Ahh Rose Congrats!!! So great hes doing well! Yay baby time!
I ended up in labor and delivery also last night. I was having braxton hicks (no pain/bleeding) for the last 4 days quite frequently, but sporatic. Yesterday they started around 2pm and just wouldnt quit no matter how much I rested or how much water I drank. By 5 I was having them every few minutes. Did some googling and it said if youre before 37 weeks and have more than 4 in an hour (I had 10) to call your ob. Soooo I did and she said to go in just to make sure I wasnt dilating. Of course by the time I got there and they hooked me up they had slowed down to 4 in an hour. Midwife checked and cervix is 3.5-4 cm long, firm and closed. So after 3 hours they let me go home. Still having a bunch today but just going to talk to my ob at my appt tuesday.
Having my maternity pics tomorrow!
Jrepp I have BCBS of michigan. The upgrade was $175. Kinda steep but weve saved so much in other areas (free oak crib from coworker, free bassinet from friend, etc) we figured the better pump would be worth it since we want a couple more kids.

I ordered it wednesday and its due to be delivered monday!
Medzi and cdex hope babies stay put a little longer.
Have fun at your baby showers ladies!
Dan-o I have appts 6/2 - ob & nst. 6/4 - nst. and 6/8 - growth scan Thanks!