On the road to the beach for our babymoon day so excited to get away and be goof balls with my fiance crazy next year I will be doing this with nearly a one year old
Aww tonya....time is getting closer! so excited for you!
Beautifulrose....how'd you grow 1cm? That's great!!! I don't go back for another ultrasound for 3 weeks...although I have a Dr's appt Friday. I'm hoping I can last 3 weeks until I can be remeasured!
I asked at my ultrasound on Tuesday and my cervix is measuring 3.5cm. At 18 weeks they said that was pretty short, but at 30 weeks she said it is HUGE. I think that it is staying the same size because the little guy isn't pushing on it as he is transverse.
Jrepp mine was 3.2 at 18w but they said that was normal! Confusing! Anyway I'm here now at 32w even after all that heavy bleeding, so it couldn't have been that bad!
Happy baby moon babyv, hope you have a lovely time!!
I'm currently in L&D at 3cm with irregular contractions. If I dilate anymore they are gonna try and give me fluids to stop labor. I'm really scared and I'm here all alone because no one wanted to come unless I'm in "actual" labor.
I've went to 4cm so they are admitting and giving me something called pracardia and a shot every 4 hours to stop my contractions. Thanks for the thoughts ladies
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