July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

Dano, congratulations. He is perfect. Our labours sound very similar. My waters were broken at 7.30am and we got stuck at the same (2cm) from then until 3.15pm. I was gutted. DH was just about to go (it was his Nan's funeral) and then I started baring down :haha: we had gone from 2cm to birth at 4.02pm so 47 minutes later.

I can't share photos on here atm, the mirror has done an article about us without permission and I'm sad about it. I know some of you've added me on fb but I've had about 100 friends requests lately so bump your messages to me and i will accept you so you can remain part of our journey xx

I am sorry for that Tasha! It is horrible and you do not need this crap right now. I hope you can do something about it. How are you doing and your little miracle?

Jrepp, yes, I do think it was a sign and really meant to be that they couldn't fit me in for the ECV yesterday. This is indeed my third baby, and it does feel like he still has some room to spin around on his own. The nurse yesterday also recommended a good chiropractor in town who specializes in prenatal care and might be able to help get my body into a more favourable place for baby to flip. So I will see if I can get an appointment there soon. I feel good about the decision to just wait.

Are you trying to flip the baby?

Congrats lib! And what a great name ( ds is isaac &#128522;)

I'm so gonna be the last one to birth....

We have almost the same due date so we are going to wait here together :)

So far I know that he will be on oxygen until Monday. Then they are going to scan his heart again. I feel much better knowing he is ok, waiting days between scans was driving me mad recently! I'll try and put up pics when I can.

Oh, I will thinking of you. I hope you get all good news on Monday. Keep us updated if you have time!

Congrats Lib!

Owen has a scan for his heart scheduled for Tuesday. Keep us posted on Isaac!

Tasha that is awful about the story :(

I will thinking of you tomorrow and waiting for the news. How are you?

I wrote that last question and he decides to move all over. ...so nevermind about that one :)

Hehe, they are making a fool of us all the time :). I cannot wait to hold my little one so I don't need to worry about her inside. Of course, there will be several other things to worry about :)

Mamabee not sure yet, I will know more tomorrow since they are transferring my care now to an OB who I think will set a date, it all happened fast

I am sorry to hearing it. I hope you can be "happy" with the OB and his decision!

Do we have a Facebook group? I am 35 weeks now. 3 more weeks left until the school of my son is over and we have some free time to relax.
My son's birthday is at 8 July we will celebrate it at the 11th. After that I ready for my little girl to come.
Wow srrme that sounds like the most perfect labour and delivery, truly wonderful :cloud9: thanks for sharing, I absolutely love reading birth stories <3
Srrme, what a nice birth story. You made it sound easy and beautiful :). I am happy you had a good experience at home, as you hoped.
We are going to have so many babies over the next few weeks!

OB appt for me this afternoon, not expecting anything fun yet. :coffee:
I'm having trouble with a post Dural puncture headache, basically I've lost a bit of spinal fluid through the hole they made in my back (had spinal block to have retained placenta removed) and the lack of pressure causes extreme head and neck pain.. I went back to hospital yesterday daytime but came home again last night. I may have to have a little repair if it doesn't resolve today.

Aside from that we are doing amazing. Came home after just 24 hours, Quinlan has been just like a normal term baby in every way, he definitely planned to come early all along I think! I feel so blessed and lucky! I feel totally fine as well, no damage down below (amazingly!) blood loss average, no pain, very contented.. it's just the awful head when I move. Very frustrating!

My milk has come in and done its usual thing, I have epic engorgement today, poor boy doesn't know what to do with It all, I swear he was sighing as I was trying to encourage him to take just a bit more earlier!! :haha:
Tasha- sorry to hear they write an article without your permission, that's just not right.

Srrme- lovely birth story! Glad it went well for you.

Dan-o- your headache sounds awful! Didn't realise such thing could happen..worries me a bit with my spinal next week. Glad you and baby are doing well tho.

Afm- 38 weeks today :) only 7 days until my section!!! and I still don't have my hospital bag packed yet.. I'm terrible I just can't find the motivation :( I've been cleaning to house like a mad man but my bags not packed and nor is the kids for when they go to the mil's Sunday.

My boobs are so sore tho! :( feels like I've been in a vice.
I'm having trouble with a post Dural puncture headache, basically I've lost a bit of spinal fluid through the hole they made in my back (had spinal block to have retained placenta removed) and the lack of pressure causes extreme head and neck pain.. I went back to hospital yesterday daytime but came home again last night. I may have to have a little repair if it doesn't resolve today.

That sounds awful! I hope you get better soon! I am happy to hear that you are guys doing so well!
Glad your little man is doing well dan-o. Sorry to hear about the spinal side effects, hope it repairs itself!!

I feel like I've still an eternity to wait lol. 4 weeks, 2 days & counting to due date!!
Sammy I wouldn't worry too much, it's rare, less than 1 in 100 and usually only if they have to go in a few times. I'm just unlucky I guess :haha: they can repair it but it can mean some backache afterwards, so they try pain meds and rest first x
Hi everyone! Hope all the other babies are doing well! Isaac is completely off oxygen support now and they say his heart is stronger too. He has begun to be screened for cardiomyapathy too. I got to change him for the first time this morning! I'm on 2 hr pump duty for feeding atm, tiring!
Great news about being off the oxygen, lib!! He must be getting stronger every day now!

Srrme, your birth story really comforted me! I'm not necessarily nervous about labor, I just have no idea what to expect as everybody's experiences can vary....always nice to read a positive and calming story where everything turned out perfectly!!

I hope you feel better soon Dan-o!!!! Are you on complete bed rest or just told to take it easy???

AFM- I'm feeling so so crampy this morning. If I wasn't pregnant I would swear I was on or about to be on my cycle. I'm even off my food (which does not happen...my OH began to take this very seriously when I turned down a bite of his breakfast:haha:). Taking it easy today at home and wrapping up a term paper. Oh joy!!
Glad to hear you guys are doing well, dan-o! I hope the issue resolves itself so you don't have to have another procedure done.

LIB, that's fantastic news! Sounds like he's getting stronger now! :)

Amherst, I've felt crampy like that this past week myself, like I'm about to start AF. Hoping that's good news for us both! FX!!!
I am with you ladies on the cramping. I had really really really bad cramps last week but realized that it was the 17-18 and my period would have been here (I have continued to cramp at AF and ovulation per usual despite being pregnant) but the cramping has continued. I am also getting these feelings in my crotch like being stabbed with a taser on the end of a knife. Has anyone else experienced that?
Dano- I'm glad things are going so well besides the headache that sounds awful!!

LIB- That's great news, glad your little guy is being so strong :)

AFM: Tomorrow's my scan that decides if he's coming out even earlier! Not really nervous just ready to know whats happening and see how big he has become last time he was 5lbs 4oz at 32 weeks I'm curious if he is still a big guy or not lol. Our hospital bag is officially packed and we assembled the swing/bouncer over the weekend :) We just need to clean the car out again and we're ready!!
Are you trying to flip the baby?
Yes, kind of. I have been doing some of the "exercises" on the Spinning Babies website, but now it feels like baby has shifted and I'm not sure if he's head-down or not. Feels like he might be oblique or transverse now. But I'm not going to continue the Spinning Babies techniques in case he is head-down because it could get him to flip back to breech! Just going to wait until my doc's appt on Thursday to see what position he's in and go from there.

We are going to have so many babies over the next few weeks!

OB appt for me this afternoon, not expecting anything fun yet. :coffee:
I hope you have a good appointment!

I'm having trouble with a post Dural puncture headache, basically I've lost a bit of spinal fluid through the hole they made in my back (had spinal block to have retained placenta removed) and the lack of pressure causes extreme head and neck pain.. I went back to hospital yesterday daytime but came home again last night. I may have to have a little repair if it doesn't resolve today.

Aside from that we are doing amazing. Came home after just 24 hours, Quinlan has been just like a normal term baby in every way, he definitely planned to come early all along I think! I feel so blessed and lucky! I feel totally fine as well, no damage down below (amazingly!) blood loss average, no pain, very contented.. it's just the awful head when I move. Very frustrating!

My milk has come in and done its usual thing, I have epic engorgement today, poor boy doesn't know what to do with It all, I swear he was sighing as I was trying to encourage him to take just a bit more earlier!! :haha:
Ouch! I've heard those puncture headaches can be awful. :( Hope it either goes away or they can repair it for you. And hooray for lots of milk! :)

Afm- 38 weeks today :) only 7 days until my section!!! and I still don't have my hospital bag packed yet.. I'm terrible I just can't find the motivation :( I've been cleaning to house like a mad man but my bags not packed and nor is the kids for when they go to the mil's Sunday.
I don't have anything packed yet either! Well, I have a list for both my hospital bag and the kids' overnight bag for the in-laws, but I only have like 1 or 2 things actually in the bag. Gotta get on that!

Hi everyone! Hope all the other babies are doing well! Isaac is completely off oxygen support now and they say his heart is stronger too. He has begun to be screened for cardiomyapathy too. I got to change him for the first time this morning! I'm on 2 hr pump duty for feeding atm, tiring!
Great news! Man, you must be tired with that feeding schedule. Hang in there!

AFM- I'm feeling so so crampy this morning. If I wasn't pregnant I would swear I was on or about to be on my cycle. I'm even off my food (which does not happen...my OH began to take this very seriously when I turned down a bite of his breakfast:haha:). Taking it easy today at home and wrapping up a term paper. Oh joy!!
Hmmm... sounds like your body might be getting ready! Exciting! Have fun with the paper... I'd rather deliver a baby than do that! :haha:

I am with you ladies on the cramping. I had really really really bad cramps last week but realized that it was the 17-18 and my period would have been here (I have continued to cramp at AF and ovulation per usual despite being pregnant) but the cramping has continued. I am also getting these feelings in my crotch like being stabbed with a taser on the end of a knife. Has anyone else experienced that?
Yes, I get the taser feeling sometimes! Usually when I'm walking around, and often just after I've gone pee. So might be different than what you're experiencing, but it does feel like a taser! I keep thinking of a thread I saw on here once, in either the second or third tri forum, called "Vagina lightning." LOL.

Srrme, thank you for sharing your birth story! Sounds like it went really well for you! So glad!

AFM, as I mentioned above, I think baby has switched from breech to perhaps oblique or transverse? His kicks/punches are all on my right side now, rather than down low as before. I realize this is still not a good position for birth (I believe they usually treat oblique or transverse the same as breech?), but good to know baby has room to move in there. Just waiting for my appt on Thursday to find out baby's exact position and make a plan from there. :)
Congrats Cdex and Dan-o! Such precious babies!! So happy thing went well.

Srrme- Amazing birth story!!

LIB- great news on him coming off the oxygen!! praying things continue to be stable for your little one! <3

So happy for everyone!

Countryblonde- I am right there with you! I have 4 1/2 weeks left! We can all still talk to one another :)

AFM - I had some cramping last night and a contraction but just 1 and it went away. But man it lasted a good 30 seconds!

We got a pool over the weekend since it is going to reach almost 100 degrees here in Oregon this week! Got my hubby a wallet for Father's Day, he really needed one and liked it! We also had a bbq at my sisters for the Dad's :) Such a great weekend!
LIB, so happy to hear your boy is off oxygen.

Dan-o, hopefully the headache resolves itself. You know, you're the second person with a spinal block that I know has had it. I do wonder if it isn't quite so rare?

Srrme- thanks for the birth story. so amazing.

sammy - so close!! you'll get everything ready in time.

as for me, last consultant appointment today. Induction booked for 2 weeks from now if baby doesn't make it out on its own. I've been taken off the section list as fibroid moved, sugars are ok and essentially not hypertensive. What a turnaround from 20 weeks ago!!!!
My doctor said cramping like your period is your uterus practicing/preparing for labor! I don't get it so often but like once a day. I was 1 cm last time curious what I'll be on wednesday!
I had a doctor's visit today and things are progressing SO SLOWLY. :( I'm not even quite 1 cm dilated yet. Sigh...
Babygirl, a pool sounds soooooo nice! Enjoy!

timeforababy, what a turnaround indeed! Are you happy about the change?

Aw, Livvy, don't be too discouraged. I think especially with your first baby, the dilating doesn't really mean a whole lot at this stage. I know it's hard because so many ladies have been having their babies early in this thread, but I bet we'll end up with a number of overdue ones too! Hang in there! I'm sure your body will do what it needs to do when the time comes (i.e. when baby is good and ready). :hugs:

Well, my doctor has been trying to reach me today but we keep missing each other on the phone! I have no idea what he's calling about so it's driving me a little crazy over here!

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