Uh, I can imagine that was not the news you wanted. I hope you can make the baby flip. How do you feel about c-section?
Thanks! I'm hoping he flips on his own. I was reading the Spinning Babies site today, and it seems you aren't supposed to do the "flip a breech" exercises if you have high blood pressure, and mine is starting to spike at times. So, not sure I want to actually try any of those maneuvers! I will go for the ECV on Friday morning. I feel okay about a C-section; it would actually be nice to know what day baby is coming! But my doctor also mentioned something he called a "flip and drip" where they do a version and then immediately induce labour. If baby doesn't flip on Friday, then I might ask if we can try that around 38 weeks.
Raquel, hooray for you last day of work! Mine is pretty soon too. Looking forward to that for sure! I hope you can sleep better while being off work.
Thanks for the labour story, Joyofmylife! Love reading those!
k4th, I'm sorry baby is not in position any more. Same thing happened to me... little stinker went breech. Hope you can manage to flip baby! And I also have distasis recti (also not sure how to spell it... lol). I've had it ever since third tri I my first pregnancy. I didn't realize it could affect pushing during labour. I was still able to push really well in both labours. In fact, with my first little guy it was 2 1/2 hours of pushing and the nurse who was there said I was one of the best pushers she'd seen and was very impressed. So, don't let anyone tell you that you won't be good at pushing because of it!!!
Happy 36 weeks, Bubbles!
Srrme, I hope you can get some good sleep before baby arrives! (And after too!)
Tonya, that sounds downright exhausting! But totally worth is because they are so cute and precious!!!
I hope you can get some good sleep soon. And good luck with picking names!
babyvaughan, your fiancé sounds like quite a guy! Way to put a ring on it.
Alea, I hope baby settles down so you can sleep tonight! Sounds like baby is already practicing for when it's outside the womb! Ha.
Rach, I hope your ankle heals soon. That stinks.
AFM, I'm doing pretty well. My work threw me a surprise shower yesterday, which was very nice. Wasn't expecting any showers as this is our third baby (and third boy). Got a Babies R Us gift card and was able to use it to order a moses basket and rocker stand. That was the last "big" thing we needed - a place for baby to sleep! So blessed.