Hello ladies! :wave: havent posted in a few weeks, been super busy, but have been following along. Where to start.....
Tonya congrats on your beauties!! Our due dates were a day apart, so I showed my hubby your girls pics and was like. This is what our girl looks like now. A real fully formed baby! He was excited. Lol
Cant wrap my head around the fact in just 2 weeks were going to start having more birth announcements! Such an exciting time!
Im forgetting so much of whats gone on here, sorry for what im missing.
As for my crazy couple weeks.... the 8th I had the girls throwing my baby shower and mom and mother-in-law over to finalize things and get decorations all done. My bff (who happens to be my husbands cousins wife) told me she just found out that day shes preggers!!! So beyond happy. Our hubbys are 6 months apart and now our babies will be 6 months apart!
12th-13th went on a mini vaca with a few other young families to Kalihari in Ohio (the largest indoor water park in the US) we rented this amazing private villa and had a great time - even though the only thing I could do was the wave pool and lazy river. Lol
17th had my baby shower! It was great and we got soo much stuff! Next day organized everything and washed all clothes 0-6 months. Sooo wiped out all the rest of the week could barely function. But did manage to do both registry completions at babies r us and buy buy baby.
18th my sister had her 3rd baby. She has a double cleft/palate. We already knew that from earlier scans. But shes still so cute. Needless to say ive been over there a bunch since and babysat her other 2 kids a ton before little Ainsley made her debut.
Im finally starting to feel 7.5 months preggo. Def not complaining since ive had such a nice pregnancy so far despsite my lupus and fibromyalgia. Most of my symptoms have disappeared and ive felt almost like a normal person for the first time in a decade!
My poor pregger cousin has hyperemesis gravidarum. Really hoping it clears up some for her. Shes only about 7 weeks and is worried about losing her baby. Shes very petite, 4 ft 10 in and about 85 lbs to start, so losing weight would not be good. Praying she has some relief soon.
Phew sorry for the incredibly long winded post, im sure ive forgotten other crazy things going on.....ah yes I did. Ive started on 2x weekly non stress tests. So not happy. My pregnancy has been completely problem free, but since high risk dr (who I only saw once as a formality at 14 weeks) recommended them, my OB says I have to. Had my first yesterday and baby was so active the tech came in and from across the room said "whoa your baby is super active, the dr will love this" psh yea duh I couldve told you that.

im going to tell dr tomorrow im only doing one a week, 2x is unnecessary. Delilah is so active, I would be very aware if someyhing was wrong or her movements decreased.
And now ill shut up. Heres my handsome and I at our baby shower