July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

Ahh lovely weight khatif!!

Good luck today baby girl :)

Raquel - glad it's not just me hanging around. How are you doing with the waiting? I'm struggling tbh :( I'm barley sleeping & have bad pelvic pain. Hope it's not much longer for any of us!
Congrats poppy!! She is gorgeous!!

Heaven sorry to hear you ate having a bit of a tough time adjusting to two. I hope it'll feel easier soon and that the babyblues pass asap (hate those!).

Tbh I am also a bot worried about adjusting to being a mom of two instead of one.

And still waiting as well. 40+3 today duhduhduh. I am feeling pretty ok except I have no energy whatsoever (which is impossible with a toddler) and some hip pain. But the waiting is hard, I never experienced this with my son.
I've run out of steam as well. Very little energy most of the time, not much sleep at night and lots of naps in the day. Bub is still wriggling around enthusiastically, though, so perhaps is overly content in there. I've also become oddly emotional in the last day or so and the slightest thing can set me off crying. I know that the crying pregnant woman is a stereotype but this is totally out of character for me and hasn't been a feature of my pregnancy so I'm guessing it's some sort of final hormone surge? Seriously, I cried earlier because I thought the documentary I as watching was really good and I was impressed with it. Very odd.

I'm wondering if this will be me and hubby's last weekend without a baby. He has told me he'd like me to go into labour next Wednesday morning as it will get him out of a work commitment he's not keen on. Not sure it will work like that!
I can sooo relate to the crying Racquel!

And my DH also keeps saying stuff like that. Now he wants me to go on Monday because of some work meeting hahaha I told him if you wear a pregnancy suit for the weekend I will consider it. He was not so keen &#128541;
Middle of the night here.. feeding lo for the 4th straight hour.. can't wait for my milk to come in. Thought I would finally update with my birth story

So Tuesday morning. 5 am woke up with contractions. They were 5-10 minutes apart and 30 secs long. After 3 hours they started to slow. I sent hubby to work and they pretty much stopped completely. Feeling discouraged but tired I took a nap when ds did. At 130 my contractions started again. Still not horribly consistent so I told hubby and waited. 2 my son woke up and I went to get him and felt a familiar pop and slight trickle. My waters had gone. I got hit hard by contractions right away. By 230 we were in the hospital. I asked for an epidural.almost right away- it was so intense I didn't know how I was gonna deal with it. Contractions were coming closer and closer.by the minute. They brought me nitrous for the time being. Next thing I know they are setting up for my doctor and I knew I was not getting ny epidural. Back to back intense contractions and a few short pushes and he was born. I has no idea how much your body really takes over and makes you sound like a growning crazy person hahaha. So yeah it was super fast but we are doing well. . Jesse is starting to latch well. Just trying to get used to life with 2.children which is a little overwhelming at times
Countryblonde - fab story! How old is your ds? Hope you managed to get some sleep in after that marathon feeding session!

Aelyana - I'm just one day behind you. 40+2 today. I have no energy either & could sleep all day (if my pelvis would allow it!) but no rest when you have another one!! When did your first arrive? My dd came at 40+1 so I'm feeling really down about waiting longer for my second.

Raquel - I'm sooooo jealous of your daytime naps!!! I wish I could have some of those! Hope the tears are a last hormone surge and a sign that things are beginning to ramp up. I've been thinking "is this our last weekend without baby" for the last three weekends *sigh*. I'm being induced next Friday though, so it's definitely our last one without some hospital action!!

Going to try having a hot curry tonight. I did read it's the garlic that does the trick so I've been checking out the menu this morning & we're going to have a South Indian garlic chicken tikka. I've been putting off the curry for fear of what consequences it might have for a midwife :blush: But I'm getting desperate! Anyone else trying any eviction methods?
K4th I am totally in the same place as you are! Ds came at 39+6 so this is unchartered territory for me as well. which doesnt help I don't think because on some level it makes you not expect to go overdue no?

I already tried the curry thing (never even considered the consequences for the midwife &#128513;).
Haha sorry that last part was DS. I was going for this smiley &#128513;.

My midwife says the only other eviction methods that may actually work and are safe are dtd (which I mean let's just say I don't feel times are desperate enough to try that measure haha) and staying active (not even gonna address that one &#9786;&#65039;).

If I make it to Tuesday they will strip my membranes... Is all I got out of them so far. Are they doing anything for you?
Aelyana - I totally expected not to go over! Partly because of dd's date - but also because I'm high risk & at the beginning of the pregnancy they talked about inducing early. As time has gone on, they've slowly changed their minds & are now happy to keep waiting. It's good that my risks are currently well managed - but to go from early induction to being overdue really sucks. I wasn't mentally prepared at all :nope: if I haven't gone by myself, they will induce me next Friday at 41+2. That at least gives me an end point!!

Lol @ dtd as an eviction method. There is NO WAY atm!! :rofl: and I'm keeping as active as I can - I'm forever bouncing on my gym ball - I don't think I've sat on a real chair for about four days now!

One of my neighbours (60ish year old bloke) suggested a hot curry, hot bath & hot sex - in that order. If I wasn't a whale & hugely uncomfortable - him making this suggestion would be enough to put me off!! :rofl: I didn't know where to look! And I don't know how I'll look him in the eye again :haha: :haha:
Hahaha k4th that is hilarious about the neighbor. :haha:

Hope things are going well babygirl!!
K4th &#128514;&#128514;&#128514; that is so hilarious &#128518;&#128518;.

well I guess we can add that to the looong list of inappropriate things people say to pregnant people.

But going from possible early induction to being overdue sounds like a hard thing to wrap your head around (though it is great that they are managing your risks). I hope things will soon get going for you!

My induction date is 41+6 tho they have booked me in for assesment at the hospital on Friday as well, to decide on induction options and make sure baby is still happy in there. But tbh I can't bear to think about having to wait that long
Hey girls! I have a daughter!!!!

Elysia Aria was born at 10.15 am this morning after an intense lengthy - ish labour but extremely fast second stage. She weighed 9 pounds and 7 ounces. She is gorgeous and I love her to bits. My boys love their little sister. I still can't believe I had a little girl, after two boys I was so expecting to have a boy.

After my sweep yesterday, I started contracting properly around 11 pm yesterday. We went into the hospital at 1.30am and was measured at 3 am at 4cm dilated. I was having extremely strong contractions, back to back in many cases - they were measuring them on the trace as I was not dilating up. By 7am I had only dilated to 5cm, so they broke my waters at 8am. Things amped up then and I had some morphine. At around 9.50 I felt like I needed to push and got on the bed at around 10am. 15 minutes pushing and I delivered Elysia. So a mixed labour experience. She is so worth it though.

Yay congratulations poppy <3 Had a feeling you'd pop after you posted your lovely bump :) Sounds like it went well in the end. Mine was similar with the stop start thing, very odd! Anyway, congrats again, gorgeous!!
Hudson James born today at 7:51am via c section . 7 lbs 5 oz , 20 inches long! Everything went well,although I'm in quite a bit of pain still :-/


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Congrats babygirl he is so handsome!! I started feeling a lot less sore by day 3 after my C-section hang in there!!
My little guy is 15 days old now, things have been good just exhausted from night time breastfeeding! My C-section scar was glued shut with a new type of glue, I had a reaction that all 3 doctors who looked at it yesterday had never seen. They had me use hot compress to pick off the clue and they are hoping steriod cream with make it go away basically red bumps everywhere that spread to my stomach and upper thighs! On a happy note my little man who lost 8% birth weight in his first 24 hrs is now way over achieving I got him up to 8lbs by 4 days old and today 11 days later he is now 9lbs 12oz all breastmilk makes me happy and encourages me to keep going because bfing is exhausting and I'm not enjoying it lol. Also we had to take him for catheter/dye test where they take xrays of his kidney & bladder :( it was so hard to watch but we got amazing news. They were doing it to figure which condition he had but the test came back perfect and in 3 months after a rescan we will be released from the specialist care! :) so relieving to get that answer!
Congrats babygirl!!! :) he is cute!

Babyv that's great news, you must be so relieved! Sorry about the reaction though, ick. Hope that clears up super quick.
I totally am with you on how hard breastfeeding is. It's exhausting being on call 24/7, plus my boobs always hurt/tingle... Sigh. Plus pumping when I go back to work. :/ not looking forward to that. And doing it for a whole year or so!!!
I'm sorry but I need a mini rant/vent.

I'm so tired of postpartum right now. Super emotional about everything. My two year old wants pretty much nothing to do with me, which just makes me wanna ball. My oh and I keep arguing over stuff because we sre both over tired.. I'm feeling so overwhelmed right now... mama's with more than one please tell me this gets easier
Hey ladies congrats to the new moms, hugs to the ones that need it. Here i am at emergency because my lo didn't put on any weight in the last 5 days. I know he is feeding well he is peeing and pooping like a champ. But he appears too still be a bit jaundiced so here we are getting him checked. I'm feeling so bum about it all he has latched like a champ. I'm hoping it's all due to the last 48 both of us being sleepy and perhaps he isn't feeding enough. So frustrated.
Hudson James born today at 7:51am via c section . 7 lbs 5 oz , 20 inches long! Everything went well,although I'm in quite a bit of pain still :-/

Congrats on your boy. I was supper sore after my section as well but like someone else said by day three I felt better . Take your pain meds it will help.
Babygirl - congratulations!!! He's gorgeous! Hope you start to feel better soon

Babyvaughan - great news about the kidney scan :happydance: you must be so relieved!!

Livvy - I found bf hard with dd - hang in there I switched to formula at 6 weeks because I'd done my best & couldn't do anymore - she's a perfect 4 year old now. Do whatever's best for you hun when you're back at work.

Countryblonde - :hugs: :hugs: I don't know about being a mum of two yet (!!) but it has to get easier. :hugs:

Mkhewson - hope it's nothing to worry about & you're sent home soon :hugs:

Afm - curry didn't work, just brought tears to my eyes it was that hot! I'm still waiting.... :growlmad: Back to the gym ball *sigh*

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