~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Seem to have come down with the flu. Felt super nauseated yesterday at work and thought it was just morning sickness. But last night sore throat, head ache, diarrhea and vomiting started. Called in sick this morning as I feel like death. Trying to stay hydrated and to get my diclectin down. Ugh. And of course my husband is away for the week. (we're both military)
Had my first baby brain moment today. Get ready for this... I actually forgot how to spell my new last name.

The midwife called to do an intake so they can see if I'll fit into their schedule, and she asked how to spell my last name... I blanked mid way through. We both laughed and I asked if that's what baby brain is LOL

*sigh* ah well... it means everythings progressing right???
i cant not wait till tomorrow for my sonogram eeeekkkkk!!!!! then to top it off when i thought DH wasnt gonna be able to make the first scan,He suprised me by taken off work:) YAY
I just can't wait to see my lil bean on the screen tomorrow,i know its going to be the best feeling in the world:dance:, Me & Dh have waited 2 long years to get pregnant and I just can't tell you all how much it means to me that he has really been there for me.
i never had any of this with my son father but he wasnt nobody,the guy im with now is the love of my life as im his as well/he is my bestfriend/my life/my world and im all of that is his eyes so im just so glad i wont be gettig threw this pregnancy alone.
I know my DH is a great father now to both my son & his children but now i'll get to see really good because this isnt just mine or his this baby is going to be 0urs<3

Who is ready for a Big Old Belly?!?!
I know I am I mean I know the belly can drive you nuts sometimes for those of you who already have kids know that but sometimes i wish i could just stay pregnant alittle bit longer. Then you always have a excuse to eat you still have time to buy everything to talk about the baby but im not gonna lie even know the belly is so cute I cant wait to meet my little angel<3
I am so ready for belly! I already have a tiny one! I ordered a camera today so that i could document it. I will put a picture up soon! So exciting! xxx
I am so ready for belly! I already have a tiny one! I ordered a camera today so that i could document it. I will put a picture up soon! So exciting! xxx

im gonna take lots of belly pictures too! i didnt take to much with my son,i took some but i was like 8/9months.
Me & DH wanna go get some professional pictures done when i get a nice big round belly:) lol maybe they can put some make up on my stretch mark or photo shop them out.
We have always talked about getting pregger pictures done if i ever got pregnant and now we can actually go get them done YAY!!:happydance:
I'm not ready for a belly yet! Last time it made everything so difficult, now I have a toddler who loves to me carried. I love showing, but I foresee lots of difficulties with it!

I just got an early ultrasound booked today! I go in next Friday to see my little (then) six week bean! I'm excited, didn't think I'd get in this early!
I had a scan today and doc said everything looks perfect!! The pic quality they gave me is not so good...can barely see anything, but it was great to see during the scan. Heartrate is 157- and baby is measuring 8 wks 2days, so my official due date is now June 30- close enough to a July baby :)
afm ms seems to have gone a bit :/...am praying this means nothing! anyone else had ms a little bit, ie. on saturday i felt pretty awful, then it pretty much disapear the past couple days. I've been able to eat more too. But i've still got a funny taste in my mouth so hoping all is fine in there!

I am the same way. Last week was CRAZY bad with morning sickness. I couldn't keep anything down most of the week and felt horrible. Saturday I went to a wedding, stayed out till 2AM (insane, right?), danced with friends, ate cake...felt great! Yesterday was bad again, but not as bad, I think I was just so tired from the wedding. Today I have all sorts of energy! I really don't get it lol. I have my first appointment Wednesday so we'll see what the dr says, but I'm sure it's fine to feel yuck some days and better others :) Maybe we are lucky and have already gotten through the worst of it? :thumbup:

As for me, I have the week off so I'm just kicking back and relaxing! :D

maybe although think i spoke a bit too soon, have def had to make sure i keep eating today to just about keep my tummy feeling ok! fx'ed the sickness doens't get too bad though! hope you enjoyed your day relaxing.

I lost my baby at six and a half weeks... So you can take me off of here. This was my first pregnancy so it was really scary. But God knows what he was doing and know he can take care of my baby. I hope he blesses me with a baby soon though... Praying for all of you though and I hope you all have a happy and healthy pregnancy:) Best of luck!

So so sorry hun :hugs:

Hi everyone,
popping my head back in to update. I have our first ultrasound tomorrow and I am TERRIFIED! I know I shouldn't be -all our betas have been perfect and I've had no spotting or heavy cramping. But also no MS or major symptoms...
The last time I had a scan the screen was directed away from me, the technician hit panic-mode and I was rushed to ER. Lost my bean, my ovary and my tube. So you can imagine my terror!!

I really want for this to be it. One of my worries is that they just won't tell me or show me anything - and then I'll assume the worst!

Was anyone else a little scared or nervous for their first ultrasound? I know that this is "make or break"...


Good luck tomorrow hun! xx

AFM I had my first ultrasound and we found out that we are having twins. The doctor also said she saw a clot and that I might have some spotting and that it should clear up on it's own. I did have spotting for most of the day after my appointment. Just praying and staying positive.

wow twins! fab news :D

Omg is anyone else have baby brain! I am only 5 weeks and I have been awful for the last week, can't remember stuff, forget what I am doing, feel like I have gone so dull lol it's awful. I was never like this on my last pregnancy.

No idea what I will be like further down the line lol :D

ooh yes totally have this!! sure its worse than with my son too! eeek!

I had a scan today and doc said everything looks perfect!! The pic quality they gave me is not so good...can barely see anything, but it was great to see during the scan. Heartrate is 157- and baby is measuring 8 wks 2days, so my official due date is now June 30- close enough to a July baby :)

congrats hun! june 30th could so easily end up being a july baby :D xx
Had my clinical test done and I was told a couple different dates so I have a dating ultrasound on Dec 4. I'm pretty excited. I wasn't expecting one so soon.
I am so very tired today! DD was up from 3-5 this morning anfbi woke at 6:30. I've got work for a few more hours but maaaaan!!
Hi ladies!!! I'm here at the OB sitting in the waiting room! I'm so excited!! Cross your fingers I get a scan today :D
I will let you all know how it went when I'm done!
Congrats on all the great news! All the best for those scans ladies!
Who knows we may have more twins on the way??? I was quite happy when they just found the one peanut. With my hormones so high I wasn't sure what we would find in there!
ah baby brain...with my DD I must have locked myself out the house about 5 times over the 9 months. This pregnancy the first thing I say before I close the door is "has someone got the keys?"
As for Morning sickness...still no vomits but I feel crap every day! Couldn't stand it yesterday and grabbed DD and went and filled my shopping basket with crackers of various kinds. Didn't buy anything else came home and realized we had about half a cup of milk left...oops!
Oh Lumi I'm so sorry... the good news is that we seem to be extra fertile right after!! Our mc was in September. :hugs:

Oh my gosh guys, what's wrong with sour cream?! I've never heard that anywhere!

Not sure bec...just realized your DD is a Mackenzie...same as my 5 year old niece...it's not a very common name but I think it is pretty :thumbup:

It's a family name! My husband's maternal grandmother was a MacKenzie and all the kids in his family are given it as a middle name. :) I wanted to use it as a first but he wouldn't let me. :)

deli meats are fine if heated to steaming so pepperoni on a pizza should be perfectly fine!
Libbysmum I'm the same. I've not actually been sick yet but ran to the toilet various times. I always get it in waves. I'll be completely fine then all of a sudden I feel all sicky :( when I feel sick it's awful. My partner thinks I'm just putting it on. He says "there's always something wrong" because I've been getting very bad headaches as well. They last for a short while but are very very intense.

I can remember when I was pregnant with our son he didn't let me do anything. It's changed this time though haha. Maybe when I have a proper bump I can be excused.

Also does anyone else appear to have a bit of a bump? I know it come quicker with your second but I have a small bump and I'm bloated a lot of the time. Anyone else the same? I also feels like I'm putting weight on. It's not like I'm eating loads either because I'll eat in the day at work and most the time when I come home I don't want to eat :/ just wondering if anyone else is the same xxx
Congrats to all the new mommas to be!! Welcome :)

Im having a super hard time with the morning sickness, I have NEVER had it this bad, it is awful and i got to the point yesterday where I just started crying, i just get so hungry and cant eat cause everything sounds disgusting or I vomit shortly after eating, I mean seriously I threw up HALF a piece of toast, really?? Im usually pretty positive about all this cause its beyong my control but this is really throwing me for a loop. I think its mostly cause im just SO hungry. I havent gained any weight yet, which is weird for me my other pregnancies I had gaied 4-5 pounds by the 9-10 week mark.

has anyone tried using sea bands? My friend told me ab out them and I have not heard of them but was hoping some others had good experieces with it? the sour hard candies stopped working for me, moreso because even the thought of sweets sends me to the toilet :(
Libbysmum I'm the same. I've not actually been sick yet but ran to the toilet various times. I always get it in waves. I'll be completely fine then all of a sudden I feel all sicky :( when I feel sick it's awful. My partner thinks I'm just putting it on. He says "there's always something wrong" because I've been getting very bad headaches as well. They last for a short while but are very very intense.

I can remember when I was pregnant with our son he didn't let me do anything. It's changed this time though haha. Maybe when I have a proper bump I can be excused.

Also does anyone else appear to have a bit of a bump? I know it come quicker with your second but I have a small bump and I'm bloated a lot of the time. Anyone else the same? I also feels like I'm putting weight on. It's not like I'm eating loads either because I'll eat in the day at work and most the time when I come home I don't want to eat :/ just wondering if anyone else is the same xxx

I have a small tummy, my tummy was a lot bigger with the bloat before I started throwing up, now its not super large just a small bump. My husband can notice though, I know its an actually belly when my husband notices it hehe
heyy im so confused over my hcg numbers... i had them done six days apart... @ 4weeks 1day 126,5 then @ 5weeks 2194.. does this sound okay?? im such a panik... my 1st baby was a misscarriage... i have a 16month old son.. now pregnant 5 weeks 1day :) good luck to everyone xx
Will they take another in Few days Jojo?

I'm petrified to have a scan. But I am prepared for the worst this time. I go next Monday. I should be about 9weeks so I know if they don't see a hb it's no good. I have been incessantly worried about losing symptoms.
Have my first midwife appointment tomorrow morning at 8 at the ob/gyn- I am SO nervous. Think I'm getting my early scan too, but not 100% sure. Have the pregnancy vertigo and horrendous reflux keeping me convinced all is ok, but it is still super scary. Shall definitely not sleep tonight, despite the exhaustion!!
heyy im so confused over my hcg numbers... i had them done six days apart... @ 4weeks 1day 126,5 then @ 5weeks 2194.. does this sound okay?? im such a panik... my 1st baby was a misscarriage... i have a 16month old son.. now pregnant 5 weeks 1day :) good luck to everyone xx

I would be asking the Doctor or Nurse to test them again. It would worry me silly otherwise.:shrug:

Cant do up my zipper on my favourite skirt anymore! Well I can but it isn't comfortable! Thank God for long t-shirts to hide the zipper.

All the best Lala for your appointment!:happydance:

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