Good evening ladies! I think & hope & pray I'm supposed to be here. I took a dollar tree test on Friday that was faint, and a FRER this morning that was super faint. So hoping a big bright BFP will be in store for me in the next few days!
I have PCOS & haven't had af since July, but I had what I thought was IB the 7th & 8th, now realizing it was probably ovulation spotting. DH & I were on vacation & DTD a lot, so hoping we our finally getting our rainbow baby! I "calculated" what I thought my due date might be, so looking like it might be beginning of July. =)
A little about us, I'm 28 & DH is 27. This is will be our second child. I was pregnant last year, and found out around 20 weeks that our DD wouldn't survive, I had low amnio fluid. The doctors thought she had T18, but after she passed at 24 weeks, they think it was due to pre-e.
I will keep y'all updated.