July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

Hi ladies. Hope you all had a nice weekend. I spent mine in bed...or in the ladies room. Lol. Fun right? Starting to feel a little better. At least enough to go to work tomorrow.:dohh: i didnt do that well with my eating this weekend. Chicken wings and a piece of pizza. Bad bad bad! But it was all i could keep in me! I'm apologizing now to my little bean! Sorry!

But Tuesday, is the day i set aside to pee in the bottle for the dr. What fun that will be! But, if that is all that needs to be done...then ok. :thumbup:

Wednesday we go for our u/s. No idea what to expect so early....but I'll take anything! Just a little glimpse!! So excited about that!

Back to packing my healthy lunch, I must redeem myself. :flower:
Good luck beautifulrose - I'm sure all is perfect.

Rach - great idea! I was thinking of asking her too! Hmmm&#8230;I like the dove idea, or even little baby feet? I know they have a bug because they are June Bugs. What goes with July? Something summery? Or maybe not&#8230; I guess it isn't summer everywhere :)
Hi everyone. Great to read your posts and hope everything goes well! I'm due July rd with my 4th. A little nervous as I am 41 and never thought I would get pregnant again. All things happen for a reason:) my last three pregnancies were uneventful with the exception of being exhausted. Hoping this one is also uneventful:) good luck to all
If you!!!
Sorry my date didn't come through. I'm due the 3rd of
July. My three sons were C Sections so I assume the 4th will be as well:)
Glad you found us Shocked!! Welcome! I do hope this pregnancy is uneventful for you too!:D
Medzi i was trying to think of something cute but im with you, not much goes with july. Going off of ajarvjs dove idea i thought maybe mama birds....but eh, my creativity is severely lacking atm. Im blaming pregnancy brain (not sure if it starts this early, but that's what im blaming it on)Lol
I'm cautiously joining in! I've had 2 mc this year and am hoping that this baby will end up in my arms! My hubby and I have been married for 5 years and this will be our first child.

I'm due July 10th. :)
Beautifulrose- good luck for your scan!

Welcome shocked at 41 & alternatedi :)

Me Elizabeth- glad your feeling a little better, don't feel too guilty about the pizza & chicken wings if it's all your body could keep down it better than nothing :)

Afm- I overslept this morning DS was nearly late for school felt so bad, I set my alarm too just didn't hear it. M/s seems to have disappeared.. Starting to worry it's a sign things aren't progressing as they should. All my other symptoms are there.. Sore boobs..tiredness..food aversions..and the most annoying my eczema has flared up :( always does while I'm pregnant.
Sammynashley...so hard not to feel guilty. This little bean is trying to create body parts and I'm giving it junk. Lol. Will do better I promise little bean. :haha:
In waiting room to get levels checked again . Actually so scared ha .
Ok so il get results back at 12 noon tomorrow . My hcg was 423 from Wednesday just gone so I'd be expecting it to be high tomorrow . I got a clear blue digital on the way home and I just got my 3+ yay which means my hcg has riser and must be at least over 2000 because I don't think a digital picks up a 3+ if under 2000 :)
Fingers crossed for you Keyval! I haven't tested since I got my "pregnant 1-2" I keep thinking about it but worry incase it doesn't come up with 3+ and then I'd be In A worse off situation.

I've got my scan in 12 days! not that I'm counting :) so I'm sure my mind will be out at rest then.
Keyval, I've heard that about 3+ on digis too. I bet you have nice high hcg!!

Ladies with other children, have you told your kids yet? I'm thinking about telling mine on Friday as long as everything looks good on my second ultrasound. In the past, I have usually waited until 2nd tri to tell them just in case of a loss. My only reason for telling sooner is I think my oldest daughter starting to suspect something. She has made some comments about pushing in my belly - my boys and younger kids are oblivious, only a girl right. :dohh:I'm pretty seriously bloated and am beginning to think I'll be showing soon. I'd love to hear what everyone else has or is planning on doing.:flower:
Il be telling my 2 year old when I tell family in a few weeks . If I say it now she will tell them for me haha . Can't wait to say it to her even though she probably won't fully understand :) xxx
Mimomma I haven't even thought about telling DS & DD to be honest I don't think they'd even notice anything wrong at 9months :haha: they're only 4 & 2. Will probably tell them after Xmas or maybe later they'd want the baby then & there!
I'd love to wait until Christmas, but I don't think I can hide it from her. And I couldn't just tell her and not the rest of them because that would really hurt their feelings. I'm torn because I feel that my kids will tell everyone once they know and I'm just not ready to tell everyone else.
sammynashley - I get what you are saying about wanting the baby then. My 4 year old boy is baby crazy and is constantly asking for us to have another. I keep saying, but you'll have to share your toys with the baby and he's all for it!

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