats on feeling baby from the outside! Can't wait til DH and I can! DH is so anxious to, it's so sweet! Also, cute bump!

Livvy-Glad it went well! Great shots of baby! Mine is never jumping all over the place, though I've seen her jump a couple times. She does move around a bit, but she's never as active as I hear some people say their babies are. I've never seen her do a somersault.
Livvy: what a gorgeous sleepy baby! Mine was moving almost too much and was a total wild man! His feet were up behind his ears for most of the time! We all got a good laugh.

Babyvaughan: I totally know how you feel. I only just felt a poke here and there the other day and I'm a FTM and at 19 weeks! It's weird not having constant validation that baby is in there and happy and healthy....

Dan-o: I'm not understanding how people can be so flippant at what is obviously a major problem! After your consult can you change providers? What's your next step? I'm outraged for you!

Here is my ultrasound from Monday! I attached the profile shot because I love his lack of a chin and the hand is just adorable!
I've read it can take up to 25 weeks just I've been waiting since 16 lol. I think it has to do with where my placentas at I'm hoping by my appointment in two weeks I will have felt him!
Aw livvy and amherst adorable bubs! Those little toesies and fingers are too much!

For those who havent felt much yet, or for whose hubbys are dying to get baby action, one of my apps said that you can use a stethoscope to hear babys kicks. I was a little sceptical but it totally works!! And baby put on quite a show for dh a couple nights ago going nuts kicking. It sounds like little thuds when they kick, and a swooshing sound when they flip/turn over. When I lay flat ive been able to feel strong kicks a couple times from the outside. And dh was able to very faintly.

Dan-o im with the other ladies. How upsetting they wont try to figure out where the bleeding is coming from. If you werent pregs would they be so lame about how much youre bleeding? What if its completely unrelated? Youd think theyd try a little harder to treat their patient. Isnt that why they became a doctor?! Ive worked in the medical field for 10 years, and its tough, on one hand I understand the drs because theres so many cookoos and hypochondriacs out there, but theres also the ones who have legit health concerns and need to be taken seriously. Phew sorry, rant. Glad you seem to have a keep on, keepin on type attitude. :)
Aww such cute scan pics livvy and Amherst! :cloud9: love the little hand and feet shots, adorable!

Livvy yes my first boy was lazy like that at my 20w scan with him, they couldn't really measure much as he was so lazy and jammed head down in my pelvis! I went for a private anatomy scan shortly after and they told me to drink lucozade before hand, he was literally doing backflips :haha: I reckon he would still do backflips if I gave him lucozade now :rofl:

CB yay for outside kicks! I've been stalking mine but always manage to take my hand off at the crucial moment :haha:

Thanks for your support with the stupid bleeding :hugs: at least I'm not cramping any more, so I feel like baby is a bit more secure!
Rach I totally get the vibe that I'm not being believed half the time, they must think I'm a hyperchondriac type or something. Thing is i'm the opposite! Never ill, high pain threshold and never go to the doctors unless I've broken a limb or something! Mind you the last two times I broke bones, they didn't beleive me then either! Or that I was in labour when I had my two boys!! :dohh:
My son was soooo lazy during all of his scans! This baby was active the first 2 but was quieter for sure at our last one last week :)

I am barely feeling anything. I felt a few obvious pokes a few days ago and nothing since. I'm 20 weeks so those who aren't feeling much yet don't worry!
Great scan pics! <3

For those who are worried about not feeling baby movements - I didn't with my first child until 20 weeks . I know a friend of mine who is really petite and she didn't until 22 weeks. So don't stress you will soon! :)

I just started feeling mine (2nd child) this week! :) But its a few here and there. But I am loving it!

My OB appointment is today. Just a check up, and I get the quad screen blood draw done - I am so nervous and pray everything comes back normal. Please pray for me and baby:flower:

Hope you all are doing well! 4 weeks until gender scan!!!!
Aww love the little hand Amherst :) thanks ladies! Hopefully baby was just sleepy. I had Nutella on toast beforehand which I thought might wake him/her up but nope.

Also found out I have an anterior placenta. Darn. So that's why I've felt almost nothing...

So sorry Dan-o about your crappy healthcare. :( I'm angry for you. Are you taking iron at least?

Good luck at your appointment babygirl!
Cute scan pics!!

I didn't feel my baby move last time until about 18 weeks but this baby seems a lot more active as I've been feeling the odd movement for a few weeks :) Xx
The doctor just called and revealed the gender. I am having a bouncing baby boy! You may add me to team blue :blue:
It's funny, everyone I know was guessing girl. At first I thought a girl would be a nice change, because DH's family is all boys, but I'm thrilled to be having a little prince :winkwink:

I still don't feel much movement yet. I was a bit worried, but the doctor assured me it was fine, sometimes you don't feel movement until around the 22nd week mark.
Congratulations on the boy, Starlight!!

I have a scan next week and hopefully they'll be able to see the gender! Really excited to possibly find out what we're expecting! Will make searching for a baby name easier lol x
dan-o how scary :( big hugs to you!!!

well they moved my scan date from february 18th to the 24th a week later :( DH surprised me though and said as a valentines day gift he'll take me to do 3D, we called and they had one opening for Saturday February 14th, so we get to find out boy or girl on valentines day :) so excited.
dan-o how scary :( big hugs to you!!!

well they moved my scan date from february 18th to the 24th a week later :( DH surprised me though and said as a valentines day gift he'll take me to do 3D, we called and they had one opening for Saturday February 14th, so we get to find out boy or girl on valentines day :) so excited.

aww that's such a great valentines present!! xx
Another boy!! Congrats Starlight!!

Heaven that's so soon! What a wonderful valentines gift for you and your dh. Can't wait to hear!!

Dan-o <3 I'm mad for you. I wish they took your concerns more serious

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