Happy third tri, BF and Srrme! BR, I'm sorry things have been so stressful for you; you sound like you have a great attitude about it all! I am also optimistic everything will turn out well for you.
Ooh, Rach, that's a fun milestone. Double digits for you tomorrow!!!
Not a lot of Easter plans. Church, just like every Sunday, then we'll be driving down across the border to have dinner with my mom and brothers and their families. Looking forward to that for sure. I'll try and do a little egg hunt either Saturday or Sunday for the boys, and I got them each a little basket with a teensy amount of chocolate in it.
Can't remember if I updated or not, but I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and even though I showed her my blood sugar numbers (they were high) she still wants me to do the official GTT. Blech. So I have to call and schedule that. I'm pretty certain I have GD, though, and have been eating as if I do.
My belly is still measuring 2 weeks ahead, but that's very normal for me. DH and I just make big babies. Hee hee.