Dano, congratulations. He is perfect. Our labours sound very similar. My waters were broken at 7.30am and we got stuck at the same (2cm) from then until 3.15pm. I was gutted. DH was just about to go (it was his Nan's funeral) and then I started baring down we had gone from 2cm to birth at 4.02pm so 47 minutes later.
I can't share photos on here atm, the mirror has done an article about us without permission and I'm sad about it. I know some of you've added me on fb but I've had about 100 friends requests lately so bump your messages to me and i will accept you so you can remain part of our journey xx
I haven't had chance to read through what I've missed but wanted to let you all know that Isaac was born yesterday via c-section weighing 5lb 1oz. He is currently on the neonatal unit and receiving oxygen but stable and well.
Congrats Lib!
Jrepp thanks yes I did know that. I was more excited about my cervix softening, and the fact that things are moving along well.
Lib and medzi hope the scans go well next week.
Tasha, thats wrong they did a story on you without your permission. Can you get some sort of compensation for that?
Nice to see all the other mamas on here that havent posted in a while!