My scan was better. So cute
Scan went well ladies, no issues seen with babies heart or dopplers so still unknown as to what caused baby's decels on the heart trace.
Baby's estimated at 2lb6oz and at 50th centile, only thing that came back a bit low was HC which measured at 8th centile..not sure if that's something to worry about. Also my placenta has gone from being high anterior to low but shouldn't cause me any issue as I'm having a elective section.
We also got to see him in 3D I'm so in love![]()
I'm blaming pregnancy brain but my appointment was for 1115 and I went in at 115 so they had to reschedule me. Ughhh now I won't be seen until April 20th.
I am sorry for your appointment. Pregnancy brains can be so mean.
I'm waiting to be seen for my appointment. I did a urine dip stick though and protein came up 2+ :/ So we will see what they say. Tomorrow is my echo. Also get results from glucose test today. Ball of nerves.
Good luck with your scan.
AFM. Since yesterday have a toothache. I did not have it over 10 years. I called my dentist this morning right away and I have to be there at 3 o'clock. I am terrified, I hate dentist.