July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

Had a bit of a confusing day yesterday. After having on and off soft stools, occasional diarrhoea and stomach cramps for 12 days I rang the hospital for advice and got told to go to the GP.
I managed to get an appointment the same day but just as I was leaving home to go I went to the toilet and lost about 2 inches of my mucas plug with blood in it. I still went to my GP and he sent me straight to hospital.
After being fully checked out then being on the monitor for babies hb and contractions I got an internal from a dr who said that I wasn't dilating and she was happy for me to go. She couldn't explain how I lost some of my plug and I don't understand how I can if I'm not dilating.
This morning also reminded me that the initial issue isn't resolved either!! Day 13 and counting!
Have a moment to update now -

Appointment went ok - good news and bad. My blood pressure is high but stable (good) but I have more protein in my urine (bad). I have kidney disease so it is a sign that my kidney function is decreasing. I'm getting lab work every few days to monitor and I also know the signs to watch for. I go back on June 2 for an appointment (unless of course my results are even worse with the monitoring), I have an ultrasound next week (I'll hear when tomorrow), another appointment on June 9 and then I will be induced at 37 weeks on June 11. They want to try and get Puffin to full term but after that point, the risks for me will be too much to carry on the pregnancy.

So just praying things stay stable and we get to June 11! If not, I'm sure everything will still be ok. Sooo… one way or another, I will have a baby in about 2 weeks!

I am sorry for the mixed news, you got. I hope Puffing will stay in until the 37 weeks and that is only 3 weeks for you! It's crazy. You will have your baby very soon. Finger crossed that June 11 is your day!

Thank you all for thinking of me :) I'm still in the hospital but my contractions are under control with this medication I'm ok. Still 4cm and 60% effaced so no change which is good. My Dr wants me to get to at least 36 weeks which is 8 days away and then they will let me go into labor. Hopefully all is well with everyone I have to read back a bit as I just got my laptop and have been having B&B withdrawals lol. I'm so happy because my nurse let my DD spend the night with me and I missed her so much. She said technically she wasn't supposed to so I feel blessed she made an exception.

Ah, so we are counting the days down until you are 36 weeks. I hope these 8 days will fly and your little one going to stay where he is now. Missing your DD can be hard! Keep up Rose!

He is so cute I got to see him in 4D again! Love his little face! He is a BIG boy lol 5lbs 4oz 90th percentile for height & weight! His kidney got a little worse so now I have a referall to a pediatric urologist to discuss it and if its any worse at my next scan in 4 wks they are going to move my c-section up to aviod damage to the kidney. She said the worse case is a surgery to remove the little tissue that causes the urine to get backed up on that side but that they will scan him in hospital and he may need antibiotics there still time for it resolve or it may fixed itself when he is born!

Again, I am sorry! I hope you are not too nervous about it but I would understand if you are!
What a cute little face he has!

Babyv, so sorry to hear his kidney got worse. Hopefully it will resolve itself or you can fix it with antibiotics after he's delivered.

I just got back back from my non stress test and the baby's fluid levels have gone up, thank god, so we're back to just once a week appts. There was another girl there getting tested who was 35 weeks and she had no fluid, blood pressure was high and had protein in her urine. They sent her straight to labor and delivery to induce labor. I started tearing up and I think I was more upset about it then she was. She was very calm and they said her baby was fine, it's just time for him to be delivered. I cry for everything these days lol!

All these emotions are so hardy to handle with. I can cry on everything as well, and sometimes I feel so silly because of it. I am glad the fluid level is better so you can "relax" a bit about it. Still weekly appointments are good control! You can start finishing all the preparations!

Had a bit of a confusing day yesterday. After having on and off soft stools, occasional diarrhoea and stomach cramps for 12 days I rang the hospital for advice and got told to go to the GP.
I managed to get an appointment the same day but just as I was leaving home to go I went to the toilet and lost about 2 inches of my mucas plug with blood in it. I still went to my GP and he sent me straight to hospital.
After being fully checked out then being on the monitor for babies hb and contractions I got an internal from a dr who said that I wasn't dilating and she was happy for me to go. She couldn't explain how I lost some of my plug and I don't understand how I can if I'm not dilating.
This morning also reminded me that the initial issue isn't resolved either!! Day 13 and counting!

I heard that losing part of the plug is rather normal from 25 weeks on because it is produced again. But having blood in it could be indeed sign of dilating. It's good they check you and everything is fine with the baby.

Well, I start to feel crap :(. Morning sickness is back, I feel sick every morning and sometimes after I ate as well, and the last couple of days I had to throw up as well. I still have 8 weeks (I hope) to go and now it is getting heavy.
I am tired a lot and walking my son to school every day is not fun.
But I got everything for the baby yesterday. Now I need to start washing everything and decide what to put where :)
Medzi-I hate to hear about your kidneys acting up, but wow 2 weeks!!! That's right around the corner! Exciting stuff! :D

Rose-Glad to hear you and baby are ok! And that's so sweet that she let your DD stay with you. I hope all continues to go well!

Lucy-I'm glad you got checked, but that is really confusing! Are you going to go back and talk to your GP about the diarrhea?

Khatif-I hope the MS eases up for you. I'm sorry it's back. :(
Beautifulrose- Hang in there I hope the next 8 days go smoothly my best friends baby was born at 36w 3d she had to stay 9 days but has been doing awesome and is now 3 months old!
Hi ladies, I haven't read back too far but rose I'm glad things are staying the same.

I had a midwife appt today and was officially diagnosed with pregnancy hypertension. They did blood work and are talking about possible induction between 37-39 weeks. I go back next week for another appointment. Baby boy is head down, quite far. She said she could feel his head but couldn't move it which means he is tucked down nice and low into my pelvis. I'm sort of hoping I go into labor before induction. Otherwise everything is good.

Dan-o my next appt is June 3rd.
Oh also, my feet are soooo swollen and they hurt really bad. My PUPPPS has mostly cleared up and i have really bad carpal tunnel.
Aww Medzi, that is such exciting and scary news at the same time! How great that you only have to wait 2 more weeks for your baby! Hopefully things will improve with your kidneys after the baby is born. Hugs!!!:hugs:

Rose, I'm glad they're keeping a close eye on you. How exciting your baby boy will be here before you know it.

Codex, I've had carpal tunnel for the past month now too and it seems to be getting worse. I can't even bend my fingers when I wake up in the morning. Who would've thought that this is a pregnancy symptom too. Hopefully we get some relief after the babies are born.
Rose Hope everything stays ok for you

Looks like there are going to be quite a few early babies!

I had another scan with the cardiologist today, there has been no further change since my last scan with them which is good to hear but I still have to be seen weekly at my local hospital to check for hydrops/change in heart rhythm.

The plan now is a natural delivery (c-section in emergency) no further than 38 weeks, so it looks like i'll be induced by then, unless my waters break early like last time and i'm induced even earlier!

Baby then has to be taken to another hospital for a neonatal scan and observation to see how his heart is after birth. So we still have no diagnosis yet but i'm comforted that he is still fine and I now have an idea of whats going to happen!

Dan-o - I have a consultant/high risk scan next wednesday and cardiologist scan the wednesday afterwards!
Has anyone else's ears been popping?? My right ear pops ALL THE TIME, and I can't un-pop it so my voice constantly sounds weird... if you know what I mean?? It's driving me mad.
35 weeks today! Woohoo! 2 more weeks until term! :happydance:

I hope everyone is doing well! Glad things are being kept under control, Rose! :hugs:
Livvy I find that my ears get blocked up more easily now, usually after I've been laying down for awhile. I can unpop them pretty easily though for the most part. Sometimes it's hard though. That is the worst feeling though, when you can't unblock your ears and you can't hear well.

Happy 35 weeks, Srrme!
Hello ladies! :wave: havent posted in a few weeks, been super busy, but have been following along. Where to start.....

Tonya congrats on your beauties!! Our due dates were a day apart, so I showed my hubby your girls pics and was like. This is what our girl looks like now. A real fully formed baby! He was excited. Lol

Cant wrap my head around the fact in just 2 weeks were going to start having more birth announcements! Such an exciting time!

Im forgetting so much of whats gone on here, sorry for what im missing.

As for my crazy couple weeks.... the 8th I had the girls throwing my baby shower and mom and mother-in-law over to finalize things and get decorations all done. My bff (who happens to be my husbands cousins wife) told me she just found out that day shes preggers!!! So beyond happy. Our hubbys are 6 months apart and now our babies will be 6 months apart! :happydance:

12th-13th went on a mini vaca with a few other young families to Kalihari in Ohio (the largest indoor water park in the US) we rented this amazing private villa and had a great time - even though the only thing I could do was the wave pool and lazy river. Lol

17th had my baby shower! It was great and we got soo much stuff! Next day organized everything and washed all clothes 0-6 months. Sooo wiped out all the rest of the week could barely function. But did manage to do both registry completions at babies r us and buy buy baby.

18th my sister had her 3rd baby. She has a double cleft/palate. We already knew that from earlier scans. But shes still so cute. Needless to say ive been over there a bunch since and babysat her other 2 kids a ton before little Ainsley made her debut.

Im finally starting to feel 7.5 months preggo. Def not complaining since ive had such a nice pregnancy so far despsite my lupus and fibromyalgia. Most of my symptoms have disappeared and ive felt almost like a normal person for the first time in a decade!

My poor pregger cousin has hyperemesis gravidarum. Really hoping it clears up some for her. Shes only about 7 weeks and is worried about losing her baby. Shes very petite, 4 ft 10 in and about 85 lbs to start, so losing weight would not be good. Praying she has some relief soon.

Phew sorry for the incredibly long winded post, im sure ive forgotten other crazy things going on.....ah yes I did. Ive started on 2x weekly non stress tests. So not happy. My pregnancy has been completely problem free, but since high risk dr (who I only saw once as a formality at 14 weeks) recommended them, my OB says I have to. Had my first yesterday and baby was so active the tech came in and from across the room said "whoa your baby is super active, the dr will love this" psh yea duh I couldve told you that. :dohh: im going to tell dr tomorrow im only doing one a week, 2x is unnecessary. Delilah is so active, I would be very aware if someyhing was wrong or her movements decreased.

And now ill shut up. Heres my handsome and I at our baby shower :cloud9:


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Hi all! I haven't been on here in a few weeks. It's been insane!! I'm due July 29th. Next OB appointment is June 11. I've had a really easy pregnancy. I live in the central valley and we are gearing up for our first heat wave. I've been dreading this since December! ! Any other mommies to be due around the 29th? Would love to have a buddy to talk to. Even though its been an easy pregnancy so far would like to talk to someone closer to my due date. Just getting really anxious for the end.
Ok ladies, I think I need an intervention. I am completely obsessed with my baby registry! I check it like 10 times a day to see what people have bought and am constantly adding and removing things, checking to see if items are still available in stores and reading reviews. I think something's wrong with me lol! I told my hubby I wasn't going to check it anymore but it's just getting worse as my baby shower gets closer. Someone needs to take my internet access away!
Hello ladies! :wave: havent posted in a few weeks, been super busy, but have been following along. Where to start.....

Tonya congrats on your beauties!! Our due dates were a day apart, so I showed my hubby your girls pics and was like. This is what our girl looks like now. A real fully formed baby! He was excited. Lol

Cant wrap my head around the fact in just 2 weeks were going to start having more birth announcements! Such an exciting time!

Im forgetting so much of whats gone on here, sorry for what im missing.

As for my crazy couple weeks.... the 8th I had the girls throwing my baby shower and mom and mother-in-law over to finalize things and get decorations all done. My bff (who happens to be my husbands cousins wife) told me she just found out that day shes preggers!!! So beyond happy. Our hubbys are 6 months apart and now our babies will be 6 months apart! :happydance:

12th-13th went on a mini vaca with a few other young families to Kalihari in Ohio (the largest indoor water park in the US) we rented this amazing private villa and had a great time - even though the only thing I could do was the wave pool and lazy river. Lol

17th had my baby shower! It was great and we got soo much stuff! Next day organized everything and washed all clothes 0-6 months. Sooo wiped out all the rest of the week could barely function. But did manage to do both registry completions at babies r us and buy buy baby.

18th my sister had her 3rd baby. She has a double cleft/palate. We already knew that from earlier scans. But shes still so cute. Needless to say ive been over there a bunch since and babysat her other 2 kids a ton before little Ainsley made her debut.

Im finally starting to feel 7.5 months preggo. Def not complaining since ive had such a nice pregnancy so far despsite my lupus and fibromyalgia. Most of my symptoms have disappeared and ive felt almost like a normal person for the first time in a decade!

My poor pregger cousin has hyperemesis gravidarum. Really hoping it clears up some for her. Shes only about 7 weeks and is worried about losing her baby. Shes very petite, 4 ft 10 in and about 85 lbs to start, so losing weight would not be good. Praying she has some relief soon.

Phew sorry for the incredibly long winded post, im sure ive forgotten other crazy things going on.....ah yes I did. Ive started on 2x weekly non stress tests. So not happy. My pregnancy has been completely problem free, but since high risk dr (who I only saw once as a formality at 14 weeks) recommended them, my OB says I have to. Had my first yesterday and baby was so active the tech came in and from across the room said "whoa your baby is super active, the dr will love this" psh yea duh I couldve told you that. :dohh: im going to tell dr tomorrow im only doing one a week, 2x is unnecessary. Delilah is so active, I would be very aware if someyhing was wrong or her movements decreased.

And now ill shut up. Heres my handsome and I at our baby shower :cloud9:

I'm 5'0 and started the pregnancy just at 100 pounds. I also have hyperemisis. I would throw up for quite literally 6-7 hours a day, but it has now widdled down to 3-4 times a day. It does suck quite horrendously, but some advice would be to eat through the throwing up. It does seem to make it worse than it might be, but at least some nutrients would get into her system and get to the baby. The baby would probably be fine living off of your cousins reserves, but it really helps to eat knowing that you are going to throw it up later.

Hi all! I haven't been on here in a few weeks. It's been insane!! I'm due July 29th. Next OB appointment is June 11. I've had a really easy pregnancy. I live in the central valley and we are gearing up for our first heat wave. I've been dreading this since December! ! Any other mommies to be due around the 29th? Would love to have a buddy to talk to. Even though its been an easy pregnancy so far would like to talk to someone closer to my due date. Just getting really anxious for the end.

I'm due the 28th unless this little nugget decides he isn't going to flip. I'l be your buddy
Joy I totally did the same! I would update my hubby every time something new was purchased. Lol thankfully hes a good sport. Its just so exciting though!!
Hi all! I haven't been on here in a few weeks. It's been insane!! I'm due July 29th. Next OB appointment is June 11. I've had a really easy pregnancy. I live in the central valley and we are gearing up for our first heat wave. I've been dreading this since December! ! Any other mommies to be due around the 29th? Would love to have a buddy to talk to. Even though its been an easy pregnancy so far would like to talk to someone closer to my due date. Just getting really anxious for the end.

I'm due the 31st! :)
Ok ladies, I think I need an intervention. I am completely obsessed with my baby registry! I check it like 10 times a day to see what people have bought and am constantly adding and removing things, checking to see if items are still available in stores and reading reviews. I think something's wrong with me lol! I told my hubby I wasn't going to check it anymore but it's just getting worse as my baby shower gets closer. Someone needs to take my internet access away!
Oh my! Have your DH change the password for you? If you really do want to stop obsessing... ;)

As for me and my diaper buying habit, after counting all of the ones I have here in the house, I totally forgot about the Honest diapers I had ordered online and are waiting for me at my mom's house across the border. :dohh: I am seriously DONE buying diapers until baby is officially in a size 2! lol
Haha you ladies make me smile, my obsession has been clothes for some reason I was trying to plan the whole first year of his clothes lol After going crazy over 6mo/9mo clothing at carters this past weekend I promised myself no more until he is starting to fit some of it lol my shower they totally took care of size 3mo so I needed to have some fun! Tonight I washed all the blankets and newborn/0-3! I'm so tempted to set everything else up but I gotta get through one more week when we shampoo the carpets then no holding back lol.

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