July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

Congrats babygirl, what a beautiful babyboy!

Countryblonde sending hugs your way!! I also have no experience yet but am told it gets loads better once baby settles into bf and has somewhat of a rhythm. Hope you have some help and manage some sleep.

Great news babyvaughan!!
The day the milk comes in - on the one hand, your baby gets a nice proper feed with the rich milk. On the other hand, the pain of feeling you have two rapidly growing bowling balls up your bra. The only time after having kids your boobs can stand up perky without a bra.
The day the milk comes in - on the one hand, your baby gets a nice proper feed with the rich milk. On the other hand, the pain of feeling you have two rapidly growing bowling balls up your bra. The only time after having kids your boobs can stand up perky without a bra.

Yes lol. Glad thats normal, the "perkiness"
I'm sorry but I need a mini rant/vent.

I'm so tired of postpartum right now. Super emotional about everything. My two year old wants pretty much nothing to do with me, which just makes me wanna ball. My oh and I keep arguing over stuff because we sre both over tired.. I'm feeling so overwhelmed right now... mama's with more than one please tell me this gets easier
:hugs: It does get easier. For me, each postpartum transition has been a little different (i.e varying degrees of emotion). So far this pp transition has been worse than last time, but not nearly as bad as the first one. It does get easier! The baby will eventually start sleeping longer stretches, which means you will get to sleep longer, which means you will have an easier time processing your emotions. But that big hormone flush that happens that leaves us so vulnerable emotionally, that just takes time. Until it's over, I've just been trying to be very honest with DH about how I'm feeling so he knows that I might start crying at any minute! (poor guy) Also, our strategy for sleep has been this: I try to let him (DH) sleep as much as possible at night while I wake for feedings and settling baby back down. I only ask for his help at night if I REALLY need it (like I am on the verge of tears or about to fall asleep while trying to hold baby). This way, he is well-rested and can take care of the two older boys while I focus on baby and try to sleep during the day too. Might not work for you guys, depending on your schedule and when/how much your DH works, but I find that it's better to at least have ONE of us get good sleep. And it just defaults to DH since he can't wake to breastfeed baby. Ha.
Congrats babygirl, what a cute babyboy!

Countryblonde, I am sorry that you have a difficult time. So do I. I just hope it will be better for you. I guess couple of weeks and it will start settle down.

It is so stupid but I have remorse for my son that I changed his world so much. I hardly had any time to play with him since Monday and everything or almost everything goes around the baby. I don&#7831; want him to feel left out or replaced. Last night I was crying almost an hour because I felt so bad.

I feel your girls about bf. It is difficult. I dont know if I have enough milk or not, if she is eating well or not. Her eating times are very irregular yet. Once she wants to eat every hour and then nothing for 4 hours. She lost 7% of her birth weight and did not start to gain in back yet, but according to the nurse the diapers and her mood is good so I have nothing to worry about but still.
I try to feed her every 2-3 hours and pump out the rest of the milks. But sometimes I cannot even wake her up.

Ladies, I know waiting is very hard. I am glad that some of you got date for induce so you can see the end. Hang in there. I am still here and reading, just writing in difficult.

Should we set up a group here or even on facebook for the babies so we can keep in touch a bit and we can share how they grow outside just as we did when they were/are in the belly?
Congratulations baby girl!!! He's gorgeous :cloud9:

Khatif I wonder if our July thread will just keep going and we can stay in touch that way?
My LO is ill again :( Well they all have been but the older two just have coughs and runny noses now.
Quinlan is very congested with swollen eyes like last time, been like it for two days now. Have resorted to the saline spray again so he can latch. Ugh poor bubba!

In other news he measured 8lbs 0oz yesterday! His body is slowly catching up with his head and length finally!! (Both tracking 91st centile but weight only 25th)

Rare moment with his eyes open yesterday!

Due date today! But absolutely no signs of anything happening, so I think it may still be a while. I'll see my doc on Wednesday and will talk end-game then, I think they're ok with me going another fortnight, but not beyond that. Bub is moving well and I'm feeling pretty good, so I don't mind going over (although Bub can stop growing now - my stretch marks are starting to get ridiculous!).

I hope people continue to post to this thread - I don't want to have to join the August one by myself! All the post-partum talk is absolutely invaluable in terms of getting to know what to expect. I hope those who are finding it hard are getting plenty of support outside of this forum, too.

Dan-o, love the pic of Quinlan, how cute! Sorry to hear he's been sick again, but great news about his weight gain.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
RaquelDee, hope your baby comes soon! Are you going to get a membrane sweep?

My little girl is 11 days old today and her feeds are so short I have been stressing that she hasn't been gaining weight, but I took her in just because to get her weighed yesterday and she has surpassed her birth weight. After a feeding she was a tiny bit over 8 pounds. Before feeding she was 7pds 15 oz. at her 1 week check up she was 7pds 11 or 12 oz. So apparently she is getting plenty. All she does is eat, sleep, go potty, typical newborn. When is it that they typically stay up longer?! And I can't wait for the 1 month mark so I could introduce a pacifier! My oldest is 3 and she just got out of that habit and I feel so weird saying this but I actually miss her sucking on her binky! She is growing up...meh.
I'm open to a Facebook group! I'm part of one from a thread from here when my first son was born and there are still many of us who participate today! It is awesome to have seen all their babies grow!

Country - I know how you feel! After Owen was born, Nate ignored me for a few days. He seemed really mad that I had been gone and now there was another baby. When we introduced him to Owen he just looked at him and said, "No." He is slowly getting used to him now and it has been better. It is challenging for sure! This time around, my DH seems to have had some postpartum depression! He is struggling with balancing his time between 2 and the fact that once one seems to be taken care of, there is still another. I'm having an easier time this time. It is tough, but it will get better! It took easily the first month for us and we are still working on things. It is really hard when so much attention needs to be given to a baby and there is a 2 year old who needs lots of time too! DH and I have been trying to give him a lot of individual attention. :hugs:
Dan-o - lovely pic!

Certifiedoreo - great news on the weight gain :thumbup:

Raquel - I'm still here & waiting! 40+5 today. I had some mild period cramps in the night & got all excited. They've completely gone now & I've had about 3 hours sleep :growlmad: how stupid of me!! Have to get up & entertain dd all day now when I just want to snooze!! & I totally agree with the stop growing/stretch mark thing - I haven't got many but they only arrived in the last few days & I had none with dd - so all my stretch marks will be from this baby going over. He/she just forfeited getting a car when they're grown up lol!!! I'm going for a walk this morning to see if I can get those cramps back - I've also tried stimulation with a breast pump, a hot curry, three sweeps & nothing! I've got an induction date for Friday. Have you tried any eviction methods yet? Will you opt for a sweep if you're given a choice?
Certified, that's an awesome weight gain!

Medzi how big is your little chunk now?

Raquel and k4th I really hope you go into labour soon ladies <3 boo to the stretches, I only got mine with my first as I went overdue. Well they appeared afterwards actually which was even more annoying!! X
Congratulations to all the new arrivals!

Apart from severe lack of sleep and a naughty 4 year old, we are doing well here.
Isaac has finally passed his birth weight and on friday he weighed 6lbs4oz at 5 weeks old! He's still quite tiny, but his weight gain has really picked up recently. I have to take him to the hospital for a review today as his bilirubin levels were still high at the last test.

Tomorrow is his follow up appointment with the cardiologist, I don't know if i'm looking forward to finding out more or not. I've got a feeling we still won't know much about his condition.

I love seeing how the other babies are doing!
Congrats baby girl.

I hope those still waiting have their baby's soon. The wait must be hard.

Wahoo for surpassing birth weight. Huge deal, go babies.

Orion is six weeks old on Wednesday :shock: it's going so fast and he's certainly losing his newbornness but he's still tiny, we are still in newborn clothes and I'd say the most he is, is seven and a half pounds but that's at a push. Feeling proud that we've almost made it to the six week exclusive breast feeding milestone, only 23% manage that in the UK so seems a big deal especially as Orion has some allergies so I've gone dairy free (harder than you think, milk is hidden in every thing) and now going berry free as he is reacting to that too. Other than that he's mostly settled and happy!

As for a Facebook group, I imagine there are some not on Facebook so would hate for them to miss out?
How are we all doing? I haven't been online for a few days so feel like I have missed out on a lot!
Hey ladies! Still following along. Id like to keep this group going as well. Hoping to be able to update more soon. For the near future its get housework done while baby sleeps. (Im sure you can all relate haha)

Hope to see some more baby announcements soon.

Congrats babygirl.

Jrepp how are you doing?

Delilah is already up to 7lbs 10 oz as of friday! Gaining like a champ. Having difficulties BF. My boobs got so huge my nips couldnt keep up :/ like from an A to a D huge. Dh likes, but poor guy cant touch yet. :haha: anyways,had to pump and bottlefeed for the 1st week and a half. Was able to get in to see lactation and they recommended a nipple shield to help her atleast get on the breast. She gave great tips and its going really well. Im producing a ton and have a very fast/immediate let down which is nice for her, she doesnt have to feed very long to get full. Also our glider finally arrived and thats helped a ton with positioning as well! Thankfully its looking up, the first week was really really difficult. Baby was hysterical at the breast and with recovery and hormones going nuts it was emotionally draining. Just kept praying and telling myself its all new and neither of us know what we're doing. Lol slowly building a bond wih my daughter which is very nice. Cant wait for her to interract and smile and giggle!
Sorry for the lack of update ladies.....I've been somewhat down since my OB appointment last Thursday. I'm still here, and still pregnant. I tried the morphine sleep last Wednesday but the nurse blew through my vein, and I only got 45 minutes of the sleep that was promised to me, and they wouldn't give me more after the nurse woke me up. I went to my OB appointment Thursday and didn't have much luck there either. The OB thought my water had broken based upon the extreme amount of fluid that came out when I scooted to the end of the table so he could check to see effacement and dilation. Unfortunately it wasn't amniotic fluid or yeast infection, so I am apparently just leaking an extreme amount of watery discharge. There still wasn't any change in anything, but they did do a quick ultrasound to check and make sure the baby is head down. He actually looked like he was doing a cannon ball lol. I was too closed up to do a sweep and they won't schedule an induction until I hit 41 weeks, but I am going to try to talk them into inducing at 40+4 or 40+5 so that noone has to take time off work to be at the hospital when the little man arrives.

I've been having some different contractions the past few nights that feel like really bad period cramps in my lower abdomen (nothing up top though). My abdomen gets tight and it feels like I am involuntarily straining to push out a poop or something. Just doing what I can to try and help things along.
Tasha and Rach -- congrats on BFing even through the struggle. I applaud you ladies, it's not easy!

Jrepp, I hope for your sake baby comes soon or they agree to induce you now. What you're going through is ridiculous.

I am overwhelmed by the amount of baby wraps on the market. I want one that's basically just a strip of cloth and you can tie it different ways. Anyone have recommendations?

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