July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

Lucy, you may just ask your midwife anyway. Even if they cannot do anything I would call them.

I am not craving anything. I have no symptoms at all. I have sometimes a little bit of "something" feeling at my belly down but nothing else. It may come later if the hormons kicks in.
I'm feeling very nauseous this morning, I'm not sure if it's the pregnancy or that i've been up since 20 past 5 this morning with DD and her cousin. As far as food cravings go i've wanted a lot of savoury snacks this week, I managed to ignore it until DD's birthday yesterday, all that party food!
I haven't been to see my midwife yet this time around so don't have a number to ring.

I'm happy that it stopped, I don't have cramps or anything so my concern is minimal but I'll definitely mention it to the MW when I get round to making an appointment next week.

I spent quite a bit of time reading up and googling various bits and I'm fairly happy.
Lucy, the colours you describe do sound very much like a hematoma. Mine was similar but very heavy ( I was 12-14w tho, so I guess a bigger area to bleed from?) Hope everything's ok :hugs:
Ctso, fab news on getting the blood results finally! Fx for your next ones setting your mind at rest x
Well I think it's officially official. I'd gone pee an hour before testing and still got this almost instantly. (Stupid clear blue, seems like the first one in the box NEVER works. I had to use two of them. :dohh: )

With my prior miscarriages, I'd never seen the word "pregnant" without "not" before it. As long as my beta today comes back peachy keen (and I think it definitely will), we'll be announcing to our families on Thursday. :D


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Lucy, fingers crossed that everything resolves quickly. I hope you can get in to see your midwife to help put your mind at ease. <3
Well I think it's officially official. I'd gone pee an hour before testing and still got this almost instantly. (Stupid clear blue, seems like the first one in the box NEVER works. I had to use two of them. :dohh: )

With my prior miscarriages, I'd never seen the word "pregnant" without "not" before it. As long as my beta today comes back peachy keen (and I think it definitely will), we'll be announcing to our families on Thursday. :D

Eeek just got 3+on a clear blue i was only expecting 2-3 max
yay csto!! its such a wonderful feeling seeing the word pregnant!

i'm currently sitting at work, had to run to bathroom about 3 times already because i thought i was going to be sick, i thought i was in the clear since DD i had sickness earlier but i guess it still got me :( i'm 6 weeks today so i dont know if thats when sypmtoms ramp up? all i know is i want to go home :(
yes it was an indoor pool! Dragging 200lbs of children in and out of the waves on a tube - well into lol - was quite the workout. My shoulders/arms are sore! So glad I skipped my run last night lol. Will run today though! it's pretty nice here. We have a chinook so above zero at least :)
I am so happy there are so many July moms! I can't even keep up with the thread anymore.

I wish I craved chips. I am craving nothing and don't want to even think of food. I'm throwing up all the time. :sick:

All else is good here. My DH has been in Europe since end of October and comes homes today - so happy and excited!
So is anyone else planning on not finding out the gender till baby's born? I have always wanted to wait and have it be a surprise, but DH and my mother would really like to know. So I'm on the fence now. :shrug:
I'm really nervous :( I live I'm columbus Ohio and we have really really bad black ice today I walked outside and put one foot on the steps and fell hard on my back I cut my hand up but not too bad that was about 2 hours ago and I haven't had any bleeding or cramping but I'm really nervous. I just called the on call to see if I should go to the ER .
Medzi I couldnt imagine how hard that would be. Happy hes coming home for you today! Hopefully your sickness lets up for the night :winkwink:

Livvy Im to impatient to wait till the little bub is born. Lol I'll be finding out as soon as I can!

Beautifulrose im in michigan and roads are terrible here too. Havent left the house today because im afraid to slip and fall. Black ice is the worst!
Livvy, I'm in he same boat as you. I have always wanted to be surprised and never considered finding out beforehand, but DH really wants to know and says it will be a lot easier to prepare for the baby if we know the sex, so now I'm on the fence too.

Beautifulrose, I'm so sorry you fell. That must have been so scary. It's a good sign that you're not spotting or cramping so I'm sure everything's ok. Just be careful and try to take it easy today if you can.
Rose, hope your ok, rest up today.

Lucy woo hoo for 3+ :happydance: I have a digi still to do!

We will stay team yellow, we did with our daughter and I loved the surprise!
Hi everyone!

Not posted in a while hope everyone's ok! I'm feeling so poorly at the moment, feeling sick all the time. I feel really worried that something is going to be wrong.

Got my scan date at the 22nd and terrified I won't be having a baby and will have a bad Christmas :nope:

So pessimistic but just can't help it

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