July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

Beautifulrose we're in Dayton Ohio, practically neighbors! :) Sorry about your fall, I'm sure everything's ok though since baby is really well protected in there!

Congrats lucy!! :happydance:

Well we'll see, I'd like to keep it a surprise till the end so we'll see how my resolve holds out. :)
So is anyone else planning on not finding out the gender till baby's born? I have always wanted to wait and have it be a surprise, but DH and my mother would really like to know. So I'm on the fence now. :shrug:

We aren't! We didn't with our son either. I didn't find it hard to prepare at all for him and am not worried this time either. It was the BEST moment of my whole life when he was born and DH told me he was a boy and then I immediately got to hold him. I know finding out before is exciting too, but I can't imagine finding out in an ultrasound room. It just doesn't seem to compare being able to find out at that amazing moment. But it is really hard not to! Plus, you all should find out because that keeps me going :haha:
Hi :)

Can I peek my head in, I'm due baby 4 sometime at the end of July. Not sure what the EDD is yet, but I think it's sometime between the 25th and 30th.

Still hasn't sunk in. FOUR kids. eek!
Beautifulrose I'm sure you're fine! I fell so many times with my youngest I lost count - clumsy and lots of walking/bus taking lol. The last time I was like 7.5 months pregnant carrying my then 2.5 year old up the escalator stairs. That was when I stopped carrying him lol.

I went dress shopping today for a maternity dress to wear to a Christmas party. Talk about perfect dresses to not look fat in :p covers the not there bump ha.
Medzi, I agree, everyone else should find out. ;)

Wiggler, hi and congrats!! :)
Hi :)

Can I peek my head in, I'm due baby 4 sometime at the end of July. Not sure what the EDD is yet, but I think it's sometime between the 25th and 30th.

Still hasn't sunk in. FOUR kids. eek!

Oh my gosh hi sash!
Ive woken up feeling so sick so sat downstairs trying to drink water but making me feel worse yack this is how it was with my lg too
Thanks ladies :)

Aww no Linds, hope you're asleep again now ((hugs))

ugh I am full of symptoms this time. Not used to this! Crampy, sore boobs, tired and feel sick at the slightest thing. My youngest, Sophie, puked about half an hour ago and is now wide awake so it's a nice early morning for me. That'll help the tiredness I'm sure :haha:
Hey ladies! Sorry I haven't been around much, I kind of went into a too terrified to talk about it mode for a few weeks, plus Ive been sooo stinking tired! I don't remember it being like this last time! We are staying Team Yellow again, I loved that moment of finding out at birth! Anyone love a certain phone app over another for tracking pregnancy? I've installed and uninstalled at least three already!
Thanks ladies :)

Aww no Linds, hope you're asleep again now ((hugs))

ugh I am full of symptoms this time. Not used to this! Crampy, sore boobs, tired and feel sick at the slightest thing. My youngest, Sophie, puked about half an hour ago and is now wide awake so it's a nice early morning for me. That'll help the tiredness I'm sure :haha:

i did after being sick lol hope u and kids are ok x
Good morning,

Medzi, super nice that your DH is coming home. I can imagine how much you miss him. My husband travels a lot and even if it is just a week I miss him a lot. We live in Europe and he mostly travels around here and not go too far but still he is not here then.

Livvy, I would love to know the gender of the baby. It was the with my son. At the 20 week scan they said he was a girl. But it did not feel right, I knew it was a boy and 5 weeks later I got my conformation :)

How are you BeautifulRose? Did you call ER? I am sure everything is all right with you and the baby but from now on try to be a bit more careful on the streets.

Wiggler, congratulation on baby 4!

I am fine. Only symptom I have the backache in my lower back. I decided to try to relax and let the Lord/fate decide what will happen. I cannot do anything anyway and stressing out will not help me at all. I cannot remember being so afraid of mc with my son.

How are you girls?
Thanks ladies :)

Aww no Linds, hope you're asleep again now ((hugs))

ugh I am full of symptoms this time. Not used to this! Crampy, sore boobs, tired and feel sick at the slightest thing. My youngest, Sophie, puked about half an hour ago and is now wide awake so it's a nice early morning for me. That'll help the tiredness I'm sure :haha:

i did after being sick lol hope u and kids are ok x

Yea we are good thanks, Dylan is doing great at school and the girls have teamed up as partners in crime :haha:

How are you and Lena?

I am definately finding out what flavour baby is this time, I was team yellow with DD1 and kinda team yellow with DD2 (DD1 wouldn't budge to give a good shot, and DD2 was in a bad position so we were given a cautious "maybe girl but don't buy pink" answer) and I hated it, I need to know!
I am definately finding out what flavour baby is this time, I was team yellow with DD1 and kinda team yellow with DD2 (DD1 wouldn't budge to give a good shot, and DD2 was in a bad position so we were given a cautious "maybe girl but don't buy pink" answer) and I hated it, I need to know!

i would be okay not knowing, but my husband wants to find out. so, i'm sorta hoping baby chooses to be shy so we can't get a good shot.:blush:

I like to know so I can have everything sorted quickly. We weren't going to have more so recently got rid of all the old baby stuff :dohh: I always see awesome sales on pink or blue stuff, never neutral. I want to take advantage of the sales :blush::haha:
I like to know it mostly because of the name. To find a good name for us is not too easy and I also like to speak to the baby calling it on its name :)
I have to find out. Don't really care what the hubs has to say about it. I must know. haha. Maybe we'll be team yellow for future babies, but definitely this time I'm finding out as soon as I can. :)
We have one of each flavor and so I considered not finding out this time. For like half a second. Then I remembered that I am the most impatient person on the planet. We will find out as soon as we can.

With my other two, I had such a strong intuition on what they were that I didn't even need the ultrasound to tell me; just to confirm. I even knew how much my son would weigh when he was born and told the nurses before they put him on the scale.

This time, I've got nothing. I don't even have many symptoms. It makes me nervous and Wednesday cannot get here soon enough for me to see baby with my own two eyes!

I liked finding out too because I felt more bonded with the baby calling him/her by name. Although, while this was most true with my daughter, we had a hard time deciding my son's name and I didn't feel as connected to him at first. I kept thinking about his name and not relishing him as much as I did her in those first hours. (Not that he wasn't amazing and got plenty of loving...just a different initial bonding time)

Currently, I'm with my DH family for our Thanksgiving vacation and my 2 SILs are quite pregnant (due in Jan and Mar). I chose not to tell yet and so I made my own bed to lie in, however, after a long car ride the night before, and a long day of going places and watching my kids plus my toddler niece and a ton of standing, my MIL tells me it is my duty to handle dinner with her while the pregnant women rest and recuperate. If she only knew how exhausted I was! I did it because we should serve each other and because I chose not to disclose my condition, but man was I beat. I about fell asleep at the dinner table and they couldn't understand. I guess they can put two and two together pretty soon!

*DH did do the dishes for me ;)
We are team yellow all the way!! Loved the moment of finding out more motivation to push!
Deffo finding out asap, as always! Need as much time as possible for a name, especially if its another boy!!

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