July Mommies Club x

HI girls,

Hi Peanut - I'll add you to our list honey x

Gem - I know how you feel chick. We've had the same thing here. Think it must be cause we're emotional and over sensitive, and men are being men. Normally we'd just ignore it, but cause we're always tired we cant - hence the scraps!
Sorry to hear he's being silly. My OH is being silly too. This morning he called Lilah a nause and shouted at her for crying!! She woke up at 2.30am and didnt go back to sleep cause of tummy ache, so I was up all night. When she got up at 6.30 (OH had been asleep for 7hrs straight) he stomped about and left her to cry while doing her bottle - waking me up again. I ended up shouting at him. We're freinds now, but I was so bloody annoyed! OH has no work either and as WOS said its such a strain. Poor us all!!

Elley - I think my dizziness is due to stress! Lots going on here and its taking its toll. Been having flashbacks and bad anxiety about everything that happened in hospital. Ive decided to start taking anti anxiety pills to combat it before it gets too bad (been there after williams birth and it wasnt nice) Hopefully they'll work soon enough.

Oh yeah, I made me offical complaint about the hospital. Will let you know when they write to me.

Gotta put tea out. Hope you're all well. I miss chatting to you all - wish we had more time\!!!!

hi girls... just a quick message to say hi and that I am getting internet back tomorrow! woooo! xx
Hi WL!

Shelley - Sorry you're stressing abou the hospital stuff. Good on you for putting in a complaint. :hugs:

What is it with our other-halves? We had it out the other night, because as wonderful and supportive as DH was for the first 6 weeks, things have 'dropped off' in the help department. It's like he now consideres Max to be my job and thinks I should have it all down-pat by now, and he's gone back to working very long hours and setting up his laptop the second he walks in the door, and taking calls through dinner ahhh! (His job does call for some of this, but I think some work-life balance is called for!). :wacko:

I've been trialing baby slings today but found them so un-stable. Felt like I would lose him, lol! I have a baby bjorn but Max always vomits in it!

We went to our second baby massage class today and Max loves it. He is facinated by the other babies, like 'what are those strange looking things?!'
hi all i know what you mean about OH mines so driving me mad ive been worried this week.....oldest started secondary school on monday....middle one started nursery today and my youngest had 8 week injections yesterday and got a cast put on his leg today to try to correct his talapies what a week (fingers crossed it works) and all he says to me is im saft for worring when hes going to sleep ( wish i could sleep like he does )hes just such a PRATT when i do finally get to sleep he wakes me with his snorring honesly i could just kill him well try to dont think ive got the energy to at the moment but now ive gotten that off my chest maybe i can try to dream ive done it LOL
just nice to have somewhere to moan really
anyways hope your all keeping well
maybethistime text and asked me to let you girlies know she had aaliyah weighed the other day and she's now a grand 12lb 2oz - well done hun!!! :happydance:
Ben got weighed on Wednesday at 5 weeks and 4 days old and he weighed exactly 12lb. I think my HV s about to tell me he's fat though lol
Ben got weighed on Wednesday at 5 weeks and 4 days old and he weighed exactly 12lb. I think my HV s about to tell me he's fat though lol

Wow! That's impressive. Max is now 13lbs but he's 8 weeks. Our midwife calls him 'The Tank' lol.

Hello to everyone :)
So, what kind of routine/sechedule, if any, do your LOs follow?

Max is all over the place, sometimes feeding every 2.5hrs, others 4 hrs, sometimes naps for 30 minutes, other times 2 hrs.... often not at all or for 10 minutes.... kind of frustrating because it's so hard to make plans to do anything as I never know what he'll be doing/needing, or when he's upset if it's hunger, tiredness, something else. Always trying to figure out how long he should be staying awake for, how to feed at this or that time so he gets to bed at another time, should I wake him for a feed before I go to bed etc.?

I feel so confused! :wacko: Anyone want to share what they do?
Katie has no schedule whatsoever - it's impossible to wake her if she's having a good sleep. I just feed her when she wants (which like Max has no consistency to it) & she sleeps when she wants. I am gonna try & get her in a routine soon, but I haven't a clue how I'll do it!!! :wacko:
well...we have a bedtime routine but no daytime one just yet!
bedtime is bath at 7:30 followed by milk then short story or song and then bed. she seems to work well with this and we only have problems if she's overtired in which case takes longer to settle

ideally i wanted her to nap during day at roughly set times (e.g. 10-11am and 3-4pm) as she wasn't napping at all really. i now realise the reason she wasn't napping during day is she will only sleep if cuddled - once i put her down no matter how deeply asleep she is she soon wakes and screams so despite my best efforts daytime naps are taken on me cos i feel she's too young for sleep training

have read interesting theory on here today on another thread that babies of our age should be roughly in three hour cycles, e.g. feed at 7am, nap at 8:30am and then ready for next feed about 10am...if thats the case then no wonder isabel sleeps well at night cos she misses a lot of sleep during day!!!!! :shock:
Ben's is roughly

Wakes at 7.30am as dad goes to work get's fed and has play time for a few hours

9.30am Cuddle time and sleep

11.30am Downstairs (if we aren't going out) for more play time and a feed

1-1.30pm More sleepy time or just cuddles.

3.30pm wriggle time and feed then sleep

5.30 more play time when daddy comes in from work

8pm Feed and then more play time then it's off to sleep

12am Last feed before we have a full night's sleep.

Then we start it all again at 7.30am

Ben got himself into his own routine so i just went with it and it works really well but if we are out and about he's ok with it changing i think we are all just going with the flow.
Hello Ladies, Hope everyones doing well,

Nice to read about babies getting into routines, Alex doesnt have one during the day at all but at nights he goes down about 9ish and thats him till 5 or 6am well it has been the past few nights so fingers crossed.

Guess we are all coming to the dreaded injection time.......
Alex is a bit grumpy after getting his injections today, how long does the grumpiness last? They did say up to 48hours.
Hello Ladies, Hope everyones doing well,

Nice to read about babies getting into routines, Alex doesnt have one during the day at all but at nights he goes down about 9ish and thats him till 5 or 6am well it has been the past few nights so fingers crossed.

Guess we are all coming to the dreaded injection time.......
Alex is a bit grumpy after getting his injections today, how long does the grumpiness last? They did say up to 48hours.

Hey hon!

Hope you and Alex are doing well. The grumpiness from the injections can last up to 48 hours.

Caidan just had his 2nd lot today. He is ok at the moment but we will see what tonight and tomorrow brings.

Hope Alex feels better soon.

Thanks Kiki,

We are both doing great, the grumps were only slight today lol. The man that did the needle did say that babies tend to react worse to the second one i do hope thats not the case.

We are taking the plunge next wkend and going away with Alex and DD to see OHs Grandma. Its the first time we will have been away overnight with Alex really looking forward to it but any hints or tips appreciated
Hey Wishing! Yep, I found you all. Actually, I knew you were here but tbh kept forgetting to come and post!

Hope you are all well!

ha ha kiki just seen caidan's aka name!!! :rofl: is it me or do they get happier once they learn to trump :rofl:
Lol! I think they do yes. Caidan gives his dad a run for his money in the trumping stakes!

How is Isabel? And how are you?

hey all hows u doing aaliyah is not in a routine yet but she is only up once when i go 2 bed then gets up bout 8 which i can live with its mad she can go for a while without feeds now thought i was gonna be feeding her every 2 hours for god knows how long lol
hey maybe - is aaliyah still frequent during the day? isabel seems to have settled into every 2-2.5 hours during day but at least sleeps through the night so can't complain! does feel like i permanently have my boobs out all day though! :rofl:

kiki - we're great thanks...though isabel was an over tired little monkey tonight so has only just gone to sleep after lots of grumbling!! i have to get iron levels checked again to make sure they've gone back to normal...hope so cos i really don't want to poop dark poops again from the tablets :rofl: is everything great with you??? x

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