July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

Harley quinn....so true about the caffine. My morning tea was my fix. Got my BFP...cut that right out. Course...along with that (maybe not correlated but I think so) I then couldn't go to the bathroom anymore, tmi sorry. So being pregnant or stopping my tea...halted! So past two days...decaf tea, back to being regular. Lol. I had tried yogurt...oatmeal...nada worked.
Hey cdex!!

Wish there was a was to measure that baby is getting what they need! I'm so bad about making sure I get my calcium...iron...protein. I'm trying really hard...but it's not easy. I'm on the go from 4am to 7pm so I pack my meals. Most days I realize it's all veggies and fruits. Crap...protein....Need protein
Iv been eating like a pig the last few days ha ... I have noticed though that greasy foods are upsetting my tummy. Got pizza and chips last night and I paid for it after and this morning . So for that reason I will cut back but I don't plan on changing too much. My last pregnancy i was addicted to chicken wings . The thought of them now is making good me hungry ha . I went from like 8 stone to 10.5 full term haha and had a 8lb baby . Starting off at 8 stone 6 lbs this time
Harley quinn....so true about the caffine. My morning tea was my fix. Got my BFP...cut that right out. Course...along with that (maybe not correlated but I think so) I then couldn't go to the bathroom anymore, tmi sorry. So being pregnant or stopping my tea...halted! So past two days...decaf tea, back to being regular. Lol. I had tried yogurt...oatmeal...nada worked.

Couldn't function without tea or coffee in the morning . Def not giving up my tea . Coffee maybe but there is a limit to what you are allowed have so 1 a day wouldn't cause harm
cdex67, I think you have a great perspective on eating! It's basically what I was trying to say but I used too many words. lol

But I am trying to cut back on my sweets, simply because I had GD in my last pregnancy and that means I'll be more prone to it this time as well. So I'm just trying to be proactive about my sugar intake just in case! Also, I never returned to my pre-pregnancy weight after my youngest son was born, and I reallly don't want to gain a ton of weight this time (I gained about 40 lb.s in each of my other pregnancies).

And as for the caffeine, I've also decided that 1-2 cups of cofffe a day (as in actual 8 oz. cups) is fine.
Keyval.....mmmmm chicken wings. Lol. Glad I'm not alone! Never drank coffee personally...but I'm sure my black tea had as much caffine as coffee. Decaf tea isn't that bad...so I just switched. Glad I didn't have headaches from it.
Harley...maybe that's part of my mental part. Dr told me to only gain 25lbs. So now I'm so nervous to go over. That's probably why I'm so self-conscious on what I'm eating. Fear I'll hit the 20lb mark with 5 months to go. Lol (first time mom ignorance here)
Ugh. I hate when doctors do that! My doctor has never been concerned about my weight gain. And I'm slightly overweight to begin with and like I said I gained 40 lbs. each time. Never said a word!
I am going to come and say hello :hi:
I don't really belong here per say because my due date is June 25.
However, that is due to my calculations.
I haven't had a dating scan yet so I might be in this group after all :)

Hope everyone is doing well!
I am not changing my eating habits either! I"m 80% healthy 20% not for the most part. Some days all healthy. Other days not so much. No biggie. I workout 5-6 days a week and eat mostly healthy I'm good :D Also not giving up coffee!! NO WAY! 1 cup a day though I have cut down to from a 3-5 a day person previously. Only thing I gave up was smokes and booze. ;)

I'll see about adding the ticker to the first page :D
Ooh are we july songbirds then? I'd also love to add the logo!!
Yeah I haven't changed my eating at all. I love pizza it's a major food group to me lol. I take my vitamins so baby is getting what he or she needs. Now that I have started this horrible MS thing I'm jut glad to keep anything down
I figured it out!! If Mimomma is good with it we can all use the July Song Birds image. It's now on the first page and in the post!
Has anyone got a pet who is acting strangely since finding out they're pregnant? I've got a gorgeous 11 month old pomeranian puppy and she is all over me like a RASH at the minute! Me and OH have been joking that she knows because seriously she just wants to smother me with affection when she's usually a daddy's girl
Ha yes both my pets (dog & cat) have been acting a fool lately. All over me, constantly super peppy, my dog has been going potty 2x as much as normal (i think hes just taking after me lol) I'm convinced they can sense a baby on the way. My dog LOVES babies so i don't think his excitement is going to die down anytime soon. :dohh:
Iv switched to decaf coffee but still have a few cups of tea a day. Can't do with out both. Plus tea is my comfort drink.

I'm trying to be good with my food but at the moment nothing sounds appetising and the thought of anything greasy, spicy or garlicky makes me want to vomit.
oh my gosh i just ate about half a small container of sour cream and had chips to dip in it- i wanted it so bad but now i feel like vomiting, i'm eating all healthy tomorrow that was to much!
Hello all.
I just squeeze into this group as am sure 31st. I know I'm early here but when you've had as many pgs as I have you get to know the signs. I don't know of I'll be with you for the whole journey, but I'm joining to be positive;-)
Hi all :hi:

Can I join you?

I got my bfp on thurs so just about squeeze into July. Ff puts my due date at July 25th. So excited & nervous!!

So far no real symptoms other than sore bbs and some waves of nausea. I also have a cough though so that isn't helping!!

Looking forward to popping in & sharing a happy & healthy 9 months with everyone here :)
Hi chilli!!! Welcome aboard!

k4th, congrats on the bfp and welcome!!

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