Had my regular ob check up yesterday and GTT. (so stressed out about how it would make me feel/taste - thankfully no probs!) Generally I'm there an hour. So I tried to be smart and drink the glucola on the drive in, figuring by the time the hour is up and im due for the blood draw I should be done with my appt. Well of course theres no one there, I get in within 5 min. Dr comes in like 5 min later, tells me my urines perfect, bp is perfect, recent labs perfect. asks if there any questions. (we had none) And she said: "no, too easy, really no problems??" haha I guess she expects more issues out of a high risk lupus patient. Baby girls heart rate is super steady at 140 ( its been that literally every visit since like 14 weeks) Anyways, I was out of my appt in less than 20 min, so we had to sit almost a half hour to get my blood drawn.

That's what I get for trying to be efficient. ah well. Since I had been trying to watch my sugar intake, after the test my hubby took me to get a steak & shake mint oreo shake to share! He's the best.
Painting the nursery today!!!! So excited.
And I think we've decided on naming our daughter Delilah! Not sure on a middle name yet, probably still stick with Nadine.
Livvy - I feel you on the Charlie horse, had a terrible one Sunday, and my calf is still kinda sore today! I swear I entered 3rd trimester Sunday, and my body suddenly realized I was pregnant and has been achy since then. lol
Dan-O my next reg ob appt is 4/29 (onto every 2 week visits now! Cant believe I'm this far into pregnancy already!)