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July Mommies Club x

hi girls! and welcome pimplebum! :hi:

you are all mad mad mad wanting more... lol. only joking, i think i am just less broody because i am feeling sorry for myself. still not heard yet when my consultant appt is.

Harris is amazing though, I just love looking at him! He has given us a few big smiles recently! Can't wait for the giggles to start!

wellm i am packing up getting ready to move. Broadband should be cut off in the flat soon and won't be reconnected in new house with a phone line til start of oct so if you hear from me sporadically that's why.

Am I the only one that couldnt wait to get back to nookie??

I cant get enough of it!!

pimplebum - oh and I can say never - Blake was number 6 between us and if you havent already heard my hubby is going to be grandad soon (he's 37 too!) so I think its time to stop!!

would love just one more tho! dont let him hear me say that - he'll freak!!
Gem I want to but I cant :( I'm scared of the pain too when we do eventually get down to it...which is rather silly when you consider that we gave birth :rofl:

Ahh WL good luck with the move and hope the hernia etc is sorted soon :hugs2:
No it was just a passing comment as it was Ben i was getting looked at at the time i'm going to go and get checked out next week now i have transferred back to my old doc's again. TBH though i'm getting all the same things you are including the being dizzy so i wonder what it could be?

Hey chick, I dont know whats up with us. Have a look at a website called the dizzy lounge and see if any of the posts mean anything to you. I tthink it might be some sort of migraine mixed in with a bit of anxiety. I hate these overly dismissive doctors though. Ive said all along - we know our own bodies better than them!! Let me know what you think of it xx

I forgot to mention yesterday, I got my science exam result

AN A*!!!!!!

The only one in the whole year of students! I am so chuffed girls. Especially since I was heavily PG when doing the exams, and working full time and all the rest of it. Im having a yr off before I go back though. Too tired to study ATM.

Hope your move goes well WL. Hopefully back with us soon xx

Gem - can you stop talking about nookie! Its making me feel bad as I cant begin to imagine trying right now!!!
yep no nookie yet thanks very much :shock:

:yipee: congratulations shelley you brain box! what is it you're studying towards? science degree?
Congrats Shelley! :thumbup: :happydance: :hugs:

No bd'ing for us either! I still get a few twinges if I sit down with a thump, lol! I had a lot of tearing, so think I'll give it a while longer yet. Too tired anyhow.

Max has reflux, officially now. Took him to another peadiatrician (his third), and now he has some proper medication. He's upto about 20-30 vomits a day, poor little guy. He also didn't gain any weight last week, but the dr wasn't too worried as he's such a big baby.

What does everyone do for 'play time' with your LOs?
GEM I love nookie lol just getting the time 2 do it had it 2 so far lol and cant wait till aaliyah os better so we can try agian haha sex that is no babies till next year lol

WL we will miss ya xx see ya when ya get back how will u cope hehe xx
sarah - i pop her in her chair and talk to her, make faces and stuff, or lay her on playmat and let her explore then when she seems bored i talk to her or rustle the crinkly parts and stuff, or i dangle brightly coloured toys in front of her and talk to her about them...she's now starting to copy the '0' in 'hello' cos we say it to her soooo much! its virtually guaranteed to get a smile out of her too if said in a sing song voice :cloud9:

all the best whitelilly - if you want, PM me your mobile number and i'll keep you and the others in the loop :)
Hello Ladies, Can i join?
Alex Andrew born 21st July 7lbs 7oz
Havent been around much due to Alex spending his first 5 wks in hospital havning his heart surgery which went well hes at home now and doing just fantastic.

OH and i havent had nookie as we spent 5 wks living apart, and now i am home i have my period haha no luck there.
As for another one hmmmm who knows never say never but def not be anytime soon.

Hope your all doing well xx
yay u found us :)
i haven't got first period yet...can't wait for that joy :grr:

glad alex is well x
Thanks Wishing,
My period is very weird, very light but def a period.

Have any of you guys had your 6wk check yet?
Not yet, mine will be at 7 weeks.

Just realised something - tomorrow will be my first day home alone with the bub. How weird, as he's 6 weeks old already. But DH had three weeks off work, then my family was here and just left.
aww you'll love it sarah - you can potter about and do your own thing (in between Max's demands!)
mines on september the 11th mmm not sure wat goes on with it tho, so tired afer wat happened with aaliyah yesterday but i cant bloody sleep
maybe had to call out of hours doc as aaliyah had rash and was ill...she's on road to recovery now though bless her :)
:hi: heehee, internet somehow still on??!! oh well, means i can still chat to you... been moving today but still in flat as hubby hasn;t finished doing central heating in the new house. Hopefully be in by Tuesday now.

Hopefully I should be able to access BnB on my mobile but it takes sooo long so I might just send you my no wishing, thanks! I can get facebook dead easy on my mob though too so will be able to get updates via that from you all!

Have any of you got your LOs on hungry milk? Harris seems to want fed all the time! xx
hey whitelily :) think gem has blake on hungry baby milk now...you might wanna message her about it :)

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