July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

Lucy sorry you had a scare, I had one too today, went to get my hair done but had to run to the bathroom before, well I had a bowel movement sorry tmi and then wiped and saw a tiny blood spot, I almost cried. But have had nothing since. They moved my scan date up though so I hope it was just from my bm since I put toilet paper up there and got nothing. Today I'll be a nervous wreck all day
Tomorrow morning at 8.30 so not far away at all.

To make it worse we visited our friends to meet their 8 week old tonight and he was just so beautiful. I want that.

Finger crossed for you!
Happy thanksgiving ladies.

Good luck for your morning scans tomorrow Lucy and Tasha xxx

I made myself a lovely big salad, ate one mouthful and that was it. I just couldn't swallow it. All gone in the bin now. :sick:
Ended up eating a couple of potato wedges and a poached egg I'd made for the kids! Not sure if that's sitting right either!
:hugs: heaven.

Dano, that's rubbish but good iykwim!?! I'm fine with any food atm but drinking anything is difficult as it makes me feel sick. It's a new one for me.
Good luck to everyone with scans coming up right away!

Welcome to the new ladies!

I'm exhausted today. Time for a nap - hopefully my little guys decides it will be a long one.
Happy thanksgiving everyone :) we announce to DH's family today and I am soooo nervous... Especially since his cousin and his wife have been married a lot longer than we have and don't have kids. I think they'll think we're crazy! Also a little nervous cuz I'm only 8+5 so anything could happen still, but we don't see his side very often-- last time was in July-- and we wanted to announce in person.
Congratulations and welcome ladies!! Happy and Healthy 9 Months to you :)
Starlight, baby Vaughan, auntie sarah and bubbles welcome!

Tasha and Lucy hope your scans go well in the morning.

Big hugs heavens!

Been to an appointment today with the consultant. It was suppose to be a follow up from my hysteroscopy!

She has decided to put me on to baby aspirin once a day.

She also did a scan and we got to see the gestational sac, the fetal pole beating away and a yolk sac! My lining is also nice and thick We are so happy right now!!!!:happydance:
Well as gross as it is the blood I'm almost positive is from the BM it happened again and hurt like hell. I'm still keeping my early scan though and monitoring everything still
Good news Sportysgirl!!

Heaveneats hope you feel better soon! Hope you have a great scan :)
Mama bee- congrats on the scan! That's awesome! Did doc say the cyst is ok?

Khatif- thank you for the ideas! I haven't had any therapy but i am
Going to bring it up with my Ob doc when I go to my appointment which is 3 weeks away! Feels like a lifetime !

I'm going to start doing yoga at home :)
Ladies I booked a private scan on Saturday I couldn't wait 5 weeks I'm going crazy xx
Hi ladies !
I was invited to join here, if you don't mind having me around !
I'm due July 6th, with 1st baby. I'm 35 year old, I'm french, married with an American. Got my 1st scan tuesday and heard the heartbeat! Didn't announce to anyone yet... but it's very hard !! I want people to know !
Hi ladies !
I was invited to join here, if you don't mind having me around !
I'm due July 6th, with 1st baby. I'm 35 year old, I'm french, married with an American. Got my 1st scan tuesday and heard the heartbeat! Didn't announce to anyone yet... but it's very hard !! I want people to know !

Welcome and congratulations!
We announced to our families today. :) I thought my mom was going to hyperventilate she was so happy. haha.
Welcome to the new girls.

Congrats on the good scans yesterday.

Good luck to those having scans today.

I had mine, we have a beautiful little baby and a strong heartbeat. I keep crying, it's been such a long road to even get this far. So happy right now.
Well I have a little 3mm grain of rice with a heart flicker! I'm so shocked I just wasn't expecting it. It's in my right horn which looks like my smaller horn (I have a bicornuate uterus) so they're arranging a consultant scan for me which they said to expect in 3 weeksish.

I'm really in shock

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