it depends for me, drinking all day i will pee as usual but if i chug water before bed (which i tend to do because it gets rid of my heartburn faster than anything) then i will wake up to pee more often, if i don't chug before bed then I sleep all night. i sleep like a log during the night, my mattress and pillows are comfy.
glad to hear your appt went well, tasha, definitely keep us posted about wednesday.
you're sooo tiny, dan-o, i look nearly 8 months pergnant and you're looking like what, 3 months pregnant??!?!?
i checked my upcoming appointments and i only have 8 left - theyre biweekly and weekly appts ... and the last appointment is on my due date and i might/might not make to that. surreal to think i have only 8 appointments left before the baby is here
this list is what i use often to check and see what i can/cant take while pregnant... benadryal and zyrtec is def approved. claritin is def approved (it doesn't say claritin is on it but their generic name is loratadine and it is the same loratadine as the Clarinex, Alavert mentioned in the chart).
hope this helps for future reference.
afm... i had my glucose test last week and i passed. my hemoglobin is a tad low (11 when it should be between 12-16). my dr told me to just get OTC iron supplements or eat food rich in iron... but i think it's because i have been lax with taking my prenatals

so i will make extra sure i take my prenatals because seeing how borderline i am on iron i think the prenatals will get me back in the standard

that might explain why i've been tired lately and so lackluster with energy... and i also got amoxicillin cuz i have had this nasty cough for 4 weeks straight and decided to just go and get the dang thing nipped in the bud! I've lost how many pulled muscles i have from coughing so hard!
now what's next in the next few weeks... gbs swab and cervix checks? that's probably not till 36w. even tho this is my 3rd rodeo i just don't remember much on exactly what's next at appointments in later 3rd trimester.