Aww I'm sure it won't be long til that bump of yours gets bigger babygirl I'm on my 6th pregnancy to make it this far and my bump is no bigger then previous ones at this stage.
Hugs Jrepp I really hope it eases soon and doesn't last for the duration. I never knew you could get suppositories too. I've only brought one tablet up this pregnancy but in previous ones it was a struggle to keep them down.
Sammy, bubbles and babydreams yay for feeling baby on the outside. I've felt Hayden kick a couple of times under my hand this week. I can't wait for my hubby and children to be able to feel them.
Mamabee its a really odd sensation isn't when they move. Thats great you are feeling movements.
Lumi lovely bump hun.
Dan-o thanks will give the blistex a try it did start healing up this week but now back to square one again. I know I should go see my dentist about my tooth but refuse to have any work done unless I'm sedated. The last time I had dental work I had a panic attack half way through and they had to pin me down to get it finished. Worst experience of my life. I would rather give birth 10 times over then go through that again. Least sedated I shouldn't panic as much.
Hugs to those who will be having a c-section we can hold hands together. I'm pretty sure my consultant won't let me go natural because of the risks my 4th degree tear from Harley will be made worse but the thought of going through a c-section and having someone cut me open petrifies me.
Lovely to see news of scans going ok for you ladies
lots of anomaly scans coming up in the next few weeks
Bubbles yay for banana and getting halfway I love your bump.
So I took the plunge and purchased Haydens pram today. I didn't think I would be able to as its been discontinued in the colour I like but Mamas and Papas kindly tracked some down in the outlet store. They had 2 left so I had to go in and snap one up. Its staying in its box til baby is born. I tend to leave the big purchases towards the end incase something goes wrong so its a big step for me.
Managed to find the matching carrycot on ebay for under half the price. Been watching it for weeks so hopefully no one will outbid me on it.
Also bought a baby bath today. My youngest keeps saying its for his baby lol. Don't think he quite grasps the concept yet as he says he has a baby in his tummy too. He's so sweet. My eldest son who is 4 has really surprised me though I wasn't so sure on how he would handle the news of a baby coming as he hates any changes to his surroundings or his routine but he seems to be really enthusiastic about it hopefully he will still have that enthusiasm when his baby brother arrives. x