Thanks Tasha I'm sure it's not as scarey as I think it is but I'm a big baby when it comes to anything that involves surgery. I guess with how things happened after Harley (rushed to theatre to have my tear stitched up) it has made me nervous and the fact that it will happen over the school holidays and longer recovery time etc but as long as baby gets here safely with both our health intact that's what I have to focus on.
Lumi congrats on your blue bump what a gorgeous scan pic!
Ms Elizabeth I had an anterior placenta with my youngest and again with this one as long as your placenta is out of the way if your cervix you'll be fine for a vaginal delivery. I feel most of my movement low down or to the right with this one (placenta is more to the left).
Dan-o Migraine has gone. Throwing up is horrible isn't it and each time it so far I've been violently sick. Morning sickness is a breeze in comparison. I find it makes te pressure worse after being sick too
glad it's not his me worried about a c-section. I was just hoping to avoid it as I will eventually need surgery again for my tear and 2 lots of surgery close together is a frightening thought as they will push for me to have it done once baby is here (ttc was the only reason why it's been put off).
Hug heaven sorry to read your news hope your ok we will be all here when you need us.
Keyval love the name Luke.
Smre your brave getting a puppy 4 months before baby is due. I want to see pics I love dogs but hubby won't let me get one til the kids are older. Have rabbits though they are my fluff babies
Hope everyone else is well sorry if I have missed anyone out x