July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

Does anyone else find it incredible that it's mid November already! i'm not ready for Christmas yet! Too soon!! But it's only 6 weeks away! I feel so far behind this year. No decorations up yet. No Christmas smelling candles :p time feels like it's slipping away! Gotta pull out the decorations this weekend.
I know I can't believe it's only 6 weeks until christmas, although I do love the christmas season! I started shopping for Christ in August :haha: only my mums presents to get and I'm done :) apart from putting the decs up they'll go up on the 1st dec.
I can't believe its only 6 weeks! I need to get my butt to get my decorations out and finish my shopping. Only got DD one gift because I know that she'll get tonnes of stuff from family haha
I start early too. Have most bought. But it just seems to be going so quick! Always does to me though once November hits!
I can't WAIT for Christmas. Due to our last losses we are waiting until Christmas Eve to tell our family all together so I'm literally just focusing on Christmas as I'll be able to start relaxing then at 9/10 weeks.

Helps that from this weekend I've got something going on every weekend to keep me busy :thumbup:
Welcome Lucy, I understand how you feel, I have had four miscarriages and am just taking things a day at a time.

ajarvis my due date is 22nd July.

Rach great hcg!

How much folic acid is everyone taking? I have just been reading an article which says once you are pregnant you should take 600mcg but not heard that before?
Who is pregnant after a loss? I'm full of anxiety and worry. Added to the fact that because I already have a big family, and I'm old:winkwink:, I feel like it's too good to be true. I'm trying very hard to just accept that whatever is meant to be will be. It's just difficult. It doesn't help that morning sickness has not kicked in. Aside from being exhausted, and a few other symptoms I feel pretty normal.
Not to be a downer of course. I just thought some of you could relate.
Who is pregnant after a loss? I'm full of anxiety and worry. Added to the fact that because I already have a big family, and I'm old:winkwink:, I feel like it's too good to be true. I'm trying very hard to just accept that whatever is meant to be will be. It's just difficult. It doesn't help that morning sickness has not kicked in. Aside from being exhausted, and a few other symptoms I feel pretty normal.
Not to be a downer of course. I just thought some of you could relate.

I had a chemical pregnancy so i lost it literally 5 days after bfp, that was before I got pregnant with my dd. I worry all the time now but all I can do is take it one day at a time
I'm 7 weeks tomorrow and still haven't gotten ms. By this time with DD I had to have an IV twice because of dehydration. I lost 17 pounds in the first trimester with her so this time I'm shocked I haven't gotten sick. I saw the heartbeat though so I'm just relaxing and praying I'm just being spared this time lol
Hey all - so sick here. :( pregnancy sick and sick sick. My son had a double ear infection. Been rough.

Seems like everyone is doing pretty good!

I haven't even thought about Christmas yet... 6 weeks away?! I need to get my butt in gear!

I have my first ultrasound on Wednesday so hoping to see a little baby in there! I also have an appointment at the medical disorders and pregnancy clinic at the hospital here on the 26. They monitor my kidney disease and work together with my obgyn. So there are going to be lots of appointments in my future...

I am loving hearing all the name ideas ! We haven't talked seriously about it but still have names we like on our lists when we were deciding on Nate's. Likely won't decide until after baby is born though.
I also cannot believe it's mid-November. Time just keeps speeding up the older I get! And 6 weeks until Christmas!? Crazy. Is anyone planning on announcing your pregnancy at Christmas? I'd like to tell my husband's family then (will be telling my family at Thanksgiving). Any fun ideas for a Christmas family gathering announcement?

LuvallmyH, I've had one early pregnancy loss, and so I always have this little corner of my mind dedicated to worry! It's so hard not to think about all the possibilities. I'm super anxious to finally get an u/s (don't have one scheduled yet) just to know everything looks okay in there. And I'm in the same boat of not really having a lot of symptoms yet. Just extra tired and a bit of a heightened sense of smell but nothing else yet.

Oh, I'm glad some of you like the July Song Birds idea. Can we get that mom from the June thread to make us a little logo with a bird and some music notes or something cute?
We will be telling at Christmas if we can keep it a secret that long. Il be 12 weeks Christmas week so no idea when my scan will be. I'm not seeing the midwife till the 10th of December!
I need to begin my christmas shopping and get a tree and decorations and what not...would love to get most of my shopping done online...meh
i just spent 2 hours watching youtube videos of people announcing the news.:blush: my family is getting together for new years, so hoping we can hold off until then.

i am actually in the process of making a "highlights" video from all the footage taken at our wedding this summer, so my current idea is to "finish" it by the trip and then show everyone, but have it actually just start like our wedding video but then cut to video of the ultrasound or a still shot of the sonogram. that's assuming we'll get an appointment and an ultrasound before we go, so guess it just depends on the timing. could always cut to video of us holding a onsie and saying "we're having a baby!" or something?:shrug:
I think that's a cute idea jumping!

I was planning to get DS a shirt that says "this little turkey is going to be a big brother" but now that our scan won't be until after thanksgiving I am not sure what we will do for announcing. I don't think I can make it all the way til Christmas because I think I'll be showing by then! I can hardly hide the bloat as it is right now. I feel like the bloat did go down after several weeks with my first pregnancy and I felt pretty normal for a few weeks, so I'm kind of hoping that's the case this time.
Well Nausea is here. New it was coming. Enjoyed my symptom free period anyways lol. Tues, Wed, mild today. Super gross. From lunch time on. If history repeats itself will be around for a couple of months .
i will hopefully be announcing the news on christmas :)
i will only be just over 10 weeks though, i also got confirmation today that my doc will be sending me for my first ultrasound beginning of december hoping all is good :) he didnt want to send me now because i would not see anything and he didnt want to cause me worry.

my plan to announce is to give each grand parent an envelope that has a piece of paper that looks like a receipt but for it to say their package won't be delivered until my due date
Hi can I join? I'm cautiously expecting july 24th for now.

I have a history of miscarrying at 6/7 weeks but I don't want to prevent that from letting me join in. I'm adament this ones not leaving me before july even if it means sewing myself up!!

Yay hi again Lucy!! ;) PMA all the way!!

Welcome Lucy, I understand how you feel, I have had four miscarriages and am just taking things a day at a time.

ajarvis my due date is 22nd July.

Rach great hcg!

How much folic acid is everyone taking? I have just been reading an article which says once you are pregnant you should take 600mcg but not heard that before?

Sportysgirl! You are here too, I didn't realise! Fabulous news congrats on the new (and sticky) pregnancy!

Who is pregnant after a loss? I'm full of anxiety and worry. Added to the fact that because I already have a big family, and I'm old:winkwink:, I feel like it's too good to be true. I'm trying very hard to just accept that whatever is meant to be will be. It's just difficult. It doesn't help that morning sickness has not kicked in. Aside from being exhausted, and a few other symptoms I feel pretty normal.
Not to be a downer of course. I just thought some of you could relate.

And luvallmy, I thought you must be in the July group as well! And you are! Yay!

Yes plenty of experince with miscarriage here, as you know lol.

This is my 12th pregnancy (I have two children) I refuse to mope though, I just take each day as it comes and hope for the best :flower: I'm getting on a bit also :haha: 38 after xmas!!!
Love all the cute announcement ideas! We are way way beyond that now so it will just be a quiet word once we get past the nt scan (boring I know lol)

As for Xmas, nothing done at all yet, not one thing!yikes!!!!
We've talked about it but nothing set in stone as its so far ahead for us!

We're thinking of announcing on Christmas Eve where both families are together for a meal and having custom Christmas cards delivered with 'auntie' 'uncle' 'granny' 'grandad' etc on them and by then no doubt I will have paid over the odds for a private scan - infact I might book one today, I do it every time I'm pregnant and its a full refund if cancelled within 48 hours of the scan -so with a copy of the picture.

Hmmm so much to think about!

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